VN - Ren'Py - Maou-Sama [Week 4 v0.3] [Neko-Hime]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Total fuckfest .IF you like incest ,harem and impregnation .You would love it .Story seems confusing and average .Dialogue are also kinda meh .But this game just does something different :Time travel and multi-generational inbreeding .XD. The LIs are also beautiful and there's bunch of them .There's plenty of action that you wont feel bored.Trust me you will either love it :love: or hate it(n) .
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Story is just weird and a big mess and no written very good either, the personalities are very very poor with pretty much all the LIs, no need to build relationships or anything of the sort just go say high to some one and next question will be "do you wanna fuck" it makes the game feel meaningless and pointless.

    You see this just a few mins into the game where you see a fairy, you talk for 10 seconds then fuck her, just a pointless fuck with no meaning or point to it.
    Also you get told you had sex with your mom which you dident but due to magic shit you apprently got your mother pregnant without ever thouching her, again just feels meaningless.

    Game should also have kinetic tag since you really dont have any options as MC, you just fuck everyone no matter how much you dislike them, if this game had any real choices as to who you want to fuck it would be 4 maybe even 5 star game but without it, its just a big turn-off, its even more stupid that you get some pop-up choices that is only a single choice, i can only think why? stuff like you want to come up to my room "choice: no" whats the point?

    The only reason i give this 3 stars instend of 1 is due to the number of lolis and the girls which is rare to see and some of them look really good, but the problem with so many is also that you never get to feel anything for anyone, its just a fuckparty with no real point or feelings.
    Also due to the fact that they did something right in some scenes where virgins/deflower showed blood/pain which also seems to be rare.

    Game had a ton of potential, but without meaningfull choices and 0 animations and 0 music and a poor messy story, it just falls way short of being worth playing, and i really hate that since its pretty rare to see any devs doing loli games now a days so would love to support those that still do, but it has to be worth it as well.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I really don't want to have children (except DDlg) and pregnancy is not my kink, but sill I wanted to try this game. And I only made to the end of first week..

    There are things I like:
    - Graphics are ok, animations also. Many of them are "ctr+c ctr+v" but it didn't bother me too much.
    - It made me curious about how it will end.
    -A very big plus, that raises ratings is that there is so much kinks! And this is something I really appreciate! That's why my ratings is 3 not 2..

    And there is "a but":
    - This story is a mess. Almost no laws, there is only chaos. It looks like the devs themselves didn't know what's going one.. And dialogues are boring and meaningless.
    - I feel like a rapist cause of this magic that forces girls to sex with MC :/
    - Too many girls. Most of them has only different graphics. And most of them feels like empty shells. Some girl talk to MC and I was like GIF
    - There are no choices, I really don't like some of this girls, but game forced me to have sex with them. Too bad :/
    - Most of this girls don't have story - there is something, but it doesn't matter. Some girl talk something about how father kill someone, or whatever, but it feels empty, and our reactions is
    GIF. All conversations here can be shortened to GIF2. There is no way at all to actually get to know someone, learn and feel their story, or form a bond. It feels like a pokemon game: "A wild girl is appeared, fuck her! Good, now lock her up in the haremball!" and that's it..
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Extremely convoluted story. Just a total mess. Rather bad writing. Couldn't make myself care enough to keep reading and switched on skipping.

    Way too many characters. Yes, the dev has made them visually different, but this is nullified by the fact that there are very many repeated animations -- different characters and backgrounds, but same animation in different chapters of the game even.

    Animation themselves are quite simple and uninspiring. With a good story, they could work. Models are sorta decent enough, if somewhat simplistic for 2023.

    Bonus points for weirdness -- some of the tags and the fact that you can actually bang centaurs(!)

    Maybe it gets better with time, but I couldn't make myself to play through week 2. And you NEED previous weeks final save to start next week!
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The story in this VN is a convoluted mess. I get the feeling the Dev really has no clear idea of where he wants it to go so it just sort of meanders all over.

    There are so many characters introduced you need a playbill to keep them straight which also means none of the characters are fleshed out well. There really isn't anyone you can relate to or empathize with and hard to become invested in the story, such as it is.

    The writing isn't that good, the dialog needs work. The models aren't that well done either, very loli heavy. I found some of the early images a bit disturbing.

    Some of the visuals could be overlooked with a good enough storyline but this doesn't have it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    What a crazy ride so far.

    I played till week three and I really enjoyed it.
    If you like incest, harem and loli then you will like this.

    The story might get confusing at times, there is much time traveling and altering of time lines involved but the story so far is engaging and I can't wait for where it will go.
    Likes: Lerd0
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    a totally crazy game - you have to play it. Then you love it :por you're just disgusted:poop:, no middle way...
    come in or leave .
    The story is fantastic - sometimes very good or really bad.:devilish::devilish::devilish::devilish::devilish:
    Likes: .ox
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Tried out the game and well overall I would say that the story is pretty whacky and it just keeps getting whackier as the story unfolds. The characters looks great and the sex scenes are pretty good though they suffer from mostly being still pictures or choppy animations.

