Hello, I hope to contribute my grain of sand to the game.
-The art is beautiful, it can be improved, yes, one can always improve.
-At first it is difficult to find the areas with which you can interact, you can put typical arrows just to mark the exits or the changes of direction that are not as obvious as those on the second floor, the TV room or patio, once you know where they are it is easier for you, another thing is the girls' rooms you can put their name or a reference object to them on the door as it is easier for you now that you are starting.
-I don't know if it is done on purpose, in the mission to collect study objects, the notebooks become completely black.
-The characters can be given more life, I mean to represent a little more what they feel with body expressions.
I don't know what kind of content you'll put in the future because I don't know how you'll want to handle things, if you'll be more dirty (like non-conscious nighttime acts, NTR, Sado, etc.), or if it will be more relaxed.
Well, I apologize because I'm translating this with a translator, I don't know English and I don't know how it will be written.
I wish you the best of luck with your project, I hope I've been helpful and in the future I'll support you more and in other ways if I can.
See you later.