RPGM - Completed - Magical Revantia Channel [v1.0] [Sicapon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Save the Subs! Magical Levantia Channel! Is a great H game with lots of really excellently thought out mechanics and story elements. The H scenes are exceptionally well made with a lot of diverse themes, majority Hypnosis based
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Да вы ахуели? Как тут не писать подобное когда игра достойна 5 ну в крайнем случае 4х звёзд за свои сцены. Главный минус игры в том, что СЦЕН ХОЧЕТСЯ БОЛЬШЕ. Просто стадо честное слово. Я не могу пройти мимо того, как неплохой проект загубили оценки непойми кого
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    It has some absolutely amazing artwork, however, even with the games hints, it is increasingly confusing on where you're meant to go. especially when you only have two or three quests left for compleation.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewing info: How I rate/review and other info is HERE . W.I.P This sentence will not be included if review format is finalized and blog updated.
    Review layout: Lazy/minimal format (others)
    Review type: Game
    Review format: Lewds
    ✅ Great CG art
    ✅ Hot scenes
    ✅ Solid fetish selection & variety
    ✅ Some unique gameplay concepts
    ✅ Likeable FMC
    ✅ Gallery room
    ❌ Gallery unlock switch behind true ending route and with this combat this sucks balls
    ❌ Badly executed combat
    ❌ RNG
    ❌ Game over CG scenes = game over = game restart day 1
    ❌ Maxed lust = game over = game restart day 1
    ❌ Scenes & her experiences don’t seem to affect “real world” whatsoever, at least didn’t feel so (only scene progression in its small world bubble)
    ❌ If you want effective run, expect lot of save scumming or expect lot of playthroughs
    ❌ Since every week = 1 boss = replaying would take long time for alternate scene hunting if you don’t get go hunt for true end and unlock scenes or save scum at proper moments.
    ❔ Not sure of con, but lot of defeat scenes are CG wise pretty much same, just altered dialogues, but they were good
    ❔ Why my CPU is cooking on main menu?

    The good

    The CG art is great, the main character is hot and likeable. The scenes are amazing with great fetish selection. Story is fairly straightforward and easy to digest. Gameplay offers interesting concept of magical girls getting power from their fandom, essentially power by idol ideology, thus all battles go through “streaming”. The more subs you have, the more power you have, thus do more damage and have various bonus effects. Great concept, sadly in practice how everything is executed in gameplay, it's rather bad.

    The bad

    THE GOD BOLLOCKSING RNG ASPECT OF THIS GAME. There way too much of it… the world has too much stuff bound to RNG element. Whenever u trigger certain events or not, whenever you get certain items/currency or not.

    World RNG I didn’t mind that much… but the damn boss fights RNG factor of them being affecting on certain skills and whenever your skills to counter them are effective enough… which is ABSOLUTELY abysmal if you hunt for “clean” run and true ending… So many fights were damn obnoxious, and certain fights bug out. I got pretty much to the end of the game, until certain boss just went from progression 0 to 100 after fight, thus making me generate 100+ lust per day…

    In the end, even without RNG, finding proper combat patterns and then praying to RNG God to not fuck you over. Was simply not fun. After 2 bollocks gameovers and then reaching insta 100+ lust per day for no bloody reason. I decided to simply cheat myself a lot of good and bad followers to boost my stats and damage to easy mode rest of the fights to make true ending route still viable…. And pop -500 lust pill every day.

    In conclusion

    Honestly…. A game with great art and amazing use of kinks. Has great gameplay concept but HORRIBLE execution. Seriously one of those H game, where I can safely recommend to just unlock the gallery and enjoy the scenes instead… and spare the pain of RNG and the combat of this game. No clue why I tortured myself to ALMOST legit finish this game…

