VN - Others - Completed - Magical Marriage Lunatics!! [Moonstone]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    It's all around just a terrible cluster fuck of incompatible ideas that lead to the overall experience just being boring and the game just feeling cheap/lazily put together, especially the common route, once that ends it improves drastically, but it never reaches the point of being good.

    Major ISSUES
    The game sells itself on the implied fallout that would ensue as a result of a bunch of unknown fantasy world/race princesses all with very different unrelated origins(entirely different worlds) showing up, all claiming to have promised to marry the MC in the past, when he's becoming closer with his human childhood friend in a world where fantasy is just that fantasy. But what you get instead is essentially just the story of a boy suddenly being pursued by an ordinary group of local noble girls that all just recently moved nearby in pursuit of his love, because apparently he had a brief encounters with each of them when they were kids and they've loved him ever since, and it's only now that they're all confessing at the same time that they're all finding out despite being childhood friends about their other friends crushes being the same boy. Unfortunately the boy doesn't remember them... they figured realized that'd probably be the case but they love him anyway, so they're not giving up on marrying him. (Oh but everyone in every version hates the idea of "NOT monogamy", despite how badly it doesn't suit the situation or the characters' personalities to feel that way, likewise for whatever reason the girls are not proactive in their pursuit of the boy despite how badly it neither fits the situation(the premise of the game) nor their personalities to not be.)

    Different worlds implies differing outlooks on life ranging from mostly inconsequential things like interests in food/entertainment/housing to often conflicting things like morality, and different races on top of that implies even more variation ranging simple quirks related to the species to important things like survival needs/dangers and differing lifespans(vampire/succubi/god/fox/human/witch). But what the game delivers instead is a bunch of "essentially human" princesses of "different worlds" that all know each other since childhood because apparently, all worlds(coincidentally only 6 exist) except the world the game takes place in, are ruled by a single family, know of, and interact with each other to the point where the children of each of each world's ruler all grew up together, all are able to traverse worlds unaffected by the amnesia caused by traveling through worlds, all fell madly in love during their childhood with a boy they only met for a very brief period of time, to an extent where they left their worlds in search of him all without any of their other childhood friends finding out, and all fit in perfectly with ordinary humans.

    The writing is incoherent from characters(the MC being the most glaring example) to the developments(the conflicts in the story happen either at all or at least in the way that they do, for the sake of there being conflict not because the story needs conflict, or because conflicts forms naturally) it largely seems to be because the creators prioritized the story formula over the story itself.

    Minor ISSUES
    The voice acting is bad for most characters the majority of the time but you can just mute them, the characters are cookie cutter level in their writing but that's not an issue if you enjoy the mold that they're based on and the creators don't mess it up, the games formula is there's a boy and there's a group of girls the boy is going to pursue "only one", "there will be conflict", and the power of "love will resolve it", "they will live happily ever after"/the end, it's not inherently a bad formula but it needs to be well written to work.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Avatar Swagstag

    This is a David Cage game if he made anime porn. It is less of a "choose your own adventure" story, and more of "Lets watch a 20 episode anime series, where episode 1-6 is the same each season, but episode 7-20 has a different heroine, and they alter the set path some."

    It goes into some formulaic tropes, but that isn't a huge deal considering the writing and characters are really well done.

    The MC can be somewhat of a wanker in the beginning, but he does mature as you go on. Especially to fit better with your girl. This is a more romantic/optimistic story-telling style then your typical adult game.

    The biggest detractor for me is the sex scenes are a little long and too infrequent. I also dislike the background moaning, but you can just turn that down. This game gets you invested in the characters and the story by the time you get to sexy times, it's a really nice pay off... that just won't stop. You don't need the MC to cum 3-4 times each and every single scene. Maybe that is just me.

    TLDR: Super fast and easy to pick a cute, well written, and interesting girl.
    More than 2/3rds of the game changes based on your chosen girl.
    MC isn't a total bitch, and actually changes to better suit the girl.

    Sex scenes are deep into the game, annoyingly long, and a little sparse.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This should have been a much higher score.

    The female characters are all incredibly well done and have well penned personalities. The banter between some of them is really well done.

    The plot is okay too, it's not too cheesy and it all fits together.

    Then we come to the main character.

    I've read a lot of VN's and this MC is by far the weakest character i've come across. He does some of the dumbest shit i've ever seen in a game including taking a vampire to a blood donation drive along with women from different worlds to donate blood.

    The big issue there is every single time the MC says or does something you know exactly what's going to happen. The blood donation scene, we could see it was all going to go to shit before it happened. The only problem with stupidity is it's predictable and the MC is made out to be a complete moron.

    I have a low tolerance for idiocy so while the girls were all great the MC really did ruin it for me.

    Then we get the filler content at school including groups stalking the girls that never actually advance the plot and serve no real purpose other than to make one of the girls extremely uncomfortable which in turn highlights the complete moron that is the MC.

    It's a potentially fantastic story ruined by one character that holds it all back.

    Fortunately the girls are all strong enough characters to still make it worth reading but it could have been so much better.