RPGM - Completed - Magical Girl Celesphonia [v1.07] [Shimobashira Workshop/Kagura Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    When stumbling through the alleys trying to find yet another gem of a game, occasionally, you trip over a whole damn geode.

    This is the peak of Shimobashira works, and that's where my bias lies in terms of me just being blinded by how good I think this game is, namely in me playing this game both in Japanese (using a guide), and with a on the fly translator injecting itself through it (also not that great). So I have a lot of history that blinds me to this game in what can be it's flaws, however, it's one of the rare games that made me go through all of that just to appreciate the lewd all the more. And now it's in Kagura english, what a time to be alive.

    Anywho, onto this masterpiece.

    I'll keep it relatively brief, the game doesn't need much explaining as it's your typical three corruption step RPG but more so refined to have good build up, lewd passives as traits, curses from bosses, and an assload of scenes. For story, it's your typical magical girl kind of deal, you go to school by day, fight evil by night (or whenever it's required of you usually), and hence you basically fight sexy evil that's trying to lewd the city by being the paragon of righteousness. But since this is hentai, the MC will eventually just be as lewd as the entities fighting her and pretty much just use her dual life hijinks as an excuse to get into bang-laden situations.

    It's a hell of a corruption game. As in the beginning of course with the many events that the MC can get into, all have their respective corruption tiers that further start to degrade her the more you want to go down that path. Most events have 3-4 tiers to them (that are repeatable), and even have a means of reflecting that passively on the MC, namely in many flavor texts popping up in the corner of the game stating all the horny thoughts that start to tumble. Not only though do you get horny flavor text, but usually you also can obtain horny passives from these events that serve as traits that further influence the MC. These events are basically everywhere in the game, whether it be in the overworld as the normal MC, or within dungeons she finds herself fighting through.

    Alongside this, losing doesn't usually mean a game over, some of the bosses when losing to them will induce curses on the MC that make her all the more lewd, and with the mentioning of horny passives, this affects combat as well in making the MC more susceptible in wanting to lose. So losing either to mobs or to main bosses will usually have a scene and actual effects that pervade throughout the game, rather than just being feeling detached from the overall setting. Not to mention curses even affecting lose scenes as well (not only to just the bosses).

    The major caveat I can say though is that combat. Now, as mentioned, the combat itself does have sex scenes from it, and even features sex fighting within it, but hell, in the end it's still that accursed RPGM combat that after awhile, almost forces you to drink just to get through it. I recommend using a cheat engine if you want to skip fights but occasionally unlock scenes without forcing the game to be on easy.

    On top of that, as typical with most good corruption H-RPG's, it takes a bit to get that ball rolling on the lewds. Not to say that the beginning parts of the game are absolutely barren, but "grinding" through the corruption tiers can take a bit. But if that just sounds like a nice Tuesday afternoon then you'll appreciate this game tenfold.

    Overall this is a great game. If you liked it's predecessor Ambrosia, it's basically that with even more content, even more banging, even more corruption, all while being relatively long and still feeling like a game, but a game that doesn't want game before porn. Easiest five out of five I'll ever give, full full recommend for anyone who loves corruption HRPG's.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Shimobashira's third game:
    Didn't disappoint.

    10 / 10 - Would play again, this time fully translated

    If their previous game (Ambrosia. You should play it if you haven't!) was focused on church management, this time you play as a magical girl and the game was focused on city peace management and your fame!

    Just like their previous game, this game has 3 stages of corruption that is, in my honest opinion, perfectly paced (not too fast, not too slow) and there's a lot to enjoy on each stage so that you won't get bored.

    The only minus here was the battle fuck system, in this case Ambrosia had better system (again, in my honest opinion). But to cover that up, Celesphonia has some lewd debuffs that could lead to events.

    All in all, on every aspect, I would give it 9 and 10. Mostly 10.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    a really great H Game, i didnt expect myself to be addicted playing this, it is very open ended, it lets you do whatever you need, the H content is very pleasing and the combat is pretty satisfying, very nice work from shiobashira dev team~