Unity - Master of Seduction [v0.12.0] [HexorGames]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    3.5 stars but I am delibrately rounding down here. (Version 0.12)
    Naive use of unity with a lot of room for improvement in gameplay. So-so story and writing. Author may learn a lot from other 3d games on how to reduce grinding / problems on movement. JackMiejov's review has mentioned most of the pain points so I just briefly recapped them here:

    1. Cannot skip time without finding a char to sit down.
    2. While there are slight changes in clothing, players are not allowed to control them.
    3. Lack of "daily events" initiated by female characters. Low chance in coffee/swimming events.
    4. "Lost and found" events difficult to complete, the garden is very large.
    5. Doors are just obstacles without their use.
    6. Need to up upstairs to sleep every night.
    7. Will benefit from clothes / items to buy from shop.
    8. Grinding with liitle changes in flavour text with Hannah.
    9. Moving is slow. No teleport/map function provided.

    Still, the game is one of the few 3D sandbox games on this site and blue ocean strategies can work. This game can be successful, it just need to be further polished.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Beatiful work so far. I see great concept. Need more polishing, bug hunting (name bug, locking out of action bug etc.), proof reading (some grammatic errors) but I am really enjoying my time at the villa. Girs are just beatiful. Give me full feature experience and maybe clothes options for gals, and I would be satisfied :)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Really well made, hopefully it keeps getting updates. The only complaint i have is how different the first girl looks from the second. You can clearly tell she needs an update because the new girl has higher textures and fidelity. Anyways, if you want a good seduction/ harem game this game is a good start.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    So, just like many reviews in this thread, I also add a few suggestions. This game is an excellent start. Lovely models and a few cool ideas... I don't know how ambitious the developer is, but you can always hope for the best.

    I would like 2 things to be added.

    First, add scheduling for the girl. To make waiting for events less random and annoying. You tell her when to make your food, if she should bring you coffee while you are working if she should bring you a towel after swimming, and many more. Like this, the player could play as he wants, removing the annoying waiting for the event to trigger and making you feel more like a boss.
    The more you play, the more you can do in this menu. Make her wear something while she makes you dinner, make her sleep in your bed or watch you swim, and then make her join you. There is so much you can do with it. Maybe she can fucked up her schedule and if you catch it, you can punish her for it.

    The next thing I would like is to give her more than just 2 stats and interactions in free roam. Give her some meter to show how much she is fed up with you. Give the player more options on what to do with her in free roam. Sneak up to grab her ass, try to get out of her more information about her, and allow the player to sneak up on her while she is asleep. To fool with her or search her stuff to learn something about her. The more bad things you do, the more she is fed up with you. If it's too high, she starts to be disobedient. She stops doing whatever you want her to do, and you need to be a nice guy to fix it. You know be nice to her and buy her something.
    What the hell? Give her a willpower stat going from -100 to 100 to give the player the option to be either a nice guy or a full-time ass grabby Blizzard employee who just harasses her.

    If willpower goes to the negatives, she will tolerate more stuff you do to her. Her fed up meter will still go up but less with every negative point till she becomes your sex slave. She will be down for everything but also will have zero personality. On the other hand, if you play as a nice guy, her willpower will rise. She won't allow you to behave like a pig, but she will have more personality, she will open up to you, and you will learn something about her. You will have more nice moments, and maybe she just do some nice stuff for you. Bringing a friend to help her at work, for example.

    I got carried away like crazy. The developer may have a much smaller ambition, which is fine. I have been on this website for a while and have already seen plenty of games like this one. 3D free roaming game in super early stages of development. Dev gets excited, makes a small game in Unity or Unreal, and shows it to people. They get excited and set huge expectations. Dev gets carried away with way too many features, finds out game development is tough, and ends up with messy spaghetti code, which is a nightmare to work with. People get annoyed that development is so slow and start to insult dev. Dev is annoyed that people are full of shit, Patreon is not making enough money, and in a few months, the game is "on Hold" or straight out abandoned.

