RPGM - Completed - Make Lots of M♂ney with Sex! [Final] [Yanmarumaa]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    2.5/3 stars. 3 because there are unhinged, mentally unwell people in these reviews.

    - The idea and story is very cool and different.
    - Some animations and the art are above the average we're used to.

    - The gameplay is ass and there's no guide + big useless map.
    - The scenes, although of good quality, are a bit meh.
    - Not a fan of shota/loli for obvious reasons...
    I recommend a save.
    I won't be keeping the game but it was nice seeing something different and I hope for something more polished, it has big potential.
  2. 1.00 star(s)



    Awful wank (sorry fo my bad english)
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    What a letdown. I really wanted to like this game, but it just kept disappointing. The live 2d animation looks good during dialog, but it's not great during the actual scenes. There is lots of pointless, time-wasting combat, the story is a mess, and the translation is atrocious. I didn't bother getting more than one endings, cause there wasn't even a cg or actual art when getting one, just a stock photo with a filter and some text. The progression is weird, and you have zero control over it. Overall, it could have been something good, but ultimately failed in almost everything it tried to do. Its only saving grace in my eyes are the tags, since I do enjoy most of them.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    good story, animations are okay, bad translation especially cuz some text is japanese, I can read japanese its just off putting to be reading english then the next sentance directly japanese. story is a bit crazy too
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The idea is good for the story but the problem is the game can softlock in a cutscene and make it unplayable there is only a cg gallery and you can't really experience this game fully. I am not against ntr but in this case it was not really it's place
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't really know what I was expecting. I was hoping for some more mc + girl action but sadly all of it is just gay content. Even though art is nice it's still a massive disappointment.

    Art 3.5/5
    Story - 1/5
    Gameplay 1/5
    Fapability 0.5/5
    Originality 1/5
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 just because the initial shota rape. no other animation dares to go that direction so it's unique in that regard. aside from that it has NTR and very interesting ending which again quite unique and no game dares to go in that direction. (I won't spoil, but here is the ending spoiled: )

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  8. 2.00 star(s)

    Omae wa shinda

    What a clusterfuck for a story.

    I thought it is gonna be a Mc feminizations based on title and other content.
    Oh no this tell a selection story, select whichever part time job you want and during that time , that time become part of your personal experience for playthrough.

    Yeah, some get turn off by the fact of NTR but to remind you something
    you were playing as 14 years old during that moment. Let that sink in. I will be damned for 14 years old starting a prostitutions service.
    Which another reason for Japan why? Consent age a bit too young there. But enough of that.

    Cheating experience is not good for everyone so this game deemed bad for some people. If help you better bitch broke off only to fuck other guy.

    Artstyle is on the rough side but there are some good one.
    Don't about feel good about the pencil sketches style CG. Mangaish? but even few manga artist can draw so ok.
    At the level of you can try to fap to it?

    Story is okay

    A boy struggle from gender identification later determined to achieve his goal through questionable money-earning from odd jobs. Which then realize his efforts is worthless if he doesn't defeat something blocking him.
    His lack of self-confidence. Which in end game he gain back that through the help of his best bud, his lover and his mentor.
    Uhhh.... Fuck it. This femboy until the end.

    Story not well-structed. Can be fixed though just by turning it VN which allow more character building. Why character is why is that, why they become that and for what they do.
    Technical reason for VN is when your RPGM suck ass
    LAG LAG LAG. Whole game is shit when i moving around.
    Not everyone has high ram for this 5$ game.
    Oh don't forget, fucking another playthrough is pain in ass to get in other route if you didn't save for another option. Not easy to get when you using RPGM huh? When your content only involved minimal RPG element at all when 95% is being talking and go to point A to be B.
    At least VN does RPG element better job

    Need a clear time limit , fucking what by March you need to gather 2 million yen for sex change. We need watch or some sort of floating hub.

    Feminization or heroine tragic story, pick one. If you want to make 2 together at least balance them. The MC already become femboy (no hot no corruption no journey) and you drop somehow can be occur story but with gay. At least lengthen the story if you want to do so.

    And there gyaru end which by not choosing in relationship with heroine.
    You tell me that "bad end"? I mean the MC might worst in relationship later on but he happy for momentary sexual experience.

    Side story or selection part time job is redeeming for their COMEDY
    GOD DAMM COMEDY. and proper short story too.

    Heroine logic. 14 years old mental
    Your gay father fucked gay coworker, you realized he being gay and didn't noticed this whole time for 14 years, he break your entire family , mom become gambler drug addict and falling in debt.
    NTR good .let do it in front on my supposed to be boyfriend beside 30 people i fucked around before Ken guy , to get money for paying debt and later dump the Ken guy which is a yankee dropout after getting his money for acting out NTR.
    Mental illness logic.
    Being in debt make people well desperate huh.

    And what was that final ending which is true end. You said victims when went back for their rapist at end because of sexual pleasure?!
    I mean both MC and heroine is already corrupted but not all rape victims said oh this okay and just brush it off.
    At least make it what if? Corruption meter or something. NOT SAVE 65!
    You can just end the story when MC being man and heroine having sex.
    Funny end though.