    My main issue with the game is that it should probably be called lolicon-sama instead of maou-sama since I kid you not when I say that for the first week most of the girls look to be around 10-12 years old, there are few adult women in the game and those that are are either partly optional or can/will turn into their loli forms wether you want them to or not. There are some late teen girls though most of them look to be at most 14-16 years old. Also since most girls look like their at most 12 pretty much 50%+ of the girls are either tiny + flat and most of the other girls have small chests. This only seems to become more of a trend in week 2 and to be honest I could not stomach playing further then part way into week 2 since in that part of the game there are multiple girls that look to be around 6-8 years old introduced into the game and even if at that part you pick the "milf" choice instead of the loli's you are still forced to have sex with them wether you want to or not.

    So all in all if you like seeing prepubescent girls having sex with a most of the time grown man (the MC can change between shota, adult or old form at times you as the player have little control over this) and you like a ton of lolis that seemingly only get younger per version released then this is a game for you.

    Personally this is not a game for me since most of the scenes just honestly made me uncomfortable. Which is why my personal rating is more like 0/5, still it's a decent game if you like this sort of thing it's just not my cup of tea.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This is one crazy ass game. I don't mean this as a dis, but as a genuine observation.
    The plot is pure madness, and has kind of a dream logic vibe to it, getting more and more convoluted with every new update. Personally I find it a tad excessive, but that's just me.
    Fap wise, it has something for everyone; patch, no patch, either way you are gonna have a good ol' time.
    The renders are ok, but some of the scenes are some what stiff.
    Other than that, pretty good. Would fap again.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    CTR -X

    Who gives a fuck about character development, typos, and an easy-to-follow plot when you have Neko-Hime? Not saying there aren't interesting characters and the plot is bad, but I can see where people are coming from. That being said, I can't think of another game that does something similar to this better. 23 sisters is the best candidate I can think of, but you don't time travel in 23 sisters. so checkmate atheists.
    Likes: .ox
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    Vivat Imperatoris

    What can I say? Graphis are bad, not terrible, but bad. The story, the dialogue, and the characters are written so poorly it's almost laughable. There are 100 girls but no one has a soul or grows on you. The usual dialogue is something like this:

    "Hey I'm the MC"

    "Cool wanna fuck?"

    And that's the whole game. For example. How does the MC tell his sister that he has feelings for her? "I would like you to suck my dick!"

    No joke that's in-game!!!

    Try that in real life and see what happens.... What a bullshit game!
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    This review's gonna be short. I started playing and reading the story, it's nothing special. Then I started asking myself, "why is the whole game a bunch of non-choices?" like every "choice" had on option. And I didn't go for the uncensor because I never cared for IC content. Also I was weirded out because all the models are kids. So I go through, the whole game has boring sex and a bad story so I cave and think the patch must have the content, being 2GB. Little did I know it's just loli content.

    This is a blatant break of Rule 7 and don't know why it's still up on this site.

    INB4: One of the characters literally says she has to wait 4 years to get a drivers license. That means she 12 years old.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Its a decent game.

    The plot may be confusing, hell sometimes it is even for me, but overall its very interesting. Theres many choices, not sure to they matter for the plot but nonetheless its very entertaining.
    Animations are 3/5 for me
    There so many characters you can make them pregnant lmao

    In week 3 theres this weird game main menu which is buggy and confusing, i accidently clicked something and it quit the game for me, couldnt read what it was. But its a great game tho, i recommend
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting story. Great sex scenes. Would recommend for anyone looking for these genres. Seems like the story keeps changing as it grows. A few times it was unexpected, a few others you could see coming.
    Likes: .ox
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This for version week 3v0.4 Renders start off meh but get way better the farther into the game you get... Story- just like the renders the story starts out meh but after information starts to come out it becomes really good and addicting ...animations are ok...not the best not the worst...The harem is fuking huge- Sometimes you forget who the hell is who but the ones you dont forget are damn hot(shout out Shuri and the Mother of Death) THIS GAME IS FOR BOTH WHO LIKE SEX SCENES AND AN ACTUAL PLOT....The dialogue is good and there is no Engrish or many typos that I saw. I say give the game a shot. it takes a while to hit a stride but damnit it got really good when it did. Solid 4/5
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Starts mundane but quickly explodes through any preconceived notions. Everyone sees "step" and starts to judge how the story develops, but by the end of the first week there are some many characters that it almost becomes too much. Luckily they also added in a facebook to help you keep everyone names and faces together.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    The petite character models in this game are really cute and there is quite a bit of scene content.

    But the game has the opposite of a plot. Its narrative is absolutely terrible- bordering on complete nonsense.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I have read some crazy stories in my time but this one is probably the craziest, trying to write a scene by scene review(like i usually do) for this game is impossible as the story is constantly being rewritten with every part, every time you think the game has settled and you understand the rules/people/location/time/etc.. of the world it all gets thrown out the window then 5 mins later oh it was all a lie/dream/in the past/future/other reality/etc... here are the real facts but then 5 mins later on and on over and over again to the point of the story being totally useless and taking any sense of danger to the MC or the people he knows out of the game as he could just find them again in another dream/past/future/other reality/etc...

