Unity - Completed - Man of the House [v1.0.2c Extra] [Faerin]

  1. M
    5.00 star(s)


    Even though the models were mainly taken from other games, this game has a flavor of its own. The encounters are varied, the stories are not that cliché as other games and the sex scenes are really hot.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This so far is my favorite game in this genre, even though it has some flaws.

    Graphics: As usual these are of differing quality but generally good. The girls are interesting in their own right, even though some of the models are vastly overdone (landlady and her sister), the backgrounds are serviceable. The animation sometimes suffers a bit from too many parts not moving but gets the point across.

    Story: It makes no excuses as to why you are free to roam around, just gotta roll with it. The paths sometimes intertwine but mostly you can concentrate on the girl you like. The pace of progress is almost perfect for me, even if it sometimes feels grindy (looking at you Sophia and our three weeks in a row daily sauna sessions) you are making progress at a steady pace without everybody jumping your bones instantly. This way the first kiss and/or touch feel like progress you will have to mull over. The "I" content is believable in the characters' hesitation and the ongoing "keeping it secret" part, apart from the BFFs of your roommates which may be a bit lenient here when they find out. Most of the writing feels organic and different ladies have different styles, but admittedly it's not reading like real literature.

    Also unlike other games, this one doesn't really have an "ending" for each character which finishes the game. Instead you can "Think about the future with X", giving you a nice detailed ending, but then your thoughts are over and you can continue playing the game.

    Gameplay: Unlike many other games with time, you don't have a "morning, noon, afternoon, evening, night" style of five actions per day, but each action and each movement between buildings takes a certain amount of minutes. Action possibilities only change at the full hour, but the UI allows you to one click your way to the next one.

    Generally the UI is pretty good at helping you deal with some of the more pesky details like moving around in a house which often is complicated due to the directional changes from one room to the next.

    The open time schedule also allows you to roam around at night and sleep during the day as you maybe would in real life, as long as you manage your basic needs for hygiene, food, and so on. The latter part can become a bit tedious, especially in the endgame, when you're only waiting for one action per day, but it can be turned off without repercussions.

    Stat grinding in itself is minimal, you need money, sure, but the needs in attributes are filled quickly. There is a bit of repetition when upping the love meter of the girls, but it usually changes quickly enough to another thing to do.

    Overall there also is a lot of content, and while some of the girls you meet are not dateable it also helps keeping stuff under control.

    In the end it hits all kind of sweet spots for me, even though I don't even like three of the dateable characters that much (and have to follow one of them pretty far to unlock another one), especially with the very rewarding slow-but-steady progression you are making. I already played it multiple times for that and probably will again.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This is quite possibly one the most poorly designed H game I've ever played. It's hard to determine if the decision to make this game so incredibly grindy was based in stupidity or malevolence. The H itself is also subpar, so it's not really worth downloading this just to use the cheats and get to the crappy gallery. Don't waste your time here.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is a bit grindy, but in-game hints are very helpful, and there is a lot of content in there. The writing is good, though the protagonist is an unlikable guy. CGI are well done, but many women are quite thicc. UI is comfortable to use.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I was hoping this game would be a bit better than it was. I didn't hate it, but there were some things that held it back for me.

    • Writing - The writing wasn't bad. No real spelling or grammar errors that I noticed.
    • Story - There was no real overarching story. Each character had her own story you play through to get with her. Some of them were actually pretty good.
    • Cheats - There are built in cheats that allow you to max out your stats and lock them there and add money.
    • Character bodies - Most of the girls have the same similar body type...big tear drop tits with bubble butts and relatively thick thighs. I don't find that body type particularly appealing so I guess this could be considered more of a personal nitpick. I'm willing to forgive it to an extent though since I've seen this type of body done to a much more offensive degree in other games.
    • Grind/Slow Progression - As I said before there are built in cheats that allow you to max your stats out, but the girls all have their own stats that you have to raise. A couple have a third submissive trait. I don't mind a slow progression as long as it's because of the story, but in this game the slow progression is due to the having to grind away at scenes to raise the girls' stats. You have to grind the same scenes multiple times to get their stats high enough to move onto the next part. Having to keep grinding the same scenes over and over removes some of the immersion, plus gets rather tiresome.
    I appreciate the creativity the dev put into this game, and while it was a good use of the sandbox having to grind the same scenes over and over again for progression led me to be kind of bored with the game at times. I understand why some people would really like this game, but it wasn't all for me.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Shiny Stick