    The point is, right now is the best time to read all the feedback and make a clear vision of what your game gonna be, set the scope that will feel achievable, and stick to it. You will still struggle to fulfill everything you have planned, but it's better to cut something and release a working title than a mess, which feels like three half-finished projects.
    Good luck!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I would give this one 3 and a half stars if I could, but I'll just round up and give this 4.

    The engine, audio, and animations etc. are all really good. The main girl is very attractive and there's just enough grind/gameplay to feel like your actually playing a game without being so much as to get tedious. Essentially the basic presentation and moment to moment experience of this one are pretty good.

    If all you're looking for is something quick and sexy and you don't care if it's a little shallow then this might scratch that itch, it's good at that and kudos to the dev for it. Many of you could probably stop reading this here and go play it and love it.

    However I do think this game could be improved. Right now I would describe it as "interesting and competent enough but forgettable", but the framework is generally pretty good and the potential is there for it to get really good with some improvement.

    Frankly the writing just isn't that good. The "story" such as it is is just porn logic. To be fair it's literally a porn game, so to some extent porn logic is a given. Sometimes you're just in the mood for something quick, light, and sexy. But even with that in mind I feel the writing is just a little weak and could be better, even calling it an excuse plot would be giving it too much credit, and the characters just act in ways that are difficult to sustain disbelief for. This doesn't need to have "Being a Dik" or "Artemis" level writing, but a little improvement would go a long way and really elevate this.

    Everything just happens a little too quickly. Despite the name there isn't really much "seduction" going on. There's no sense of a gradual build up of relations and affection between you and Hannah. Within mere days Hannah goes from "employee that has never met you before" to doing sexual favors for you in a way that feels very abrupt and undeveloped. Indeed Hannah is barely a character so much as a sex slot machine, you insert enough "niceness points" by doing favors or chores for her and then she has sex with you, that's about all there is to it. According to this game all you have to do to get hot women to sleep with you is make them coffee and help them with the laundry a few times and then they'll be falling over themselves to sleep with you.

    It doesn't hurt that the way all of this is presented makes the MC look creepy. Like the very first "story" conversation you have with Hannah after the prologue you basically cajole her into proving how "naughty" she is by convincing her to make sexy poses and present her breasts to you, and then get her to give you a handjob. Somehow this all works, instead of slapping you she giggles and goes along with it. Or later on he "accidentally" gropes her breasts a couple of times and then retreats in the hope that she'll get horny and he can sneak in on her masturbating - which is very creepy - and somehow this leads to her sneaking into his room and giving him a blowjob while he's sleeping.

    This becomes a running theme, the MC does or says outrageously inappropriate stuff to a woman that barely knows him and who also works for him, but for some reason she acts like this is the height of charisma. It's just not very believable.

    Dev, if you ever read this, I apologize, I'm not trying to rag on you, I just think there's some room for improvement here. Here's a few things I think you could do that would improve it.
    1. A bit more build up before actual sex stuff. Don't be afraid to have a few scenes and conversations that don't involve sex at all. Just have a few scenes where the main characters bond a little and get to know each other. It doesn't need to be a full on romance novel or anything, but a little bit of build up would be nice. Just give me some reason to believe these two are actually people and actually have any kind of realistic chemistry. Doing chores for someone a few times and saying a compliment or two is not enough to make them have sex with you.
    2. Following up on that, when things do start getting sexy, it can start with some lighter teasing. Maybe just some unintentional revealing of cleavage or thigh here or some light flirting there. Stuff to create anticipation and help develop the gradual build up of attraction. Admittedly this can be hard to do right, if you spend too long teasing it can be annoying, but just a couple of scenes would do wonders. I think a game similar to this one that does that really well is Last Hope, if you need a reference for what I mean, it doesn't take too long for that one to get sexy, but it also doesn't just dive right into it but gives you time to appreciate, anticipate, and savor it.
    3. Hannah is portrayed in a way that makes her seem gullible and oblivious. Like she see's the MC has a boner and expresses disbelief, almost like she has no idea what's going on. Or he'll start openly leering and pawing at her breasts and she just kind of giggles and treats it like it's ordinary behavior. It comes across as very unbelievable. So just tone that stuff down in general, make her a little smarter and less gullible. If you want to keep some of that, you could perhaps give her a backstory where she's a bit sheltered and naive and doesn't have a lot of experience with guys her age to justify it.
    4. Make the MC less creepy. It's okay that he's attracted to her and okay that he tries to shoot his shot. But all the stuff where he's trying to like...manipulate her is a bit weird. Stuff like "I'm going to "accidentally" barge into her room while she's masturbating and then beg her to have sex with me" or "For my very first conversation with her I'm going to ask her to prove how naughty she is by asking her to take her shirt off," or "I'll grope her breasts not once but twice as part of a ploy to trick her into being horny so I can convince her to have sex with me". None of this is how "seduction" works, since A.) None of that would work on any self-respecting woman, and B.) all of that is more "sexual harassment" than it is "suave and charismatic seduction".
    So yeah, I think this game has a good framework, but the writing needs some work. Just slow it down a little and give the characters and their relationship a little bit of depth. It doesn't need to be a fancy romance novel or anything, but just a little bit would go a long way.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall: 4/5 - This is probably the best first-person real-time-rendered 3D adult game I've played to date. Maybe that's not saying much since there are only a couple dozen such games, but this game can be played on a mid-range system and the graphics are better than a lot of statically-rendered VNs. There isn't a lot of lewd content yet, but there's enough and what's there is top of the line for real-time rendered content.

