Unity - Completed - Man of the House [v1.0.2c Extra] [Faerin]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: 1.0.1

    Visual novel/Script: 5
    Gaming experience: 5+
    Graphic quality: 5
    Character development: 5
    Xcitement: 5+
    Considerations: Very good quality, characters and story. The best point, the sandbox / free roaming mode. Very good game, lot of content and people. As many free roaming games, grind can be an issue sometimes. I must admit at the end I use the cheat option, and I love it. Yeeeeahh man.
    A complete game, plenty of things to do. Good work.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Lots of grind, but the renders are nice and the animations are ok. If you cheat and you're ok with sinking some time into something this can be a fun game, but there's little in the way of character growth and the lack of music makes the game feel very empty and weird. All in all its an ok game, that if the grind were cut would likely be a 4 for me.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Lots of grind, but the renders are nice and the animations are ok. If you cheat and you're ok with sinking some time into something this can be a fun game, but there's little in the way of character growth and the lack of music makes the game feel very empty and weird. All in all its an ok game, that if the grind were cut would likely be a 4 for me.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Wolf Larsen

    It has some hot scenes with a nice setting. But it's very grindy indeed. You just keep doing the same thing over and over again with the same dialogues, to gain some points with the character in question, so you can finally unlock some content. Keeping your health status is a pain as well. Thankfully, the game comes with cheats.

    The sex scenes could have been better animated. I don't know why, but the main character reminds me of a goblin in some scenes.

    If you want to play this game, my advice is to play with cheats and see if you can find something worthy of your time.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall a really good game. It can be a bit grindy in certain instances, like when you only need to progress with one character and you have to wait a week to trigger the next event. Despite that though, there was still a lot of good character development, and each of the main characters have distinctly different personalities and progression paths. Scenes are also varied and good quality overall.
  6. W
    3.00 star(s)


    It's very grindy, some times you find yourself just using Ctrl to skip everything to get to the next stage in the relationship. The models are okay but everything feels very static, the faces look dead and the sex animations aren't very interesting.

    Still, it's got a lot of characters, a lot of story, features and only encountered one game stopping bug near the very end. It's a completed game and it does what it needs to.
    Likes: lo0u
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is rather grindy and obtuse at times, and one of the 'end game' romances feels very under-developed compared to the others, but what you might consider the core four are all decently done and feel distinct from each other in how they play out.
    Renders are decently executed, and there are some fun scenes, especially (for my tastes anyway) with Veronica.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Saludos hermano ... Acabo de terminar el juego y me permiten felicitarte por el excelente trabajo ... Nunca he jugado un juego como este ... Buena historia, buenas chicas, excelentes imágenes ... Deberías trabajar en los pequeños defectos para convertir este juego en una joya ... La traducción al español en su totalidad no es correcta ... Hay situaciones en el juego, como cuando ya ha tenido un poco de intimidad con mamá y él va a su habitación para expiarla, ella todavía mantiene la misma actitud ... Creo que después de que él tenga un poco de intimidad con el personaje, su actitud debe cambiar ... La otra cosa es que, dado que el juego es muy real, los personajes son mucho más realistas. usa la misma ropa todos los días. El desarrollador, para no ser demasiado complicado,debería asignar un tipo de vestuario a los personajes dependiendo del día de la semana. A medida que avanza el juego y se desplazan más opciones, debería haber más opciones de diálogo ... Lo cerré O es que si logras trabajar en el detalles que requiere el juego, lo convertirás en uno de los mejores juegos de todos los tiempos ...
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed this one for the most part. I must have because I played until I unlocked all of the endings.


    Some pretty cool sex scenes.

    Some entertaining story lines.

    Multiple endings.

    Pretty hot models.

    Complete. Yes. Having a finished product that can be added onto is definitely nice.


    It was a bit annoying doing the same tasks over and over at specific times to gain hearts, kisses, and what nots.

    Sophia did not wear the lingerie she tried on in the mall in any of the scenes with her.

    The relationship titles were changed to remove incest I guess. Still, it seems stupid when the characters are having dialog talking about making out with their own tenant or roommate. I don't know. I'm not a big incest guy, but I still would have preferred it in the long run to what they used.