    Gameplay of this game is great. Storylines are good and original for the most part. MC is innocent enough that the grind to get with the women is believable (in the porn sense. HA!) Renders sexy. Animations take the cake! This game is good if you wnat to spend hours playing a sexy game. Enjoy!!!
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    Heroine Hunter X

    Man of the House, AKA Grind Your Dick on the Keyboard, is a nice-looking game with decent UI features and an interesting enough plot. I was excited to play a game that was tagged “Completed” because I grew tired of the unenthusiastic hand jobs much of the “in progress” titles provide. There is a trend of “fluff” content, as a friend puts it, that creates pointless progression stalls in games. Raise your hand if every woman you’ve slept with was staged in gradual progressions of kissing, fingering, hand job, blow job, just the tip, kinda fucking, then fucking in one position. Anyone?

    Sure, sometimes it’s a process, but once the tip goes it... it’s game on. It’s remarkable how many games follow this pattern, providing the lamest sexual experience possible. It’s a porn FANTASY game for fuck’s sake. The obvious conclusion is that game makers are trying to “fish hook” players into a monthly Patreon sub while they develop the game. I get it. These games take a lot of time and money to produce, but if you would just make a good game, people would pay. I know I would.

    Man of the House is a total grind fest in a profoundly time dependent “shit box” (a sand box the creator defecated in). I played this game for hours, trying to put the MC’s dick in something. Once I realized I was getting no where fast, I started using cheats. Let me tell you, cheating didn’t make one bit of difference. The whole game is on rails, regardless of the sandbox tag, because events happen over time. No amount of money, items, or player stats make a difference. The only useful cheat is the “unlock the scenes” option, but that busts the entire story. The story isn’t bad, don’t get me wrong, but the developer ruined it with the excessive grind and linier game play. In the end, I gave up and walked away. This is exactly why I tend to stick with Renpy games, because I can mod them to my liking with little effort.

    I would not recommend this game to anyone, other than those that enjoy “edging” because the content is wildly imbalanced.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The progress hints made this game entirely playable. I tried to not use them for a while but you will get utterly lost without them. Besides that, the game was excellent with a wide array of women and niches to that everyone may be sated.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The best part for me in this game is the ending...the liberty to fantasise for each ending, without have to redo the game from various paths.

    The map of the game has a simplistic design, easy to use. Having to remember the hours of various tasks was not hard.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic gameFantastic gameFantastic gameFantastic gameFantastic gameFantastic gameFantastic gameFantastic gameFantastic gameFantastic gameFantastic gameFantastic gameFantastic gameFantastic gameFantastic gameFantastic game
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    An amazing game with LOTS event to do with enough characters to Enjoy doing it with!

    if i have to give this any negative it would be getting all the collectibles, however getting 100% is satisfying so i digress.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Note: My “review” is general overview of a game and with heavy weight on how much I enjoyed it rather than “critical/objective” rating. In another words my “review” is PERSONAL ENJOYMENT + a bit of “critical” rating/comments.

    +plenty of scenes
    +"survival" mechanic than can be turned off
    +plenty of CG
    +solid setting and plenty of scrip
    +fair quality

    -gets very repetetive and dull after a while
    -somewhat disappointing turn of events and progression

    Not much else to add. Solid lewd game as far western games go. Had some nice moments and scenes, but wasn't that much of my taste. Loved that I could turn off "survival" mechanic as I have no patience for those.

  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Tomás Turbando

    Man of the House is a high level game, the developer managed to work well on Unity, something that is not so simple, the game manages to have balance in all aspects and also has a good gameplay value. An excellent game without a doubt.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I give this game a solid 4 stars out of 5. I experienced no bugs, models look fine and the story is standard. Mood management can be turned off and there is an integrated cheat-agent to reduce grinding. And yet it’s well enough made to keep you hooked for a few hours. Why not 5? There is nothing really special about it, even though all mainstream fetishes are covered somehow. And some scenes have to be repeated several times to rise stats with the girls which is unnecessary grinding and can become tedious.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game from the beginning to end. It was a hell of a ride. Excellent storytelling. Most of the characters are hot. MC has a natural dick (not oversized!). Quite a big game but this game had a lot of potential to grow even more.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    I have no idea why this is so highly rated.