    Story: 3/5 - Not much of a story, yet. The MC "inherits" his father's house that comes with a busty young maid who becomes his lover. It looks like there will be a few more girls moving into the house as the story progresses.

    Writing: 3.5/5 - It's sometimes good and sometimes poor. The very first line the player sees in the game is "How is your name?" instead of "What is your name?" Talk about a bad start. I was preparing for the worst, but was pleasantly surprised. The writing isn't to the point where I'd call it good, but it is well above average for games on F95.

    Graphics/Rendering: 4/5 - I have to say that the developer's "world" design really helped reduce the scope of the game to what's most important in adult games. There's just the house, the yard, and the people and objects within. There's no huge open world, no fighting/driving/flying mechanics, and no crazy graphics effects. It reduces the computing power needed for the game while allowing development to concentrate on the more adult aspects of the game, such as story and lewd content, but also doesn't eliminate the possibility of adding more locations later. Most similar games either have terrible performance or the have graphics that look 20 years old, but this game has real-time graphics that are better than a lot of Ren'py games and yet doesn't require a $1K graphics card to play. That's impressive. The only things I found disappointing about the graphics were the models for the bushes and trees in the garden.

    Animations: 4/5 - The game has background animations like the trees swaying in the wind, the beach ball moving in the pool. These add ambience and immersion to the game. The characters have idle animations while going about their daily lives, such as Hannah gardening or cleaning and Jessica just sitting. These aren't bad, but a Hanna cleaning the table is a little overdone (I think as an attempt to be more sexy) and the loop is too short so it looks unnatural. Finally, there are the canned animations during events. These are mostly lewd scenes and they're good. I think they are just replays that are also rendered in real-time, which helps keep the game size small. It's kind of a missed opportunity, though, as these could be replaced with high-resolution cutscenes that really impress players, at the expense of increased game size, of course.

    Sound: 4/5 - There are a lot of sound effects in the game. There are some sighs and giggles while talking to the characters in the game, which are good. There are moans and such during lewd scenes that are also good. The ambient sounds of birds/animals and roosters crowing are good, but they're a little too frequent and too loud. They get less frequent in the evening and night, which is a good effect. The coffee machine and shower have good sound effects. The sound of the water in the pool is OK, but it's not the right sound for a perfectly still pool, even if the cleaner/filter is running. The sound of the pool is also WAY too loud for the distance the MC stands from the pool. The sound of the MC swimming in the pool is different and it's also good.