    A really awkward looking main character.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't regret spending my hard earned money. This is not a poor hentai game where you have everything available from the beginning, here you have to earn everything. And literally because in the game you have to go to work to earn money. It's hard to call this game a porn game, it's a life simulator. We have character statistics that we can develop, we have survival elements because we have to eat, sleep, etc. (if someone does not like this, the game offers the option to turn it off). Characters and dialogues are really well written and most things in the game make sense, a quick example: to be able to hire as a personal trainer in a fitness club we must have a sufficiently high level of physical fitness. Characters itself are looking really good and scenes are really hot and sexy. I really had much more fun playing than i expected in my 40 hours long playthrough. This game has depth, it is really a "sandbox" where you have to do a lot to get something done. There is nothing for free. Just like in real life.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I must say I mostly enjoyed the game for what it is; the renders are nice, the storyline is decent and the women you encounter are fairly good. Where it falls flat is the gameplay.

    The gameplay loop revolves around three parts: keeping your mood high (hygiene, hunger, sleep), working so you have enough money and finally progressing your relationships. The first two parts have very little interesting about them and get repetitive very fast, but you can alleviate this issue with cheats.

    Unfortunately, the relationships fall prey to the same issue of repetitiveness. To progress with a woman, you will have to repeat a specific event multiple times to gain points and unlock further stages. The game doesn't have an option to skip already seen dialogue, so you will have to constantly click through tons of lines of dialogue to basically grind points and progress a relationship.

    This doesn't mean the game is bad, but as someone who has little patience for grinding, it certainly detracted from my experience.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best adult games there is. Models are nice, sex scenes are great, animations on point. Lots of variety with loads of girls being available. Management system is good and can be turned off if you can;t be bothered. One of the absolute best
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Very grindy and not worth the grind in my opinion. It takes forever to get anywhere without cheating playing on the easy mode. I can't imagine the hard mode being any fun at all. The hints are also pretty bad; without a guide some of the more obscure ones are very difficult to figure out, and you'll waste time trying each different approach you can think of. Once you get through the grind, the renders are nice but not exceptional, and there's not much for you to see.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked it. Good characters, good stories, nice animations, nice management system. Let's chatty than many visual novels. A well balanced game, that is complete. It should be a reference to developers.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game , nice story with different endings.
    Cute and well-kept scenes and animations.
    Different scenarios and choices along the stroy time line, very nice and nice, deserves to be in the top 10 of the best.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is generally good, though a bit of the same as a lot of others.

    I accidentally download it every few months because I honestly forget that I had played it before, only to remember 10 mins into the game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    For me, the best game here :) My best story was Veronica's and i liked Amy's also. Others were also cool. I even managed to find all secret photos but for 3 of them i had to use helper, dates were great but really hard for first 2 times to complete on 10 hearts
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Harika bir oyun ancak UI gerçekten sinir bozuyor. Oyun süresinin uzun olduğunu söyleyebilirim en az 40-50 saat civarı ve bu arada arayüz gerçekten sinirinizi bozmaya başlıyor. Oyunda ilerlemek çok zor ve bu sizi yoracak ama her şeyden sonra güzel bir Yetişkin Görsel Romanı bitirmiş olacaksınız
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Models are absolutely gorgeous.
    Story is a bit unrealistic but funny.
    Can really take a lot of time to finish if you can't manage the timing for events properly.
    Sex scenes are the best. Look absolutely real.
    My ratings is 4.5/5 but with moans, this game is a solid 5/5.
    Hope a gallery in main menu is added to reduce clicking.
  20. C
    3.00 star(s)


    Very vanilla, but fappable nonetheless.


    Don't go into this game without a strong left mouse button. Because the game is WAY TOO GRINDY. Even with cheats. It will force you to rewatch the same scenes over, and over, and over. Days of the week are a nice mechanic, but it seems the author only uses it to make the game grindier.

    Also, if even with cheats and everything you still can't get the final ending, go to the movie theatre and answer movie trivia. You can google things if you don't know them. I spent far too much time rewatching endings trying to get the final one before I googled what I actually had to do.