I forgot to update my review last time, but I couldn't progress the game in the previous build because the bosses couldn't spawn, so I couldn't even give you my opinion on the shitty ant-hag in the other build. All I can say is that the phantom-tile glitch reduced, but it still does pop up every now and then in my playthrough unless I was just spamming move. (might've only been the ones that spawned, i cant remember)
I also got my general review format down now so here's the updated review
Overall though, I'd say its average, not anything special but if you like the art and H-scenes then I'd recommend it.
Generally I feel lukewarm on how combat works and I am not a fan of how exploration is done in dungeons. Combat takes place on a grid where you control w/ WASD, arrow keys, and/or mouse, though movement is fairly limited as there is a stamina bar and movement takes a sizeable chunk off it. Attacking, healing, and buffing is done through casting spells which are bound to Q and E with differnet mechanics, with Q requiring a pattern to cast spells as stamina depletes, while E requires mana from your mana gauge, and whereas the effects of Q spells is dependent on the accurancy and profeciency of the input, E is dependent on how much mana is available.
I don't necessarily have any qualms with how it works, its just not quite captivating but its not terrible either if a bit janky, I personally just upgraded the shield spell once and invested everything into the basic rock spell and I generally breezed through everything save for several enemies resistent to phys damage.
(I should also mention that the phantom-tile glitch has not gone away, I had to fight the ant-hags, 2 hags btw

and I did have 1 row locked off, but I was able to still win. It wasn't a big deal this time since I just spammed shield and stone since its lvl 5 despite them being resistent to phys damage. I still think its bullshit to fight a boss with an column aoe attack in such a cramped layout, especially 2 of them at the same time that spawn ant girls)
Exploring dungeons is done by moving your icon through a RNG maze while trying to avoid/touch skulls while collecting essence and blooms, which isn't much aside form the fact you can only see a small area around you and everything else is in darkness. I don't necessarily understand why everything shrouded in darkness when its this barebones and I would rather see where everything is and where I am going instead of bumbling around in the dark.
Aside from that, the hub is essentially a Point-and-Click setting with not much material to make it worth going back to aside from the main story, the gallery, and changing items. After a certain point too, you will be able to gain access to a forge which will let you spellbind items for an additional effect with 5 blooms or convert blooms into essence, which can be used to unlock/upgrade spells or unlock scenes at a gallery (which imo is a bit too expensive at 100).
You can also find and unlock challenges in the dungeons to make the game more difficult if you wish, and there are achievements too though you don't exactly get anything out of doing them. I should also mention that there is an area you can enter from the academy that has a vampire surivors mini-game, and while it doesn't have much to offer to keep relevent after a couple of tries, its a good place to farm blooms if you want.
While I think the dungeons are all rather generic in spite of the darkness hiding it all, I find the characters and aesthetic nice and the music is serviciable so its better than none. SFX are servicable but are generally limited to attacks afaik, and the voice acting does eeem to be decent during sex scenes. As for the story, I honestly haven't been paying attention most of the time its just AFAIK a succubus reset your progress from the previous game (haven't played it yet) and now you're triyng to open a door. I don't know why but I haven't been paying attention since story and porn don't exactly mix well.
From what I can terribly recollect, you were tricked by a succubus who sends you right back to square one from the previous game and, from there, you basically bumble around until you get to the main quest w/ the gate.
C+ or B- rating
The animation and sprites all look nice, though I generally think the female and I personally would've preferred it if the scenes were a bit rougher though that just comes down to subjective taste. The pixel art aesthtetic is decent though I would've preferred to have regular drawn art, though it doesn't spoil the lewdness as Scarlet Maiden did personally. Its decent overall, but doesn't exactly get me excited or anything.
==Suggestions and Improvements==
I always assume v1 is release version, but here are some things I think would make the game better for future reference;
- Have the 2 different genders have a bit more impact beyond aesthetics, like maybe having male doing more damage and stamina but slower regen rates, while female form is has more mana and higher regen rates but less damage.
- Have moving require less stamina or at least have a way to improve it beyond items, I'd rather not sacrifice an item slot so that I don't have to take a break every 3 tiles.
- Just let the player see the layout of the dungeon, it doesn't feel great bumbling around in the dark and I believe that there are other ways to make exploration exciting, such as secrets or finding routes to new areas like metroidvanias usually do.
- Differentiate each area by having a unique mechanic attached to them and play around with them. It does not need to be complex, it could just simply be trees in the jungle which can drop fruit for healing or behives, or avalanches to wipe out swarms of enemies in the snow area.
Its not a bad game, but I don't exactly think its good either, nor do I find myself enjoying it (nor hating it) with it. Its generally average, possibly below average after a while, there isn't much to drive you apart from some decent looking H-scenes. There are better games out there, like One Step from Eden or Megaman Battle network, but unless you do like the art and lewd scenes or this genre of game, then I'd recommend playing another game or H-game instead to satisfy that itch.