    Gameplay 2/5: - I might be a little harsh here, but there were A LOT of features and mechanics that made the already tedious gameplay even more tedious for me, especially when combined with various bugs I encountered.
    1. Interaction mechanics. There's no crosshair while playing. The very first thing the MC has to do in the game is to walk up to the door and ring the doorbell. Just trying to point at the doorbell button to interact with it was annoying without some indicator of what I was pointing at. Same thing for the key in the bathroom. A crosshair also helps with walking and running to prevent bumping into things (more on that later). I'm not sure if the lack of a crosshair is intentional or not. Maybe I have an untested video card or maybe targeting an object in front of you is more problematic on a UHD monitor.
    2. The grind sucks. Having to do the exact same things over and over again to improve the MC and LI stats was boring as hell. There were very minor changes in a few tasks like which plants to water and where lost items were located, and that helped a little. The MC's stat-builders for appearance, brainpower, and fitness are just 5 seconds of black screen. Not fun, at all. If I have to do the exact same boring things over and over again, I'd rather play a Ren'py sandbox game. I still wouldn't like it, but it would be way faster. This game either needs a bunch more "tasks" to keep the player entertained, or it needs to drastically reduce how many times those tasks need to be performed.
    3. Work/Job mechanic. In what universe is a young man too exhausted to work anymore after working on his laptop for only 4 hours in a day? The jobs always pay about 10x the MC's brainpower stat, but fall into two categories, 4 hours or 8 hours. For the 8-hour jobs, the MC earns half as much per hour as the 4-hour jobs. What is the point? Is this meant to trick the player?
    4. Movement mechanics. It was too easy to bump into things that halt or slow forward movement and it was annoying to constantly stop, correct direction or step to the side and go again. Even just walking along a wall at a slight angle seemed to stop or slow the MC to a crawl. This would be easier if there was a crosshair to point at where you want to walk to.
    5. Cleanliness mechanics. Only lewd acts cause the MC's cleanliness to decrease. There's no hourly/daily decay. A full shower improves the MC's cleanliness by only 25% (why would it be less than 100%), and the MC can only shower or wash his hands once per day. You'd think there's a water shortage, except there's a 50,000-liter swimming pool in the backyard.
    6. The events/task system works OK, but it's clunky and immersion-breaking to have to manually start events and tasks from the event menu vs. starting them naturally from a specific dialogue option or performing an action. E.g. instead of opening the <Tab> menu and selecting Hannah's task "Coffee Love", why not just interact with the coffee machine and have it open a menu that says "Make a coffee for Hannah" "Make a coffee for Jessica", "Make a coffee for myself." or something like that. Same thing for watering the plants, etc. And the "Lost and Found" task could have a dialogue option that says "Did you lose something?" that triggers the task.
    7. The UI needs optimization. There are a lot of places where clicks are unnecessary. E.g., why does the player have to click [continue] after clicking [leave] to end a conversation and the character says "bye, have a nice day." The existence of the [continue] button seems completely unnecessary. A click anywhere should be enough. Also, there are a lot of cases during events where the [continue] button appears, but clicking the button doesn't work for 2 or 3 seconds because there is a transition in progress. That is super annoying.

    Bugs: 2/5 - Here is a partial list of what I encountered. There are many more, but thankfully, only one broke the game.
    • If the MC walks in front of the garage door on the right, he partially falls through the floor. It seems like the actual terrain is different than what the texture shows.
    • Most of the game dialogues refer to Hannah and Jessica as "[GIRL1]" and "[GIRL2]".
    • Even though I changed the MC's name, the game and the characters refer to him as Michael.
    • The ability to interact with Hanna (I.e., the graphics that says "Press E to Talk") completely disappeared at one point. I had to load an old save to fix it (i.e., it was a game-breaking bug).
    • Jessica sometimes cannot be interacted with for the rest of the day after you give her a coffee in the morning. This is different from the bug with Hannah. In this case the "Press E to talk" message appears, but pressing <E> does nothing. This behavior resets the next day, so it doesn't break the game.
    • No crosshair (technical bug or a design bug?).
    • There are dozens of cases where the UI shows that Hannah's Lust increases or decreases, but no actual change occurs.
    • Some lewd scenes do not affect the MC's cleanliness.
    • Start a new game, choose the MC name, then go to the main menu and start a new game again (e.g., as you might do if you noticed that you misspelled the MC's name), the game will start but it will skip choosing the MC name, reading the letter from the MC's father, ringing the doorbell, and all of the gameplay up to where you first wait for Hannah in the kitchen, but then the MC just stands there and gameplay UI is non-functional. This breaks the game until you kill it and restart.