    Anyway fuck the LAG.

    This is me babble, creator won't see this anyway.
    Fuck the lag though.

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  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Game seemed pretty good to me at first but I ended up disliking it pretty quickly; Also the game creator must hate the MC, He gets raped, ntr'd, and basically robbed by his father. And that's all within like an hour of playing, heard the ending is really unsatisfying as well.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The game its a bit of a mess, art is good, the animations are ok not the best, the story can be confusing due to translation, the story for sure could have had a better depth in it, the game performance is terrible idk how is working so terribly, the fps is messed up for a simple game, there is no customized tilesets, so its due to puglins that might be entering in conflict with each other and leading to fps drops, overall it has a good art but the rest is simply not good enough in my opinion sadly.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4766727

    It was a decent short game, however there are many times when instructions aren't clear on where to go and how to do something so a lot of time is wasted on figuring out what the game wants you to do.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is simply terrible.

    It starts off with a scene were a little boy is raped.

    The story makes no sense and I don't even blame the awful translation.

    The make of the game is also very weird, it's not like anything I've ever seen, sometimes there are animations, sometimes it's like just a simple rpgm, but almost always it's runs like a crippled donkey stuck in mud.
    it's AWFULLY SLOW, the bloody game is very simple and low specs, doesn't even take much storage, but it runs like 5fps when you're in the city.

    I played it maybe for an hour or so, and I encountered many bugs, some of which were game breaking.

    The art is okay, but that's the only okay part of this game. everything else is broken.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    One Star.

    The quality is middling, too large maps with nothing much to do, half-heartedly implemented mechanics, but what has me kick this to the curb is the absolutely shoddy technical implementation.

    There's a bug, where - upon loading a map or event - the game can just endlessly get stuck in a loading screen.
    This crashes the game, though in some way that the normal stack overflow crash does NOT occur. This is a problem, because infinity loops are meant to be stopped via crash. This does not happen here. Even after killing the application, the application still exists, loads multiple nwjs instances which are unclosable.
    In short: Unless you restart your pc, your cpu & memory will get endlessly flooded until all other applications start working at a snail's pace.

    I'm creating RPGM plugins myself and I'm working on RPGM games. I never worked on a game, or played a game, where this was even remotely possible. Someone fucked up on the technical side big time, and the result is something that can actually crash your entire system.

    Conclusion: Kill it with fire.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Went in expecting a typical femboy goes crazy for cock game, got really excited after the game brought up gender dysphoria and sex reassignment surgery, then found out that the game is an extremely linear experience mostly made up of short non-con scenes and half-baked rpg fights.

    In both endings to the game you are left unsatisfied. There is no sex scene at all if you choose to go through with SRS, just a
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    . If you go for the other ending, you get a
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    which would be fine in any other game, but comes off as a weird decision for a product that tries really hard to sell itself with the femboy on its cover.

    2 stars for the animated sprite work, I suppose.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Before I start this review I wanna say that I've been looking for a good trap NTR/Bestiality/mindcontrol game for awhile and sadly this game not good at being any of those
    The portrait art looked nice so I went into the game thinking the rest of the art would be nice, and boy was I wrong, not really a fan of the artstyle, and if you've seen the first CG, then that's what the rest of the game will be, all of the shots have the trap leaning more towards shota than small feminine trap, and the art just didnt do it for me, or the angles for the various perspective shots either. I've also played another rpgmaker game with an even lower budget than this game with voice acting that had better animation, Look I'm fine with bad animation but the animation in this game was god awful, and that's with me going in with low, almost zero expectations. The game is pretty linear and boring, the game's FPS nosedives sometimes when you start it, and the voice acting is probably some of the worst if not the worst I've ever heard from an rpgmaker H game.
    Malwarebytes also detected that the EXE was a heuristic 1003 malware, it isn't, just a false positive.
    Sound/OST is the standard stuff you've all heard before
    Bestiality scene was a god damn disappointment
    mindcontrol scene was a disappointment
    NTR scenes were meh
    One adddtional con is the start of the game where the MTL tells you to go to a house in the north east, the house you're actually supposed to go to is the in the northwest. If you go and run all around to the east around the cops and attempt to go back, you'll get stuck to the right of the house and trigger the I'm supposed to go to the house message and get caught by the cops. The stealth AI is pretty terrible stupid and simple. The molestation scenes and prostitution scenes were also pretty meh or terrible too
    Game also froze on me when May asks to take out the butt vibrator, so I reloaded and spammed Z through the dialogue.
    I liked the ending
    I liked some of the writing, although I'm not a fan of the tranny shit
    My recommendation?
    Try it, and then download the saves. Sadly the best art in the game is the standing portrait art, everything else is just terrible, and the 'game' is one of the worst RPGmaker games I've had the displeasure of playing, especially since I went in thinking I've finally found a good feminization trap game.
    If you want a good feminization genderbender game I'd recommend Prince Lute by milky angel or the suddenly feminized escape from the highschool game
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    The ending for Creta and May its happy.