    Total Score: 5/10
    Game status:
    ✅ Finished
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    As others have said, the gameplay is quite bad, i personally absolutely love the writing and the pacing for the scenes though and the art is great, i would recommend just picking up a gallery save and checking out all the scenes
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Game had interesting ideas but terrible execution on actually teaching players what they had to do. The h-scenes are decent but there might be some fetishes included that you might not be into, fair warning. This is firmly a cg room game, don't waste your time
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Confusing game with even worse Gameplay. I recommend not wasting your time on this one. One turn on any action is such a stupid concept, plus you abruptly get a game over if your lewdness is too high, bro ffs this is a h-game, ofc the lewd is gonna be high, atleast give me a warning for ffs. Would give it -10/0 if I could.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    It hurts, because it genuinely has the potential to be REALLY good with some number tweaks (among other things)

    -FMC is amazing. As a normal girl, she has this level of awkwardness, but also has the smarts and dignity to not just "bimbofy" herself day 1. As a Magical girl, she understands that its a disguise so isn't to against flashing her body, but still feels the shame in doing it.
    -The variety of fetishes is incredible. Probably top 10 of all JRPGs in terms of that variety. Hypnotism, mind break, corruption, tentacles, exhibitionism, rape, piss, "stuck in the ground", live streams, the list goes on.
    -Not punishing. You can make mistakes (and are usually encouraged to) and can witness tons of CGs without being set back much.
    -Theres a CG room, and all CGs are unlocked after beating the game.

    -A lot of things in this game are designed to be "time sinks", and I mean that in the worst way possible. There are 5 maps, and each map can be explored with either your basic girl form, or your magical girl form. Each form has it's own events, but NOT on every map. Once you enter a map, you have to take an action there. There are 2 time slots a day, and you can do things for 6 days before fighting a monster on the 7th. So, you have 12 time slots to fill out across 2 different forms on 5 maps. Sometimes, the "CGs" are locked behind part time jobs, but you might not even know that because the game throws SO much money at you that you don't have a reason to do it, but it also doesn't tell you when there are no more CGs, so you run the risk of repeating a job with nothing to gain. There's SO much I could delve into, but you get the idea.
    -Money feels useless. You get craptons as the game progresses, and you can honestly buy out the entire game in a week or two. So...whats the point of it?
    -Randomized boss encounters, with each boss having their own "defeat" CG, but losing against a boss nets very little experience against them. Each week (which, remember, is 12 actions), you fight one of four bosses. Each boss has their own EXP meter. You "defeat" the boss by filling up that meter. Winning against that boss nets around 10, while losing nets around 5. So, even IF you were trying to speedrun this game, it would take SO long to do.
    -For the few clothing options, it amounts to nothing. FMC acts shy and angry in being forced to do sexual stuff, but is completely fine running down a monster with a perverted latex suit with condoms strapped to it.
    -For all the "good subscribers" vs "bad subscribers", there really isn't much reason to focus either. It ends up being the same, and your character stays the same.

    All in all, a damn shame. Still, for a first game from the dev, very impressive and eager to see their future installments!
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Man i love magical girl H-games but this one is pretty MID, it's almost bad if it weren't for the high quality artwork and scenes.

    But sadly it is one of those H-games that while it has good artwork, it makes you want to punch the screen with the horrible difficulty scaling and grind it makes you do.

    You get more damage the more viewers you have, right, cool easy to understand and obtain if it weren't for the multiple strong enemies that you get after doing 6 fights with 700HP to 1200HP that attack at the same time in the same fucking turn and leave you in a coma waiting for the rape scene.

    Meanwhile while you are getting your shit wrecked in the 1st turn, you are going to be dealing 150 damage with a single attack and for some reason the 2nd attack that should do more damage will get you fewer viewers and do even less damage that the 1st.

    And while you can make a shield, defend yourself from attacks or just dodge them, the Shield and Barrier skills are affected by the viewer count and will do jack shit against multiple enemy attacks, they will just go through and still do damage to you.

    Dodging is based on a Luck stat and it will only dodge the first attack, multiple attacks will still hit your ass.

    Just get a savegame and watch the scenes, the grind and bullshit difficulty ain't worth it for a copycat Magical Girl Celesphonia.

    5/10, Mid.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is very great. I'm really satisfied with the design of male and female characters.

    Battle gameplay is actually good too. It's rare to see H RPGMaker game who needs brain to win a battle.

