Others - Completed - Mansion [Alibi]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    this game is just a H cop of Resident evil but is fun to play all tough the gameplay is kinda weird some time, the Animations and sounds are fine but nothing from another world, 4/10 but its is just not for me so i guess i recommend it ( sorry for my bad english)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice Resident Evil ambiance, game is short allowing replayability without worrying of losing too much time.
    A little easy when you know what to do.

    Do not expect great H content, it is like Parasite EVE (Love that game), you unlock scenes when you meet new monsters, one CG for each possible death, one for an ending and one for hard mode.

    Fap crazy players will be disappointed, but I loved the experience.
    If you prefer Metroid gameplay, try parasite eve if you did not play it !
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Side-scrolling game about girl exploring mansion full of horror monsters.

    Graphics looks decent, fighting mechanics are ok, there are even puzzles to solve.

    And of course some (unfortunatelly censored) sex scenes.

    Not some great game but it's nice title.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    i just like horror theme like this and well this game remind me of resident evil 1 that i played long time ago
    but sadly this game only got few Hentai scene thou but it's has voice on the main protagonist so it's okay
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Mansion is a strange game. It has all the components that could make a fun H-experience but it falls short in almost all of them - the protagonist is hot, the setting is creepy, there's puzzles and there are monsters, and with ammo scarcity it should be hard, but none of that materializes.

    The gameplay isn't anything new. Your scantily clad character walks around some haunted monster-infested mansion looking for some things. During this exploration, you run into monsters and now have to escape with some data. The map is kind of confusing. You're never sure exactly where you are and this is worsened by the fact that there are so many doors that open over time and you don't know if you've been to a certain place or not. Honestly, I finished the game in thirty-ish minutes on normal and most of it was spent walking around looking for where to go. The puzzles themselves aren't difficult either. The gunplay is fine. The entire game just feels incredibly limited. There's not a lot of guns, not a lot of monsters and not a lot to do.

    You'd hope with the titillating title-screen that the H-Scenes are better. The sprite ones are censored with a big ol' black circle and you aren't that great to look at. The game over scenes are just a single image which while nice, isn't amazing. And that kind is it.

    You can play it if you're looking for a quick thirty minute foray into an ACT but I probably wouldn't The game isn't fun and the H-Scenes aren't amazing. Honestly, the title screen is the best thing about it. That slow rhythmic breathing is sexy.