VN - Others - Completed - Maggot Baits [Final] [CLOCKUP]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great VN. I enjoyed the plot a lot, it was really interesting and I liked the ideas it presented. The art and characters are great. I enjoyed them a lot, they made me root for them, even the villains. One in particular made me laugh a lot (Valentions, my GOAT). It's a long story too, around 25-30 hours.

    Yes, the gore can be extreme and it has scenes that might be off-putting for some people. If you don't want to see amputations, torture, mutilations... then you should stay away. Here are some stuff that happens if you are curious Eyes gouching, getting trampled slowly by a machine, getting devoured by maggots from the inside, being burn alive, cutting the breasts of a woman, etc. I quite enjoyed all of this from a sick masochistic angle, but if you are an extreme sadist you will enjoy this too a lot.
    I would also give a warning that there is a choice early on that gets you into the "bad ending", which is an incredibly long "bad ending" with a lot of scenes. The warning is because most of those scenes are futa scenes and they turn all the characters into futas, which might upset some people. But the choice is pretty obvious and once you see the consequences you can load the save to not have to see all of that if you don't want. I had not problem with this, in fact I enjoyed various scenes a lot.

    For the true ending you need to get the normal ending first. Then you need to play the game again and 3 new choices will appear during the normal playthrough. You can skip everything until you get the choice. Check a guide to see what is the correct option in each choice. After that the story changes and you get the true ending. It's not really complicated.

    I don't have anything else to add. If you want to read something extreme with a nice story in the background, then this is an amazing visual novel. I would recommend it a lot.
    By the way, Wilma is best girl.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The content may be shocking for some, and that's often the main talking point when this game is brought up.

    The rest, however, is rarely talked about: it features a great and long story, along with superb scenes. It even includes a fully animated opening, music and all.

    If you aren't afraid of some torture porn, this game is well worth playing for the story and amount of content alone.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I used to think that Euphoria was a hardcore VN. But then I came across this masterpiece from the same developers that actually makes Euphoria seem like a child's play in comparison.
    My life is now split in two: the life before this game and after it. This experience was deeply terrifying and shocking. Definitely not for those faint of heart.
    But behind all the gore, torment and suffering, there's almost biblical story of love, vengeance and arrogance. And it's beautiful and quite enjoyable, as long as you can look past all the horrible things happening on your screen.
    Some characters are underdeveloped and only exist to suffer for viewers' pleasure. But I guess that's okay. There are plenty of others who do get enough screen time and show their growth both in actions and words.
    I'm not sure I would recommend Maggot Baits to anyone but I still think it's a great VN.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Behind any filth, gore, and cum, you will get an amazing story about love, vengeance, and justice. A must try if you can stomach all of those horrible contents, try it and you will know what its charm.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer: I'm not a fan of smut and gore and the mass majority of the CG in this VN are focused on such. So my rating while mainly focusing on the story and other elements was influenced by this. This game might be 3/5 stars if I actually enjoyed the main porn content being provided.

    The story is messy and shallow. While the game has good character design which I was fond of and I would say nice voice acting too... the story and focus of the porn content really hurt the VN as a whole from being more than a porn.

    The art is above average, I really like the different body types shown and the ocastional CG when not gore filled actually was nice. However I think the art gets wasted on less interesting points. Instead of the one bad end path in the first playthrough, the VN would have benefited from more art of the fight scenes and story. It's just a shame how little effort is put into some moments like the first time you head to the enemy base, actually having a CG of the fight would have improved that scene greatly.

    One of the biggest negative aspects for me is having to play through the game twice to get the "true/good" end. The game being linear in the first playthrough stains the experience of the second for me. It's very hard to engage a story with two endings as the first one you get leaves an impression. Instead of wasting my time I would rather be given choices in my first playthrough. I know this is common in a lot of VN but I always dislike it so can't help but state that it influences my opinion as a whole.

    Wasted characters, not only are characters severely underdeveloped but most of them are thrown away in a way that really makes me wonder why they were even there to begin with besides adding more character variety in the porn. This isn't really a problem if you're in it for the porn, but if you care about the story it's a big flaw. The game fails to connect you to most the characters, the funniest part to me is one of the antagonist actually has a more humanizing and interesting moment than most of the other characters that were on your side.

    TL : DR - This is a great VN if you're looking to get off on grotesque scenes of women being brutalized, tortured, and murdered. However if story is your main motivator to check this out then I would would advise you look elsewhere as this is a shallow and bitter ride.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    It made me cry so I have to review it to vent a bit.

    More seriously, there is two alternate story and a third one being the bad ending.
    Both of them are good but the good ending is what made me put a 5 star rating.

    Throughout the story you learn more and more about what is going on in Kajou Pandemonium, a city that turned into a hellhole of sadism and debauchery, aswell as the mystery about witches and their existence in this world.

