RPGM - Completed - Mary↑GO→LAND!! [v1.10] [ornament]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Epitome of a game that spent way too much on polish and barely anything on gameplay.

    The H-scenes are mediocre and lackluster, if you've played any game of the same genre you've seem pretty much all of the games here.

    The mechanics themselves are bad, the combat is boring, the world seems dead and the story is painfully generic.

    Would've given this a 3 star if not for the fact that the translation is pretty bad as well.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    A pretty standard RPGM. The thing that made it stand out for me was mostly Mary. She is a fun deliquent girl character who I really enjoyed. Has an attitude and is driven and confident. Scenes are lose to H most of the time but the game never punishes you for losing, you just wake back up where you were which is how it should be. I cheated gold to avoid the grind which i'd honestly reccomend, but the game probably isn't too grindy if you play right and find all the important items you need.

    Although you have a nice looking stats screen which I enjoyed, they don't matter much as you're mostly just losing to H instead of ever seducing people. Story was decent enough, mostly just liked for the MC though.

    Good H scenes and a nice art style.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Right, spoilery stuff, so don't read if you're not interested.

    For the game: Blue/green marks are shops/helpful info. Orange marks are quests - sometimes rape. Red marks are important quests/plot points supposedly, Purple marks are for dark magic advancement - almost always rape. Save before activating one, if you want to avoid rapes.

    The MC is the leader/boss of a girl gang. After winning a gang fight, she dies protecting her underling from a knife hit of a defeated opponent's backstab attack. Then she gets isekai'd by a shitty king type of summoning.
    The shitty king's daughter looks just like her former underling so they stay friends as MC escapes the castle.
    Queue the world map where you can travel freely from location to location on a preset route, which expands as the plot advances.

    Stats increase by increasing your rank and your rank increases by eating food. Supposedly you get fatter with bigger boobs, but i didn't make it that far.

    Combat is first guessing which move a specific mob is vulnerable to and then spamming it for big critical damage while trying not to lose. Or just use the basic attack for average damage. The "Powerful Move" shtick is just choosing between combat erotic scene or not. Can't block it, only avoid.

    Magic is kinda dumb. MC's type is darkness, but no one knows how it works because plot. Mc finally meets a shady dude later on who says she needs to get fucked first to use that magic, which is bullshit of course. You'll later find something that lets you use dark magic, but only one move because the game author was too lazy to actually map a non-rape route for magic. Or maybe it's just the bad translation that implies that, don't know.
    Doesn't matter anyway because you don't need it much.

    Do not the cat if you don't want to get raped. It is one of the most shittiest moves in gaming and i'm dropping a star from the review just for remembering it.

    Story spoiler part:
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    Then again, the translation is what it is and i skipped a lot of stuff, so i'm missing the details probably.
    I reached the going back home ending. Don't care if there are any others.

    Visually, the style looks great. But as usual, it is marred by the superficiality of both gameplay and erotic component integration. If there is a non-erotic version, try that one instead. Otherwise just type DevilMary in the recollection screen and watch the scenes directly.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Gameplay (4/5): you walk around in a 2D sprite world exploring the area and following the story (4). There's very deep content, and I only scratched the surface so far (5). Keyboard/mouse controls are a bit confusing, e.g. tried to click categories in the main menu to find out it's keyboard only (3). Small things like there's not even a quit button (3).

    Story/Dialogs (3/5): the overall story is really deep and detailed (4). Dialogs only show the protagonist, not the people she talks to (3). The hint for skipping dialogs (holding CTRL) comes pretty late actually for the very lengthy dialogs (3).

    Audio (4/5): nice music choices (5), however the VA is poor with only some "Noa" and "Hey" stuff, nothing fancy (3).

    Video (4/5): pixel art if you're into it (3) with very good 2DCGs (5).

    NSFW (2/5): no sign of NSFW content in the first 15 minutes (2), however the screenshots look promising.

    Size (3/5): 2.5 GB for some pixel art, kidding me? (3)

    Overall (3/5): if you are looking for a pixel art game, are into reading a lot of story and wanna invest a good amount of time to see some lewd content, this might be the game for you. If not, I would not recommend it.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I did not enjoy this one.

    Whilst initially drawn in by the great art and music, I was let down by bland story, generic gameplay and extremely dialogue heavy segments (which are only made worse by the MTL).

    This is also one of those games that locks all the h content behind the virgin barrier, as nearly every single scene involves vaginal penetration.

    So for those that are fans of "virgin debauchery" expect to see little to no h.

    Really felt like a chore to slug through this one, and in the end I can't recommend it unless you like having to deliberately lose and be bad at the game to see any porn.