    So initially I was down with the mood bar and things, and was playing through properly ... but hours and hours in I just realised that effort wasn't really justified... the game is so god damn grindy, you have to complete the same stuff over and over again ... how many times did you have to go into the sauna with that one girl? like 9? and it happens once a day, so it was much easier to use the cheat thing to max your mood and money and whatnot and then rather than playing out a day properly just wait 23 hours after each grindy task to repeat it before moving onto the next, as that was by far the less painful way to get through it.

    And so once you've gone to all the work to raise up all the girls affection (or whatever) is it worth it? Not really ... I guess it's nice the scenes are animated and all, but the facial expressions are sometimes horrific, I'm guessing this was all done with earlier software than what some of the other games I've played had their renders made in... because it's downright creepy a lot of the time (and not in a good pervy way).

    I feel like I'm maybe being too harsh here, but yeah this game certainly isn't worth the time investment compared to many others... but I guess if you've run out of stuff to play then give it a whirl.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Reviewing the final version (1.0.2c) of this game.
    First of all i cant say that this game is all that good.
    Other than alot of content its grindy,repetitive and frustrating at times.
    I know that this game is kind of old but in todays standards is mediocre.
    Things that this game does right:
    • It has a lot of content.
    • Veronica
    • 5 Endings
    Cant say anything else is that good honestly
    Kinda good things:
    • Decent renders
    • Decent models,some are greater than other tho(overall 2.5/5)
    • Kinda ok story
    • Animations are ok (boob movement is sometimes funny :KEK: )
    Bad things :
    • Grindy as fk(1st half of the game is also annoying).I recommend locking the hole Mood system to max and add money through the Cheat console through the phone.Tried to play without this but its just too grindy for an Adult game.You do you tho.
    Edit:After finishing the game i spent like 5-6k on travelling around the city (both Tram and Taxi).Wouldn't it be a better idea if you could buy a bike or a car... You need to spend sooo much time grinding for money to traverse the city!!I'm glad i added money through the console at this point.​
    • Frustrating at times.Navigation and phone is annoying and the hints sometimes arent that easy to understand.
    • Having to rollback option results in spamming <skip 1h> till you reach the next day to do a specific event.You can use the Cheat console to go back but still (i would be better if that option was on the UI instead of hidden behind 3 buttons)
    • Repetitive.In order to progress with a character you need to go through the same scenes again and again and adding the previous negative(spamming 1h) its annoying.
    • Forgetable characters.Other than Veronica all the rest are kinda meh since the story is weak.
    • Date choices are hit or miss no hint in what do select to procceed meaning you need to repeat these to get the right end.Check the Walkthrough thread cuz it gets annoying af.
    After the 1st 2hours i burned through the rest of the game with Ctrl since the story and the grindyness made it just boring.
    Can't say that i recommend this game but if you want to spend like 6+ hours spamming Ctrl for some mediocre renders and poop animations do it :KEK:.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredibly solid entry with tons of content. I was very impressed with the various tracks and options available. Art quality was quite solid, animations pretty good as well. Definitely sets a high bar for a completed game.

    I played this game with locked moods and money as I'm not interested in a super grindy experience but still had a good time.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very well made game that you must play. This is one of those games that the dev really take his time until creation is almost perfect. I have no other complain but the grind necessary to most of the develop relationships with characters. Excluding Veronica, the others always had some tedious moments.

    Almost every path is interesting, but Veronica was my favorite. The mother path is a little bit stupid, but nobody cares...

    The renders are amazing and the animations too.

    The grind can be avoided by using the cheat menu in the smartphone. Thanks the dev for that.

    - Excellent game
    - Excellent renders
    - Plot simple but well developed.
    - Hot characters
    - Many paths to go for: slave/love with Veronica, love with the small one...
    - Gallery and beautiful interface.

    - Grind and repeatable scenes.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been absorbed in this for days. Without a doubt one of the best adult games I've ever played. Renders are amazing, story is great and characters are hot.
    Absolutely love the domination of a previously bitchy character and think it was well handled.
    If I had one complaint, it'd be the amount of grind. Luckily the Dev was nice enough to incorporate a cheat menu that can help you lessen this and enjoy the game.
    10/10 a must play, I wish there were more games like this.