VN - Ren'Py - Lustful Phone [v0.3] [Aason]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting idea - it's quite refreshing to see new take on visual novels. And it's in the same universe as other game of this author. I hope he'll keep the good work. I think our choices doesn't matter that much and affect only scene right after the choice, so that's a con :(
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Fucking awful writing. I was hoping, seeing that this is written from the POV of a woman, that this would be written by a woman. But the overly descriptive awkward dialogue makes it incredibly clear that it's just some horny dude writing whatever he thinks women talk like without a dick present. Even the dudes talk more like they're writing a literotica fic than texting.

    That's what this feels like. A literotica story. A literotica story presented as a slideshow with mediocre visual aid and no ability to just skip to the good part. I'll admit the diary system's a neat workaround to the limitations inherent to the format, but man. I can't recommend this for anything. Not the writing, the pics, the unique pov, anything. Just skip this, man.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Lustful Phone Version 0.1

    1. There's almost no content in this game, and it's basically a powerpoint slideshow. (Although, actually porting this into powerpoint would result in a better game, see point 3.)

    2. During the story, the only functional application is the gallery app, and it can only be accessed at very specific points. (The gallery itself is still accessible from the main menu.)

    3. Instead of tracking where you are in the story, the history tracks every version of the same conversation, severely limiting your ability to use the rollback feature.

    4. The story is extremely linear, and most choices have no impact. As this is version 0.1, this might change with further updates. (Some choices impact the experience of the game, such as opting out of content.)

    5. The game is heavily text based, and therefore it relies on it's writing. While said writing could be worse, it still leaves a lot to be desired.

    6. The concept of this game is somewhat novel, and it's nice to see an attempt at breaking the mold.

    7. Importantly, the game is still early in development, therefore there's a realistic chance of improvement.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Only downside is the length. Also I would like to see some more of the apps. Other then the length the writing is pretty good and its just generally enjoyable. From what I saw there aren't many images so far (<20) but with more updates that should be fixed.
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