    However, This game is too grindy..
    The game will become boring very easily.
    We constantly need do same thing over and over again just to progress the story

    This game has potential to rival Magical Girl Celesphonia, but thanks to being grindy, this game is not worth to be called a great game.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Edit: After finishing the game, I have two things that stuck out to me about this game:

    - The combination of art and writing in this game is actually top-notch. These are a kind of top-tier effort in terms of the ratio of content-to-quality, when it comes to writing, details on characters, and delivering on the sexual themes, which there are a lot of. What lets these scenes down is really only the translation, production-values, pacing and the awkward mixing with gameplay/overworld. It's like good filling in terrible chocolate.

    - Towards the end the battles got especially bad, with the game actually putting me up against battles that were tough to beat, and almost made me wonder if there was supposed to have been a way to get better gear/statistics at some point in development. I think the idea was also to have the player beat the game multiple times to get to the end unmolested which.... no, I'm not going to do that.

    I think it's an above average-game, but only a 3.5.

    Not a lot of games have actual Hypnosis-fetish scenes for their Mind Control-content, so It's nice to see a good implementation of it here.

    That being said... this game is not anything special if you have played a heroine-game before. It has some pretty good art, some well written scenes, and a good amount of content, but it kind of falls flat in the gameplay-areas.

    There are some interesting ideas here, like the combat-system being based around the heroine's sub-count, that are executed badly. The combat is just a little bit too simple, which is the tragic fate of most games that use the standard JRPG-formula. They try to make it into a boss-only combat-game, which is a good idea, but the combat, never rises above "serviceable", and there's just about no "combat preparation"-stage at all.

    The most interesting type of gameplay is simply checking to find all the story-segments the game lists out for you, which says a lot... There is just very barebones environments and not much to do, since the game only really features scripted scenes.

    The translation is somewhat spotty, which is a minor flaw.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The game suggest to play the prologue and tutorial, but it's overly long and overexplains mechanics that don't really matter at all.

    Overall this is a confusing and boring mess to me, where the only good part about it is the CGs.

    It ain't the worst out there though. At least there was an attempt to make it a great game, which you can clearly see in the map design and layout (assuming it isn't just pre-made maps).

    Over all, just skip this or go with full save.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    You know how it goes, this is a "download a full save" kind of game, the art is majestic but everything else is ass.

    Right from the start the tutorial gets you all confused and over complicates everything for a game where you just go around collecting scenes and occasionally fight some bad guys.
    Other than the art, every aspect of the game is average at best and it feels like you are wasting every minute you play this thing.

    It's not a bad game, it's just a boring one. There was some potential, It could've been a great one, but as it is, it sucks.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Art is good, gameplay seems like it's going to be complicated, I was kind of overwhelmed by the tutorial, but then it really just devolves into randomly wandering around the city hunting for scenes, and the battles that are pretty much spamming the attack button.

    It has good art and a lot of scenes, but I think it really falls flat for what the concept is intended to be. I never felt that there was an influence of the livestreaming stuff.

    It was also very difficult to figure out where to get some of the scenes, so it was a ton of wasted game time aimlessly wandering.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    The scenes and art style are the high point of this game for sure, I think they are great and worth checking out for them alone. The gameplay part though, not that great.

    It's basically a "run around and try stuff over and over" approach to having a chance at seeing something new. Let me explain: you can explore different areas in a town as either normal Kei or Magical girl Kei and there will be different events depending on that. These events will most of the times just be "You did this and that" in text form and then get teleported back to the apartment and time passes. It seems like the event scenes are triggered by rng or something so you might need to go do this 5 times before a scene shows up and unless you write this stuff down then you will forget what you tried and didn't try so you will end up running around everywhere looking for new stuff and clicking things over and over.

    Town gets invaded once a week by a villain and you gotta rush to defend, this is when combat happens. The combat itself is as basic as it comes and I found it to be super easy and I would have to lose on purpose to get the lewd scenes by not attacking and doing random stuff which I am not a fan of. Losing on purpose feels fake to me so I wish it was a bit harder and had some better mechanics.