    Art & music is the only pro here meriting two stars to this otherwise snoozefest.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    really nice rpgm turn-based game, one of the better ones, me really enjoyed this one


    - it's kinda short but in a good way, game is not stretched that much
    - likable characters, and decent adventure feel even with the mtl
    - h-scenes are really good and is voiced(i did a virgin run tho, so i just saw them on gallery, sadly not animated)
    - dungeons aren't too big
    - there's an actual difficulty spike(tho well just like old rpg games it's just chugging pots, prepping and save scumming to check the best move for the enemy)
    - BGM choice is nice, not the usual rpgm game BGMs, at least the battle BGMs


    - tis short
    - the difficulty spikes are really big and sudden, especially if one is used to steamrolling on these kind of rpgm games
    - this is a personal pref, but i'm really sad that there's no yuri content =-=
    - there's a preggo counter, but no visuals, same goes to the calorie counter
  7. 5.00 star(s)



  8. 3.00 star(s)


    because its average therefore I give it average score. should really be 2.5/5.

    + the illustrations are good, but if that's all you're after then find an h-cg of it somewhere.

    = battle system is very very much of a typical rpgm game. the only difference is you don't get exp from killing mobs, but instead of eating for some reason. other than that, standard fare.

    - plot is underwhelming. its simple asf. she's isekai'd sure, but after that she's just a generic protag. cannot even be bothered with the ending since, well, there's really no story. there's really nothing to progress other than some side commented demon lord. I'd be interested to see people discussing the endings but there's nothing so far as of this writing 5/4/2023.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I haven't finished the game yet, but I have to write this now.

    The music is just too damn good!

    I've been sitting here listening to these bangers for an hour now, and I forgot I had a game to play!

    Will return to update this later.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A classic RPG game with developer who put his heart into the project

    Main character is cute and bold, typical sukeban
    Eat system to level up looks interesting, soo there is no experience after killing mobs, only points to exchange for food to lvl up?
    H events illustrated is very beatiful
    Combat is very easy, 1v1 type battlles with h scenes after you lose
    the music and sound are satisfying. The music in menu where mc stat shown was absolute banger

    Overall game was interesting with it own unigue aspects, soo i would definitely recommend to play this one (y)
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    The game its decent.

    -Its a typical RPGM game, have good art and the story has his moments. but it's like a math test which you get 5.99

    -There its not corruption, only a h system what seems complex and its not.

    -Get in the H status its boring.

    -Fights are easy (i meant its a normal turn based combat)

    Well at the end its other RPGM but its feel the developers have heart in the proyect.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Note This is only on Virgin Run. (I will update maybe later after more 'porn' run.)

    Combat 3/5: Very average. I may update later. I don't know if there is lewd abilities of protagonist or not. I do know enemies have a chance to molest/combat rape(?) her or some scenes did it from testing, before I restarted as I was aiming for Virgin run(yes, save scumming I know.) Any who, from my run through a lot of combat mostly revolves around this. Use 5 cost heal skill, basic attack, basic attack, dodge enemy ability, rinse, and repeat. I did check a few specials that had interesting animations, but most didn't seem worth it or maybe I was just low rank(despite all the apples and oranges I spam ate to get high health/mana)

    Map/World Design 3/5: Yea. I actually like the world map artist style but sadly most of the dungeon maps and others are very linear and lackluster. I mean, if I had to be frankly honest, I like the world map more than I do the actual dungeon maps or what few of them there were.

    Sound 3/5: Umm.. Nothing very memorable here. I think the girl has some voice overs with her special attacks, but music wise nothing stood out besides the ending song. :unsure:

    Story ?/5: Oh story. I am sure this probably has a great story to it, I mean I liked the 'isekai' approach. Though sadly the story is ruined by AI translation and later it becomes noticeable. I am just going to skip this till we get a proper translation either from Kagura or fanmade. But that is super fingers crossed there.

    Scenes NA (Will update later)

    Replayability ?/5 (Will get back to this. There is a NEW GAME+ feature, so you can carry over stuff.)

    Gameplay Length: Shortish. I beat it in a few hours doing a virgin run. You may get more hours out of scenes, I don't know how long they are/were.

    Level System 4/5: This is what probably interest me the most was the method of leveling. Unlike other games where you get exp, you get gold. You use that gold to buy food. Food raises stats. So much food will raise rank. Also, certain foods will affect growth of body parts. Though I didn't notice any as I was just spam eating oranges/apples and the only few meats I ate were from bosses and it didn't have any visible direct impact on weight. Sooo.. Maybe I didn't spam eat enough meats/cheese/or other stuff to effect body weight. If you want to keep her base stats or body like I did, just eat the few meats from bosses and other meat/cheese you may find and don't bother buying them, settle on fruits.