Unity - Completed - Man of the House [v1.0.2c Extra] [Faerin]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 545851

    It's been a long ride, but Man of the house is basically finished, maybe some bug fixes here and their, and possible some small additions later in time, but for the most part, the games finished. So, my final thoughts on the game are really positive, in my personal opinion, this is one of the best games on this site, it's not perfect, but it's got pretty much all the things i ask for in a adult porn game. Good writing, sexy models, good sex scenes, and good old insest, all these things help make this a great adult game. Now, that doesn't mean that I like everything this game has to offer, the main characters model and design is really lame and ugly, he's the ultimate cliche main douche typical MC, he's pervy, he's willing to use tricks and even lie and manipulate his Mother just to get her to have sex with him, that's kinda stupid, I don't like that personality trope, it just rubs me the wrong way. But even cosidering those negatives, I'm still gonana rate this a 5 stars, it knows what it wants to be, and it's all the better for it. So if you haven't played this before, come and enjoy a great, simple incest game, you won't regret it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Derek Dyson Wade

    Awesome game! 100% enjoyed it all. Nice balance in having goals and needing time to accomplish them. I never found there was nothing to do, in fact, unlike many in this genre, there were so many choices and not enough time to do everything I wanted in a week. Great balance, even though I yearned for just a bit more money per work hour... C'est la vie !
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I have played 5stars, the dialogs are good, CG also, multiple road, with achievements, and different endings everything perfect, I recommend you this game, you will not be disapointed, trust me ;)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the first game I played on this site. It's one of the best games. The wonderful story, the sexy girls and the most beautiful of this game is, you know what's going on, it's known when one event ends and the other begins.
    So my rating is 5/5.
  5. 4.00 star(s)



    The render and the animation may not be top like icstor but both of them are good as they are. The in game walkthrough surely help the player to play this but sometimes it lack of details makes me confused. I think lack of story for the character but covered up by the good renders and dialogue in the sex intercourse. I can only give 4 because sometimes I feel it too grindy and I dislike the gallery scene only contain unrepeatable event I hope that it contain all the scene cause I find it annoying since you have to find the character to repeat the event. Those 2 are things that I dislike in this game and why I rate it 4 star. For me overall it's a good game contain a few flaws in it. It was also enjoyable playing this game. If you guys like this game and have extra money consider to support @Faerin on his patreon after all making a game is expensive. Okay that's all chow..
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.9.4b

    - Good adventure game with a map that you can go to various places available (Open World)
    - Good relationship building with the characters (Dating Sim)
    - Good RPG and Sandbox system
    - Good rendering of female character models
    - Good/Regular Sex Scenes
    - Good/Regular Animations
    - It has translation into 6 languages
    - It has cheats to speed up your game

    - The game ends up being tiring when you have to build a relationship
    - The gameplay ends up being a little slow
    - Boring dating mini-games

    It's a great dating game where you build relationships with the characters in the house. The incest story is weak but not bad. The game has an open world gameplay, where you can go to other available places and do some tasks / quests and a good rpg and sandbox system. The female characters are good, the renderings are also good but some of them are a little bit weird, but for the content presented, you won't care much about it. The sex scenes are good and regular, that's because of some characters, you'll find it good with one and bad with the other. That's preferable, so maybe you like everyone. And the animations are also the same, some are good and some not so much. The game has a somewhat slow gameplay due to the rpg, where you need to earn relationship points to unlock sex options and so on. However, this ends up becoming a bit boring, since some characters are not worth much effort. One of the bad facts of this game is the amount of badly worked characters, some characters should get more content, like Veronica, for example, she’s a evil sister, and corrupting it and submitting it is the best thing. Besides the fact that I find (my opinion) the best character. But as I was saying, some bad characters end up with content that most of the time is not worth the effort. As in the case of Angel / Pam and among others.

    Final Rating:
    It is an interesting game to play, but it is a little poorly organized. There are some things in the game that don't make sense or are unnecessary. Some places that could be better used and others that should not be paying attention or that should not be in the game. As well as some characters, that in the history of the game and its gameplay ended up leaving the game a little slow and tiring. Overall, it's a very good game, hardworking and interesting. So, I know that giving a three stars rating is not fair, but I must admit that the game also has its problems, for example it’s tiring, a little boring, and a little slow. Anyway, that doesn’t say he’s bad. Therefore , I recommend it.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    At first I didn't like it very much as it seemed like there wasn't much content, very slow and grindy, and some bugs. But it just happened to be a couple of things I got stuck on that didn't have obvious hints to do otherwise.
    But these things were minor, and as I got more into the game, and used to the flow, the more I really enjoyed it. There is a load of content and different ladies to pursue.