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    I did liked the fact of creta after all the back stuff going along with mai and his gender identity, ended up becoming a man that possibly still likes dressing as a girl. besides that if you're gonna play this be aware:

    +The game maker of this game did the scenes with LIVE2D

    -The game suffers from FPS drops on certain maps

    -The game its MLT meaning you're gonna have a hard time getting the context of each conversation between creta and every single character in the game. this also applies to CG'S i give it to this MLT 70% understandable and 30% full of non-context text

    I have fun playing it and its unfortunate that you can't keep the dresses you used on previous jobs for extra scenes. the outfits are just set for specific job CG'S.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Where to start?
    Artwork: The artwork is pretty good and has a decent amount of H-scenes.

    Gameplay: I don't know why but this would have been better if its a VN rather than being a RPGM. The town is unnecessarily big and not lively at all. At first i thought you can FREELY Prostitute yourself when you get to the point where you need the 2million. But no, the prostitution aspect is very linear and its in the story.

    I wished we could have worked hard on getting that 2million by doing part-time jobs / sex jobs like other games where you are in debt.

    The Story: Ok here we go. The story starts off with a traumatic event that causes the MC(Creta) to question his sexuality after a year or so had gone by. This amplified with the bullying of him, and i honestly felt really bad for him being treated that way.
    And here comes a girl named May. I thought she was gonna help Creta explore and accept his sexuality, and yea she did at first then the fokin betrayal and made me scream YOU FOKING BITCH WHY?!! It made me really sad for Creta.

    But as you progress the story and reach near the end. Thats when the story behind May being a bitch was revealed, and i am quite relieved that she wasn't all bad. And i can genuinely say that i regret what i said to her and felt bad and sad for her. Going through that hell torn family and the traumatic experiences she endured.

    My boi Creta manned up with the help of his friends and saved May from her scum of a father and helped her mother in some way. I'm satisfied that we get to have a WHOLESOME AND SEXY TRUE ENDING. (the after credits i think thats just a bonus ending lmao)

    In Conclusion:
    If you like a somewhat Dark Story filled with a roller coaster of emotions and twists with a trap MC and (in my opinion) a satisfying True Ending, then this game is for you.

    If you are looking for a massive amount of Trap sex scenes then this is not for you. As i said, the H-scenes are decent amount but not enough for me to fap to.

    I recommend this game. And i hope the developer reads this and to lessen the dark story lines if he plans to develope another game. As i really liked the Trap MC and it has so much potential as the artwork is really good. I do hope for the next game will be more sex scenes and we can do it freely this time.

    Thank you and good luck, Developer!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Let's see. This starts off as a dark comedy story. In the middle till near the end of the game it's wholesale comedy. And the true end is wholesome.
    A bumby but nice ride is what I must describe this game as.

    -Beautiful art
    -Smooth and cool animation (not every Cgs get the animation treatment but all standing arts are animated)
    -It's not everyday you see a story about femboy wanting to be a trans after getting cucked by the girl he likes but changed his mind and do his best to get together with said girl in the ending. Whew, what a mouthful...

    Translation is MTL, but it's readable and nothing much is misleading, some lines here and there are untranslated but they are unimportant

    -The performance (low FPS) is a mood killer for pretty much everyone here I suppose. Thankfully his next game gonna be on Unity, so look forward to that.
    -The combat is god awful, I know why it's there, but it's still a chore. Thankfully it's far and few in between.

    Conclusion: I wish there could be more to flex out the story, the romance and the town. But still it's a nice comfy package all around, About 3 hours for this game.

    i planned to give this 4 STARS, but since the first review just spur nonsense about moral and what's not with no relation to the game and review it badly without playing through it fully.

    I decided to give this 5 STARS to balance it out.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Unlike most of the other people on here evidently, I can separate fantasy from reality and know this is a porn hrpg with cartoon characters and is meant to have a fucked up story, so I'll judge this based on its merits as a hentai rpg entirely:

    1: The game's art is fantastic and if you enjoy slutty trap content it's one of the few translated in its genre so far.That being said, it's horribly optimized, there's only 21 scenes of which only 15 I would actually consider very enticing for enjoyers of trap or shota.

    2: There's no kind of sex stats in the game and overall it is very lacking in content and it feels really rushed. There are great 3-4 hour Hrpgs on this site that are much better and worth playing, but again, not many catering to the same genre.

    3: The animations are amazing and fluid. That being said,I think they are the primary culprit in it being so poorly optimized because I believe the engine is constantly cycling them as background animations instead of turning them on and off at each event.

    So ultimately, it amounts to the game being perfectly average. It's obviously not near as quality as pinnacles of Hrpgs like Rune's Pharmacy, Ambrosia, or Melty's Quest, but again, this is one of very few trap/shota hrpgs that's been translated to English, so if that's really up your alley, the game is worth powering through the threeish hours it takes to see it (OR, you could just download a save, but keep in mind the CG viewer in the main menu does not include dialogue for sex scenes, so it's not as great of an experience).