Unity - Completed - MARIONETTE [Final] [Imperial Gorilla]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A very well made brothel manager. Subjectively speaking better than Monster Black Market gameplay wise as it's mostly automated and you don't have to micro manage everything as much. The story is pretty wholesome and the gameplay loop not as offputting as monster black market. The game is easy and fun to play and basically a pornofied relaxation game. Would recommend!
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Bob Bee

    Overall 3/5. A simple brothel management game with a decent story and light H content

    Gameplay 2/5. Brothel resource management game that is pretty low on content. Starts of promising but most features get unlocked very early on and I found it way too repetitive and boring by the halfway point

    Story and Characters 3/5. A decent story, it started of interesting invested but was unsatisfying overall. Effort was placed into setting up the characters but it fell flat

    Visuals 3.5/5. Standard quality pixel art for everything,

    H Content 1/5. The prostitution scenes that you see in game is all of it
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Pained me to rate the game low but alas this game is one of those game where it get worse after the first hour.

    The H-scenes are nice basic pixel animation loops, Big downside is you practically unlocked all the sex-related things in the first few weeks yet still have to play until nearly 100 days to reach the end.

    The story and writing are phenomenon but the main character takes on a passive role, and you basically cannot make any choices until the very end.

    What's there is nice, but this game at its core is tedious and repetitive. Even with a nice management game loop it just overstay its welcome, by a large margin.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    An easy and simple management game with surprisingly great story.

    So many Japanese games translated to English have their dialogues ruined by MTL, fortunately for this one, the dialogues make sense and they make up for great scenes.

    The only con is that the game offers very little in the H-scenes front. But I would genuinely have played and enjoyed the game as a standard non-H game regardless.

    There are a few different endings, I suggest playing blind the first playthrough, and if you are too lazy to play again for a different ending, the gallery has all the scenes unlocked anyways so it's not an issue.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    TLDR: It's a lighter version of Monster Black Market, but with enemy attacking your settlement. With vague bitter-sweet endings, especially, you don't even get laid with any of them. USE THIS TO CONSIDER WHETHER YOU WANT TO BUY THIS GAME!

    A brothel tycoon with RTS sometime.
    There are upgrades and customization, but it doesn't matter as much as it should.

    Sex scene:
    Pixel sex might as well saying that pixel are having sex with each other because you are awfully non-existence to this game
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    watashi no R

    pretty fun as a porn game, the grind is a bit annoying since you need to
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    and unless you want to be lazy and fast forward everything but not hard. overall 9/10 for me
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    there is not thatr much to it, but its a simple and fun management brothel game, set in a cyber setting.

    the progression is a bit slow, and research tree is not too advanced, but there are some hours of play, and some challenge at higher dificulty
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Gets a bit boring fast, alot of sitting around waiting for next story text to pop up, its not a AVN either since there arent any sex scenes that i saw doing the full story mode, its just alot of grinding for no real rewards.

    For a Tycoon kind of game its not bad which is why ill give it 3 stars but as an AVN it would be 0.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    + Brothel management game. Tycoon-like
    + Quick to learn.
    + Different girls with different purposes (each has stats. Like, one is better in bed, the other in security etc.)
    + Enemies to defend against.
    + As you progress, you unlock more space and better rooms to build
    - Very Repetitive
    - Kinda grindy in the long run, since you pay off debt.
    - Tutorial not comlpete. Doesnt explain many things, like buying more Items after unlocking them through upgrades (This is important. Unlocking the upgrades gives you a few starter items. But you need to buy more in the shop after unlocking, to equip all of your girls. Just use Auto-Equip in the All-Girls' Management Menu. Not worth the hassle to equipt them manually 1 by 1. As you unlock better upgrades, unequip older items from all girls, sell off the lower tier ones, and buy higher tier ones. And just Equip-All auto again)
    - Missing SFX sound. Would have been more exciting with moan sounds, sex sound or similar, to make up for the lack of scenes.
    - No real girls. They are Androids.

    Frequency of Scenes:
    - No scenes, no real sex. Only the customer-girl animations in rooms

    + Barely any dialogues, since it is a game heavily focused on management.
    - There is some kind of 'tried to add a story'. But it is so trivial, I started to skip these rare dialogues.

    --> All in one a management game to pass the time. In the long run repetitive and boring. Not a real porn game, even if the theme is about a brothel. Since it is a little bit fun at start, it still deserves a few points for the short time it is fun. Maybe 2 or 3 points of 10.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    As a H-game?

    This game is lacking in the lewds department.
    - There's 3 different scenes for each of the 5 characters, and that's it. It's pixel art too, so if you aren't into that there's nothing else for you.
    - There are also 3 costumes: defaults, a maid costume, and a gyaru costume.
    - There are 2 types of boobs, "small" or big.

    As a management simulator?

    It's fun. Not too complex.
    You have to reach quotas every 10 days to progress or you'll get a game over.
    There's a limited amount of building space and you have to make the most out of it.
    You also have to consider armed guards for unruly customers and raiders.

    What about the story?

    Classic cyberpunk slice-of-life with emphasis on androids.
    I will admit I got teary-eyed at some scenes, and if you don't trigger certain cut-scenes you won't even see what's coming.

    I recommend playing blind first, and then playing a second run for the "true ending". The difficulty only changes enemy HP which sucks. Stick/downgrade to easy if it's a hassle.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Long Grind
    Awesome story
    Lacking visuals

    It's an easy idle game that keeps you on hook by story explanaitions. Each 3 to 10 days you get a new interaction or background info which makes you continue playing. Day 90 is last day but even with 8x speed it takes a lot of time.

