After Anthesis, which was a knockout of a first go at a H-RPG, and Ambrosia which IMO cemented Shimobashira as one of the top devs in the genre, my expectations for Celesphonia were pretty damn high. Needless to say, the game has matched or exceeded those expectations quite easily.
As with the dev's previous games, corruption is most notable strength. The way it progresses just works. In a normal playthrough, you'll almost (this is still operating with H game logic, so some suspension of disbelief is still needed) believably see the main character progress from a pretty normal girl into a rampant slut, that is if that's how you choose to lead her, because keeping her more reticent to engage in sexual activity is still a viable way to play, and still works pretty well. (I have yet to do a full pure playthrough, but I hear that's worth a go as well.)
Another quality is, thankfully, the quality of the hentai. The MC's design is a great mix between cute and hot, the CG/art quality is top notch and there's a more than decent variety of events without any seeming low effort.
As a RPG, the dev didn't try to re-invent the wheel but delivered a competently made game, with a decent level of build variety and good enough combat, which to be quite honest is way enough for me in a H game, gameplay is after all not supposed to take center stage. A minor gripe I do have is that collecting materials can be a bit tedious when you don't really know where to find them. And not really a gripe, but adding H-combat in would have been a welcome addition.
The story's also pretty damn good as far as H games go, to the point where I didn't even want to skip most story dialogue.
Lastly, this is a high quality localization from Kagura Games, there were a couple bugs here and there, but the translation is great and having the uncensored art is a massive plus.
An easy 10/10 experience as far as I'm concered.
As with the dev's previous games, corruption is most notable strength. The way it progresses just works. In a normal playthrough, you'll almost (this is still operating with H game logic, so some suspension of disbelief is still needed) believably see the main character progress from a pretty normal girl into a rampant slut, that is if that's how you choose to lead her, because keeping her more reticent to engage in sexual activity is still a viable way to play, and still works pretty well. (I have yet to do a full pure playthrough, but I hear that's worth a go as well.)
Another quality is, thankfully, the quality of the hentai. The MC's design is a great mix between cute and hot, the CG/art quality is top notch and there's a more than decent variety of events without any seeming low effort.
As a RPG, the dev didn't try to re-invent the wheel but delivered a competently made game, with a decent level of build variety and good enough combat, which to be quite honest is way enough for me in a H game, gameplay is after all not supposed to take center stage. A minor gripe I do have is that collecting materials can be a bit tedious when you don't really know where to find them. And not really a gripe, but adding H-combat in would have been a welcome addition.
The story's also pretty damn good as far as H games go, to the point where I didn't even want to skip most story dialogue.
Lastly, this is a high quality localization from Kagura Games, there were a couple bugs here and there, but the translation is great and having the uncensored art is a massive plus.
An easy 10/10 experience as far as I'm concered.