    I played for about 10 hours and the last hour I basically got no new scenes and I just ran around and clicked on all events I could find to see if something would trigger and in doing so I apparently hit 5000 lewdness and the game ended and booted me to the main menu. My reaction was just "Wat????", and the game doesn't tell you why this happened so you just gotta Sherlock Holmes it on your own. I saw the 5000/5000 lewd stat and thought maybe that was it. I then had to load and go buy multiple lewdness decay items and spam eat them to not end up in a game over state. After this I kinda had enough of what felt like many time wasting mechanics and I grabbed the 100% save to see the scenes that I had missed which was about 40%.

    My advice would be to play for a bit and see what you think and keep the 100% save ready for when/if you get bored and just wanna see the great scenes.

    TLDR: Great art/scenes, meh gameplay, meh combat, meh story, lots of time wasting mechanics, keep the 100% save ready or just use it right away to see the scenes.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    It's a shame, they clearly wanted to do something more interesting than just use all the stock RPGM features and make a generic corruption game. Sadly what they ended up with just feels messy and directionless, no way to tell where to go or if a task is complete, gear upgrades are found seemingly at random, battles are basically trial and error since the hints are really vague (never figured out the deal with the first succubus fight, couldn't seem to rescue the hostages though it didn't seem to matter) and the routes are pretty much just her feeding herself to the villians with the possible exception of Lilith so the corruption falls a bit flat.

    Props for the attempt but this really didn't work out, the scenes are pretty good though so worth a download for those.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Translation: Good enough. Some awkwardness and likes to use they for pronouns but this new GPT-flavored MTL is pretty tolerable compared to most things.

    Gameplay: Straight up awful. There's no direction, you just kinda go do some stuff for a week and maybe there will be an event or maybe there won't. Occasionally you'll hit lewd breakpoints and can advance the corruption. Combat isn't much better, you'd think they would really emphasize doing lewd things with the whole streaming gimmick. Instead you take a few hits until your clothes magically explode, then you take normal damage til you get subdued and played with. During that you can resist and recover your HP to stand back up fighting. If you cum, the fight ends in a loss and the game continues.

    Story: Basically what it says on the label. Magical girl starts magical girling again, big bads want to corrupt her. There's one for hypnosis, one for tentacles, one for femdom, and one that just wants to fuck her.

    Art: The only redeeming part of this game and why it even gets a 3/5. If this had competent gameplay and better execution in its premise I'd rate it up there with the greats like Celesphonia, because the art is really hot and it ticks a lot of boxes with the different villains.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Not worth the download.

    Lures you in with the premise, some kind of magical girl that gets powered up by having people send good vibes via liking online videos? The premise alone opens the door to the corruption and storytelling implications. Unfortunately the game fails to capitalise on this.

    the talk between the characters is a literal back and forth where little is actually said or progress the plot.

    The battles are lackluster even compared to the most basic of RPG maker games. Features a battle damage system, but there isnt really any strategy involved or payoff.

    The multiple little events you can participate around the city are basically just timewasters.

    Watch the CGs from the full save, if that. Go play one of the other magical girl corruption games that respects your time.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Yah, I finished the game and I feel this game isn't bad, but in the first I getting frustrated for search the event in this game, in first my mind speculating this game like celesponia and actually is so different, well not bad
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    This game only has one good point and it is the art style. Everything beside that is bad and surprisingly boring.

    Story: it's a joke... 4 super villains trying to capture/corrupt the magical girl. Nothing special about that. The streaming part is not that big impact. First villain got all their scenes unlocked will get the end. That's all 6/10

    Art style, CG: The only good thing that i found in this game. Love the scenes, there are mind control, parasite, muscular blond NTR typical man, succubus. Everything everywhere, at the same time. WOOO HOO... 9/10

    Gameplay: surprisingly boring despite having a good art and story set up. Most of the time, you will wandering around the town (5 maps in total, all of them are small will 4-5 similar interactive objects) and look for scenes. Got all the scenes? you got the ending, that's it.... You will find this game absolutely boring after 10-20 minutes.

    Overall, i recommend you play through 10-20 minutes to get the idea and context... then proceed to use the full save just to save your time, you wont miss anything.