    But i liked it even though i wasted a lot of time ending was nice.
    It got multiple ending but you can check all after finishing the game.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    No Fapette (Review) [FINAL]

    Total playtime: 2-3 hours
    Number of faps: 0
    Finished the game?: Yes

    Game-play (4/5)
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    This is a brothel simulation game, you buy bots and make them work in your brothel. There are only a couple rooms/buildings you can place. Although the gameplay is superficial, it doesn't get boring because it is a short game. Feels like a demo.

    Sex (1/5)

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    There are a couple of bots you can buy. All of them have 2-3 different clothing and sex variations. However, none of them is fappable. You enjoy seeing it, the art looks nice but not gonna make you shoot your load most probably.

    Verdict (3/5)
    This is a short game that you can enjoy in an hour or two especially if you like simulation games. There is some depth to the gameplay but it is mostly superficial. It feels like a demo. Unfortunately, the H-scenes/animations are not fappable. They are short 2d pixel loops, it is easier to fap to photos from Hustler magazine from the 90s.

    Why only 2 categories (game-play and sex) for the review?
    I only care about how good and entertaining the game-play (mechanics, replay-ability, enjoyment, etc.) and whether I can fap to the h-scenes. The rest doesn't matter to me.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the Good Ones™.

    An idle/pod-based management-game with a really strong concept, particularly when it comes to visuals and the concept of customizing your android-girls.

    There are cons to this game, but to my mind, the game succeeds in just about everything it sets out to do, so it all hinges on how much the japanese loli-android concept appeals to you. If this style is your thing, then this is pretty damn great.

    The game is a bit slow-paced, and a bit simple when it comes down to it, but those are not big enough downsides to lower my score. The game borrows it's gameplay from good sources.

    The story, however, is bland and forgettable, which is why it's good that the game provides a free-play mode for subsequent runs. On the whole, the game doesn't do a lot with the girl's individual personalities, which is alas, when we're talking about literal sex-dolls.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Disappointing high quality brothel sim. The quality is there, it's just that the h just isn't that good.

    Story 4/10

    The story's kind of there. You're a debtor and put in charge of this brothel and you need to make money to pay off your debt. Bog standard plot. Except there's androids.

    Each android type has a type of personality? Sort of? The game does the drip plot in periodic tiny slice of life story scenes. There's the standard one who's kind of tsundere, there's the chippy small one, there's the beautiful oneesan one, there's the cheery strong one, and there's a yandere. They don't really play into their roles that much and there's not much story behind each android either.

    The ending's also kind of lame. The best ending you fight off an attack, the big bad girl turns out to be a softie? and let's you go free to live your life with your 5 brokenish androids. Annnd fade to black.

    To be fair, I don't find android stories to be compelling. They're not human.

    Gameplay 3/10

    Not great. The brothel doesn't have a lot of options so after like 20 minutes of play you're not going to see anything really new.

    You have a brothel with a viewing room and a banging room. There's a bunch of other fluff built in as well, but they're really just fluff because... I know why I'm here and you know why you're here, and it's very much fluff.

    The fights are superfluous. You get security androids and they fight occasionally and that's it.

    The upgrade path is quite unsatisfying. It's pretty much numbers go up. You go from D -> C -> B -> A -> S, but otherwise there's no visual difference between the ranks. The droids don't hold bigger guns, perform extra sex moves, or really anything worthy. You earn more money to be able to upgrade to the next letter. That's not really satisfying.

    Art 4/10

    Pixel art is not really my thing but I gave it a go anyhow. But even then, there's just not a lot there. You just fast forward through most of the day and the droids bang in the background with very little animation.

    I think one big thing missing is the self-insert. You, the manager, never bang any of the androids. On-scene or implied. It just doesn't happen. ... Why?

    Overall 4/10

    This game is high-ish quality and it's polished... but it's just not that fun. The pixel art h-scenes aren't very numerous, the self-insert-to-insert isn't there, and the gameplay just isn't very entertaining.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid Game, H aspect is a bit lacking but I stuck around playing the game because of its fun gameplay, good art design, good sound tracks and its good story telling. While there is H it is a bit lackluster, and its primarily through the gameplay that you achieve said H content.

    I would give this game a 4.5 stars but since I can't I will round it up to 5 to potentially help other people stumble upon this game as well (Not that I need to because the game is well received).
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    It's basically and Idle + Clicker game with minimal management.

    At the beginning you set up and start waiting until you get enough for an upgrade and start sitting again, while setting up guards for (after) whenever an annoying intruder alarm rings. The progress pacing makes it so dull that an x8 time multiplier is not enough and besides the guard management, there is nothing to do but wait.

    If there were actually more meaningful upgrades and a few other tweaks for guards and pacing, this could be an okay management game. Now it's boring and tedious.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a great game, wish there were more different sex animations. Also, it's kinda hard to tell who's speaking when there's no sprite during cutscenes.

    It'd be nice if there were more sex animations like Monster Black Market cause I like these kind of games and pixel art. Still, a good game nonetheless.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is special, not so much in the H-stuff, but as a game overall. It's fun to play, pretty and, even though it's complete, had a lot of potential to be expanded into something insanely good.
    A very weird feeling about this one. I can't complain about anything, but I really wish it was taken further by the developer.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    A short but bittersweet story with an actual management gameplay that is quite challenging in Hard and above modes, the characters are quite believable with an atmoshphere that makes you truly feel what life in a dystopian world is like.

    Good gampelay, Good Story, with my onlyproblem with it is probably how short it is compared to games with other games that has the same genre like Bifrost, this game makes me remember why i love Cyberpunk genre and dystopian settings.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice management game. Finished freeplay mode in roughly 4 hours. Ui/controls can be a bit confusing at the start though.
    It is pretty polished, and I did not find any bugs while playing. Artwork is delightful pixel art.