    It keeps describing different paths the MC will end the game with based on the "choices" but it dosent say what the difference is between the endings and so far(week 3) i have actually not seen any "choices" that do anything so I'm pretty sure there will be only one ending.

    Speaking of "choices" there really are none for the "story" and from what i played none at all, i tried to reject every girl in the game with the "choices" but not a single one could be rejected(i.e. don't have sex with them or just even saying i don't like you) even through there are several characters i really hated, for example in the start the people are following a prophecy and don't really care about the MC(demonstrated as they throw away the old chosen one as soon as he is useless) so they pretend to like the MC which is shown right at the start when characters use the MC for there own goals without caring about him(you get the standard person has never shown any interest in MC whatsoever but now that they have been forced to be with you they totally have always really wanted it line) and without any choices the player has to sit through the MC eating it all up like a moron.

    Its also the same with the "bad guys" the double standards are annoying, there are "evil" characters in the game but its the only persons the MC dosent want to have sex with, everyone else who does evil things will have a forgivable reason to do so and the MC wont just forgive them instead he will say they did nothing wrong(even when they clearly did) so hearing the MC go on and on how he wants to kill the bad guys for hurting the people he loves but the women who were with the "bad guys" who supported there actions the MC totally forgives them, WTF at least let me reject them for there crimes but no this is another kinetic novel with loads and loads of useless "choices".

    The stupidity of the MC cannot even begin to be described, characters will tell him straight to his face "do not trust me" and every time he will trust them, apart from that sadly the MC is of the doormat verity not caring that people use him and instead just goes along with everything they tell him to do, he has zero back bone and no will of his own basicly he could just be a cum filled dildo and the game would play out the same(actually probably better).

    The rest of the characters and there are a lot of them are all the same, yes they might look different but they all think exactly the same(i want sex with the MC and I'm happy to share him), one of the other infuriating things about them is that loads know more information but wont tell it to the MC instead they spend half the time lying to him so if you hate being forced to be with deceitful characters which here happens a lot you might want to skip the "story" and just enjoy the sex.

    The adult scenes are really well done but its no challenge at all to get them the MC can just be having a normal conversation and then bamn sex(yes its really just like that).

    About half way through week 2 you are finally allowed to reject a couple of unimportant characters which I'm sure was only done to cut the ever increasing cast but honestly i doubt they will actually be gone forever.

    On the plus side the kinks are very well done and include some you wont find anywhere else(enough reason alone to play the game) also the way the creator uses time makes for some very interesting relationships which again you wont find elsewhere.

    This could have been an amazing game if the story could calm down and include some rules/laws because when time and space are at your command there is no element of danger/risk which makes the story boring.

    Story 1/5 (crazy and convenient)
    Art 4/5 (super quality)
    Sex 5/5 (loads and loads)
    Fetishes 5/5 (plenty of and used well)
    Choices 0/5 (none that do anything)
    Characters 2/5 (some good some bad but all of the same mind and forced on you).
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3589835

    Wonderful game! Tons of content! Amazing choices and the characters are engaging and entertaining! For many of the reviewers that gave this game negative feedback most likely did not download the extra uncensored patches for each individual week.

    In order to fully experience the game the extra patches are an absolute must! It includes about 3 gb worth of extra content that is removed from the regular version! Other then that the only thing I can say is sometimes the story got a bit hard to follow at times, but that pales in comparison to all the sex scenes. It's like a buffet !

    Great game dev! I love all the magical creatures there's giantess's, fairies, shape shifters, you name it! This was a very entertaining game. If you're looking for a super deep and thorough plot i'd look elsewhere as I don't believe the DEV intended for it to be that way. This is a great game that gets straight to the point with sex scenes and also has a somewhat linear plot. Highly recommend playing! And also remember to download the uncensored patches for each individual week! Week 1, Week 2, and Week 3 each of the patches for weeks 1-3 are a gig each but it's worth it!
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    The main problem for me with this one is the text: It is often as if it was written by an average 10-year-old, spiced with sex vocabulary. Many of us are no native English speakers (neither am I), but as in other games the text often ends in a wall of chit-chat. If your English isn't that well, it might not matter to you that much or even at all. The thing is that the game tries to be ambitious and since its scenes are so disjointed, the style of the text feels out of place.

    The game has its merits; some of the girls look distinct (others rather generic), and if you are into interracial and pregnancy sex like me you will find something here. Unfortunately, the latter kind of sex would be much nicer to watch if the animations weren't that basic and short. To add another plus, I am grateful that you can see some things that are not cliché (like a girl in a wheelchair). And I did not run into an unavoidable fistfight during the first 10 minutes. I'm almost inclined to give the game another star for that. Well, almost.