[R>Artist 2D] Paid Manka Games looking for UI designer


Game Developer
Aug 20, 2019
Unnanounced unique stealth adventure.

, creator of Tame It!

Looking for:
UI designer/artist

Employment Type:

Work commitment:
Main requirement is to be online and meet the deadlines you yourself have agreed with us.

Preferred method of contact:
PM me here, or in our Discord server ( )

Job Description:
A new, bigger, better but no less unique game than Tame It! needs an ambitious UI designer/artist.
You'll have to create a UI concept for the game with several types of core gameplay, as well as multiple minigames and other common features (such as multiple localizations, universal UI/UX for desktop and mobile) and less common features (such as a UI that evolves with the main character).

Of course, you'll be working with the team to implement this concept.
And your help will be needed in additional but not less important assets - logo design, assembling marketing images, icons and so on.
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