    The UI is very well done and easy to use.
    The backgrounds look great and many are of real places, the interior renders otherwise are very professional.
    The expressions of the characters are well done and subtle.
    Most importantly to me, the dialog is fairly decently thought out with a lot of funny moments and interesting situations.

    -There is a lot of repetition in building up sexual/relationship points with characters. I would like to see some variations here and there to keep the grind more interesting rather than having to rapidly click or hold ctrl all the time to skip the same dialogs several times in a row.
    -As some have said, the main character looks like a bit of a pud.
    -A few scenes his dick doesn't look right either, like it's just a floppy sausage sack full of chorizo (while Emma is on top fucking him in the massage room, and while Ashley is on top fucking him in the morning in the bedroom, the rest of the scenes are good for the most part)
    -Also, while most of the animations are pretty decent with zoom in and change view feature, other animations are pretty bad with no looping transition (Veronica in sauna, very stop-start-stop-start look) and otherwise do not have change view/speed/closeup feature. Wtf?

    -There is a lack of sound effects for the sex scenes, women's voices that could have some basic range of intros, expressions, moans, etc.

    Hopeful future content:
    Besides fixing the aforementioned issues,
    I just hope for some three/four/five some scenes with all the ladies of the apartment someday after they come to terms with the fact he's secretly fucking all of them otherwise.
    In general, I really hope to see some raunchy scenes of moving dick from pussy to mouth back and forth several times and girl catching cum in her mouth from another's pussy, which I find to be hot as hell and weirdly haven't seen very much of in the games I've played so far.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    An awesome game

    Lot of content, with a lot of different scenes

    Not the best renders I've ever seen but they are really, really good

    I had an issue playing the game the first time I downloaded it, longtime ago but everything works fine now, so I finally played this master piece :D

    The UI is very clean too, with nice animations, even if it's not the focus on this genre, it definitively is a plus

    The only thing I liked less is, like some people said, the grind, but the devs had the good idea to make a cheat so it's not as grindy as it could be without it

    So if you want to play a nice game with a lot of content and a bit of grind, you should consider try this one

    P.S. : Sorry for my bad english :ROFLMAO:
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game. I do not understand or agree with the amount of weight that is given to the grind, but the grind is perfectly implemented. I do not think a game should require 4-5 hours to develop relationships to the point where you move beyond kisses, but again...the mechanics are perfectly implemented.

    This is top-3 animation quality, though I played for many hours before I saw one.
    This has some of the most charming characters, though I played for hours before I started to see that charm even begin to unfold.

    My rating should reflect the quality - it is easily a top-tier game. The fact it is not shown as such is not entirely confusing however. I like a slower game, and even this made me consider dropping out. There is literally nothing I can complain about, with the design of this game, except for how much time it takes (even with cheats) to actually stumble into the story. Imagine "Harem Hotel", with Dez renders, and 1/4 pacing, and you have "Man of the House". Yea, it IS that good. And yea, it is that slow.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall a great sandbox game and improving all the time as it gets fleshed out more and more.

    Renders and animations are very hot and plentiful.

    Different story arcs are well done though sometimes the MC character changes between different arcs contradictory don't make a lot of sense
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    Though it really doesn't detract from game, just leaves you scratching head wondering.

    There are repetitive stages as with all stat management games but for most arcs the tiers are close together so avoids grinding and even when same scenes they keep expanding so really avoids grindy feel well.

    The hint and tracking systems are smooth, non intrusive and very helpful but you still need to learn the girls habits and schedule.

    The interface is good, though it did take a little to get used to giving and using items but once I got it in my thick skull it worked well.

    The female characters are great so far though personally to much attention on the MILFS rather than the aspiring model barrister and croupier. Same can be said for the oversized tits with only one perky chest so far and no average. Though both these are taste issues that have nothing to do with game quality.

    MC is not a total douche for once, the balance between sexual liberation and personality surprisingly well done so even when doing some pretty obnoxious things he somehow does it in a "nice" way. Though for some reason even though he middle sibling he looks like a 15 yo and way younger than sisters.

