Unity - Completed - Marionette Eden Breakers [Final] [Madeleine Company]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Marionette Eden Breakers [Final] [Madeleine Company]
    Ugly from every point of view.
    Few scenes and poorly done, no voices, no story, and unlockable in the worst possible way (play 10 times with a character, so you don't even need to buy upgrades, or try to reach a certain number of points or anything else).
    As a rule, even if 90% of games of this genre have deficiencies in the scenes or story, they at least have gameplay that I consider "ok", in this game even that is poorly made.
    Not recommended!
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    6 animations. Entirety of this game has 6 H-animations.
    And you're expected to do 10 runs with each character to unlock them.
    Those runs would be in a very poor copy of Vampire survivors, with unlockable upgrades for thousands of gold.
    I have no idea whether there is something at the end of the run. I'm not interested in finding out.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I was pretty excited to try it since it looked pretty similar to Daisenka, one of my favorite top-down bullet hell style games, but this is basically not much more than a bare-skeleton build of what it could be. The portrait doesn't change on damage or react at all, rendering it pointless. The h-scenes are rather unimpressive, but not technically bad. But the gameplay itself is really bad, with bad direction control (based on movement not mouse so you often have to charge at the enemies to face them, even with direction locking), terrible damage indications for everything, and overall really boring.

    It has the potential to be pretty awesome with some work, but it's definitely not worth playing yet.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Idk how they can mess up survivor game but they did.

    No variety in build synergy. Looks like there's a main attack on-hit build, a dash build and some kind of bullet hell build. Seems to be nothing in between so if you're going for one of these builds then you're locked in.

    The enemy health and damage scaling makes no sense. You can clear everything until you can't (for me it was ~12 mins) and then you're forced to run out of the screen. The enemies don't spawn directly in front of the direction you run but they pincer you in from the side. So you just stuck in a loop when you're forced to keep running in the same direction without killing anything until you die.

    Not sure if there's even a wincondition in the game because H-scenes are unlocked by # of times played not "won".