Light-hearted, charming, and my first interactions with raceplay. The story isn't anything to 'WOW' over, and often there is very little conflict, or the conflict is resolved too quickly and conveniently. (Yes, I like story in my porn.)
But the focus is on the interactions between two characters finding each other on two different ends of societal expectations. The protag is the typical regular nerd that lucks into getting the girl of his dreams, and an Orcish woman who wants to explore her sexuality by reenacting human oppression over orcs in a safe. consensual environment.
The parallels to real life is quite apparent, (actual slavery in America to human oppression on Orcs following a costly war) and some of the interactions did worry me that the developer was about to start preaching. While it comes close to preachy since it's a central theme to the story, the developer appears to have the proper discernment to know when enough has been said. So each time I felt my eyes preparing to roll back into my skull, the story moved on.
It's a tastefully done porn game (wat?), and while the ideas are barely challenged since most characters just agree with the sentiments, it's a nice little story that is unfortunately over too quickly. I'm not sure how big the audience is for this sort of thing. but I would love for this story to be revisited and expanded as the developer develops his skills.
I was more in love with the orcs in the historical sketches. I like tough orc women and the orcs in the story are a little too doughy for my personal tastes. I get that these are now Orcs in a modern living environment so the need for battle-hardened bodies has gone by the way-side, so the idea isn't wasted on me. But still, I like 'em mean!