    Great game that is getting better all the time.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally got around to playing this one again after not touching it in well over a year, and wow has it come a long ways. My impression last time was that this was a cheap cash-in on DMD and BB, but Faerin has turned it into a phenomenally polished experience. The characters and storylines are top-notch (I normally hate corruption/slave storylines, but Veronica's was a fantastic twist), the renders and animations are beautiful, the UI is crisp, and the amount of content is ridiculous. I'm looking forward to seeing how he finishes the game up over the coming months.

    My only complaint is that it's overly grindy at times. Having to repeat the same lewd scenes with a character several times in a row to progress feels like padding, and keeping your essential stats up quickly becomes a chore. The weekly/hourly mechanic doesn't help either, since it's more efficient to spam the skip time button than it is to progress through multiple storylines as they arise. I hit the cheats not too long after starting to lessen the grind and I imagine most other players followed suit. If sleep/food/cleanliness/mood are going to be part of your next game, I'd suggest tying their levels to something more enjoyable than clicking the right buttons every day.

    All in all, though, a fantastic experience! I'm looking forward to your next game.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best porn games around, Man of the House has a lot going for it. Hot girls, lots of content, and enjoyable game mechanics. I would theoretically take off points for some of my coming nit picks, but they pale in the face of the heaping helpings of women being sexy.

    I had few actual problems with the game, none of them technical. Some of the grind is frustrating and takes too long(I'm lookin' at you, Mom!), especially in the early game, but given that you can be in the process of getting it on with either of your sisters while you ever so slowly seduce your Mom, it's not horrible. Getting money can be very frustrating late game(it costs something like over $700 to date Veronica!), especially because it's kind of boring and time consuming. I spent more time having Veronica drive me to the Gym than I did using my domination for good.

    These are small problems in comparison to an otherwise stellar game. It's fun, it's sexy, it's a grand ole' time.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm about three-quarters through this game, but I have to provide feedback on this excellent game:

    - There is an amazing amount of content in this game, so much that it puts many retail games to shame. There's an almost endless amount of things to do and repeatable activities that it seems like I could play around in this world for months.

    - The women have different personalities, all respond differently to the MC and there is realness (despite the game's primary focus on incest) that makes this game a fun relationship simulator, not just a fap-machine.

    - "The grind" - I've read a number of comments about "grinding" and I think that this is actually less tedious than some other games, but you do have to be at the right place, at the right time and with the necessary resources to move the game forward. I never came away with the feeling that I was just mindlessly toiling but rather that, same as in real-life, you have to put in a little effort to get things out of the girls.

    - There's a feeling of accomplishment, even using the walkthrough, to getting everything right during key events (such as the dates) and having some fun "sexy-time" with the girls. It's the same feeling I get from good retail games, with the added benefit of all of the sex!

    In brief, I highly recommend this game to anyone that likes a little complexity to a game's story and the women.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, interesting story and characters, tons of kinky fun.

    It's a little bit grindy and repetitive, but the cheat helps speed that along nicely.

    I really like how the gameplay changes as the relationship develops with each character. From the wooing phase, to the date to relationship....I haven't seen that in a game before and I thought it really kept things interesting.

    As a final note, the D/s kink, although the MC is pretty vanilla and not very domineering really, was very well done and pretty damn hot!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a great game, the characters are fantastic and the story really works, not always THE most believable situations but pretty high up there for the genre (Angel aside ;)). There may have even been times where (and I may never confirm or admit this in conversation) the story evoked actual emotional connection with the characters. Gameplay is smooth, animations are well done. Top quality. I have easily lost days of my life playing this game.. no regrets.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorites. The writing is good, the situations are believable (almost), and the 3D models are rather nice. I really enjoyed the gameplay as well. Well put together, I'll look into supporting the creators through patreon.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent art
    Multitude of characters

    Too much grind. Even with the cheats activated, even with the ingame tip system I had to constantly search both walkthroughs to know what to do and then grind through it
    Story is cliche and the characters are not that well developed

    So no, I'm not looking forward to future updates.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with great models and great lighting in all the scenes. Decent plot, not too much grind, good animations on the sex scenes. Graphics are good, story is good, no NTR, what is not to like. 5/5
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    seriously this game is one of the best game i have played and i hope in the future it will be mo version and of course more girl the graphic and the store line hes very very beautiful really really I am very happy because I found this game and I would recommend everyone to play this game...thanks for every thing :) :) :)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    what can you say about this Game?

    -it's a great game with a really Hot story

    -Pretty Characters

    -The Graphics are Terrific

    - very good Animations

    - very easy and uncomplicated to Play

    the Developer of this Game has my greatest Respect for his Time, Imagination and his Work ..