in 13-14 yo i had some thought about fuck with my relatives cause i didnt talk with other girls and world of porn was closed
but now everything is changed
so i have 3 questions
1) for who all this scripts are written?
2) why does all game developers put incest in their games?
and 3
Maybe problem in me playing this games and sitting on this board
cause all this created for people under 12-16 yo?
1: For people who like them.
Incest is a "safe" taboo.
It is forbidden but not really as harmfull as rape, slavery, pedofilia, snuff or gor.
The thrill of doing what is forbidden give's people a feeling of rush.
2: Most dont.
Some do because it is there fetish.
Some because they see easy money.
It is general speaking a choice baised on percieved data.
Rape and Slave porn are highly populair.
So in incest.
All of these have a feeling of taboo or power and control.
3: Unlikely.
12-16 year old probley dont know about this site to begin with.
Most will be on site's like xxnx, xvidoes, pornhub, etc.
The easy to find site's.
Even if they did most dont have the desire to sit through hours of dialog to see some titties.
I mean even as adult i despise visual novals for there boring story blue balling me.
No they are made because the dev likes the fetish or because the fans like the fetish.
I remember reading in one game explenation the dev had to explain some of the girls where not fuckable.
It is an unspoken expectation.
You put a girl in the game we expect to be able to fuck her.
Morals and logic be dammed.
As a general rule:
Incest is a "safe" taboo.
Easy way to get that rush of the risk of getting caught, the power of breaking a taboo while at the same time not going so far as to rape and enslave woman.
Snuff(killing woman during sex) isnt as populair.
Gor(sexualized canabalism) is even less populair.
And pedofilia while very populair(if the countless pedo rings are anything to go by) is a death sentence for anyone who makes a game around that.
So in short:
Safe and easy taboo to spice up your game.
Beside more options is never bad.
In games like lab rats 1 & 2 or superpowered it is entirely within my power to choice not to fuck the family.
If it is a choice i am all for it.
After all: Choice is good.