    The CGs are really good and contribute well to the story. You may not like the majority of them if guro is not your thing tho.

    Voice acting is perfect as it highlights the uniqueness of every character personality. Hallelujaaah ! (you'll get it if you play the game :) )

    Music can be kind of repetitive at times but it was not too bothering as there is lot of different tracks.

    Overall, I was expecting skipping to CG to avoid boring stories VNs often have but I was pleasantly surprised as I got more involved in it after few hours of playing. I recommend.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is absolutely spectacular. Up there with Saya no Uta, Euphoria, and Starless. I highly recommend it to all guro fans. I definitely don't recommend it to anybody who isn't. This is undoubtedly one of my favorite VNs ever.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    First of all, this game runs in a bizarre aspect ratio for some strange reason that I cannot comprehend. While it looks like it supports widescreen, it does not run at the standard sixteen-by-nine aspect ratio (16:9), it is not even the antiquated four-by-three (4:3). It is some odd aspect ratio that is between the two I guess.

    Now as for the game itself, it goes without saying that it rather messed-up by design but that is not why I have an issue with it. When you first run, it gives you an option to disable gore which is great in theory but the implementation is quite frankly trash. All it does is visually censor the gore with black bars, but you can read (and hear) exactly what's going on which oddly enough makes it even worse. I would've preferred it cut out those scenes altogether or something along those lines.

    The game is very linear, in fact I only encouneterd a single choice in the entire game. So as far as I could tell, there are only two endings and both of them are pretty bad.
    Likes: Csomi
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Hey there, this is my first time writing a review, so sorry if it's not up to snuff. I also want to say at the time of writing this I hadn't played a solid VN in a while, so it's possibly a bit biased.

    This game is not for the faint of heart, to say the least. Not only do I the gore, but I also mean the plot itself.

    Maggot Baits is story of true love hidden being able to outshine the disgusting parts of human nature (If you play it twice. Yeah not a huge fan of having to replay to get the 'True End' but the skip button makes it bearable.) That being said, it also questions Morality, Religion and the aforementioned Love in ways that honestly fit in with a college level philosophy class. This game can be depressing, but has a powerful message that most people in this day and age need.

    To wrap up, this is a great story. Yes, it's violent. Yes, it's very morally wrong. But the message and overall story make it a good read. I highly suggest you play this game.

    (tl;dr: Great love story hidden behind fucked up shit. Worth reading if you can stomach gore and existential crises.)
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    ** Warning! Girls are getting butchered! But in the gallery you can quite easily tell apart the bloody scenes ***

    Too gore and bloody for me. Thankfully somebody shared its full save so I could have a look at the gallery. Unfortunately the gallery is muted.
    But the CG are amazing! My only complain is that there is most of the time only one position variation per scene.

    Because of the gore I would have given it only two stars, but it would too subjective to do so. If you don't mind the gore or even are into it, this is 5 stars material.

    As for the story, I can see that a lot of efforts was put up in the writing. But the gore scenes was too off puting for me to follow the story.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Clock Up has made several attempts at blending H, which is often dark, with a good story. Euphoria is an example of this done decently, whilst Maggot Baits is an example of it done excellently.

    A man, Shougo, seeks to kill the ruler of Pandemonium, whom in turn is protected by witches, armed guards and 'maggots', inhuman beasts that lust for women and prove tough to kill.

    It's a rollercoaster. The plot and H is blended very well, and the ending is just outright tragic and emotional. It's a pretty good VN, if a little needlessly wordy at times. I guess one complaint I would have is that the first real ending (the one that changes the title menu) is probably better than the true ending, in terms of emotional weight and character development. But that's just me.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It's Guro porn, but with a gripping and emotional story. The ending nearly had me tearing up it was so well done. I actually skipped most of the sex scenes to get to the story quicker. The soundtrack is just as good, with the ED being particularly beautiful.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Formerly known as Kajou City, a central metropolis of the Kantou region, it was transformed overnight into a demonic city where the supernatural runs rampant after it was linked to the swirling power of chaos from the Abyss several years ago.

    When immortal, unidentified beings called “Witches” began to appear, the government responded by quarantining the metropolitan area, and ceding the land from their sovereign borders.
    SPOILER: Extend

    Though old Kajou City became a ghost town for a time, criminals, illegal immigrants, and defaulting debtors who couldn’t make a living in this corrupt world sought refuge in the city, followed by an influx of prostitutes, black market dealers, and yakuza seeking to take advantage of them.

    After growing to a population of 150,000 over several years, the curtain rises on this tale when a certain man encounters a lone “Witch” here in this unrecognized free city known as Pandemonium.

    The wheel of destiny begins to turn for one man and the “Witches”, here in this dangerous, evil city beyond the reach of law.
    Excellent game with gore content almost cried at the end :)