RPGM - Completed - Maid Mansion Nightmare [v1.0] [Azurezero]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The artstyle intrigued me so I was waiting for someone to review it, but I got tired of waiting and took the dive.

    The game itself is pretty cool and short - the H-scenes are animated and nice but nothing to write home about, the art is nice and I really like the way the protagonist looks.The part that I most loved about the game was the execution though. Usually you'd expect games like this to be more or less walking simulators but this one had actually fun puzzles.

    I've docked a point because I did encounter a few bugs - it crashed twice during my playthrough and the lack of QoL (like being able to change outfit from the inventory) meant I did spend a lot of time walking around - I understand that the project is too short to justify spending time on QoL but as a player I have to review it with a player's perspective (perhaps if there were a few warp portals here and there to help navigate the mansion it would've made walking around feel like less of a chore)

    All in all, the game is pretty sweet and I dont really have anything to complain about given how short it is. I hope the dev makes more games, I also hopes they might do slightly bigger projects because this one did feel pretty short and there were ideas like a corruption stat but they didnt seem to do anything here.