    Other things that are weird or annoying:
    • When the MC wakes up, Hannah is always in the same place doing the same thing as before the MC went to sleep.
    • Hannah only does two things all day: clean the table while standing and tend the garden while kneeling. You'd think she'd cook, clean the floors, clean the bathrooms, do the laundry, relax in a chair, or even just walk from room to room.
    • Jessica only does one thing all day: sit with her hands in her lap.
    • The transition from going to sleep and waking up the next morning is way too long, as are the actions to increase the MC's stats. These don't need to be longer than a half-second
    • There's no way to rest on the MC's bed before going to sleep at night, and no way to rest anywhere except sitting in a chair, and that, in itself, is tedious.
    • The save/load buttons disappear from the menu during dialogues and events. I understand the save button, but why load? Sometimes, you realized you made a mistake and just want to start over instead of finishing a long conversation/event.
    • The <Tab> menu always defaults to Hannah instead of remembering the last character the player was viewing.
    • The <Tab> menu doesn't indicate whether you are currently viewing "Story" or "Task" events.
    • The only way to improve your intelligence (brainpower) is to watch science documentaries on television.
    • The only way to improve your appearance is to tan yourself in the sun.
    • The MC's own house is full of locked rooms that he can't enter. I realize these are likely for future housemates, but it needs a message that says "not implemented" or there needs to be an empty room.
    • The water in the pool disappears at night (graphics glitch?).
    • The window reflections only reflect indoor lights but not indoor objects. The reflections look weird (graphics glitch?).
    • The patio doors in the living room and dining room can't be closed, while the patio door in the office can't be opened.
    • Hanna will clean the patio table at night in complete darkness. That's weird, but also, why is there no light over the patio?
    • It's not possible for Hannah to go to bed at night before the MC, and it's not possible for the MC to get up in the morning before Hannah wakes up. That's weird, but it also is a wasted opportunity for the MC to see her shower or get undressed, etc.
    • Completed story events can be started again along with incomplete or un-started events. This is strange because Jessica can only move in once. The completed events need to be moved to a separate archive list where they can be replayed if desired.
    • Saving and loading doesn't restore the state of open/closed doors.

    To be fair, I imagine most of the bugs and annoyances are things that are unimplemented or planned, but... the point of making a game like this is to really increase the immersion, and doing it well is a monumental task, which is why most similar games end up abandoned. I very sincerely wish the best for the developer(s), because this type of game is what the adult gaming industry needs.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    (Reviewing version 0.9 via patreon)

    This is a unique unity game about a man taking over his dad's house. The housekeeper lives with you and you slowly get closer to her and unlock scenes and go from there. The gameplay is satisfyinh but can get tedious at times. There's daily chores you can do as well as time-specific events to do with her as well. As of 0.9, her sister is introduced but not expanded upon so I expect some scenes with a new female character in the future updates to come. The camera can be a bit jarring and I wish I could toggle FOV. There's a few hours of content to the game so far so check it out!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple gameplay but great game.
    Good animations, the physics could use a bit more improvement.
    Short story (i'm currently on 0.6.1) but still enjoyable.
    The tasks is a bit repetitive for now. Maybe add some rare chance activities(?)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Got the game here first then payed for subscriberstar and was not disappointed. Game is looking great so far cant wait for more content! Please keep working on it Hexor will definitely pay for subscriber star again!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Potential to be the best game ever posted here! So many ideas came to mind while I was playing. I don't have game making skills but I am good at ideas lol Like when it said to go to her room to check out the noise, I first went to the window of her room and watched for a bit...little creepy but I don't think she would mind.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't usually write reviews for games as I never know what to say, but I actually really liked this one.

    Its definitely a walking sim and still fairly early in its development. The story is still quite short and the core mechanics of the game are still being fleshed out, but Game updates have been extremely consistent with no signs of stopping. That being said, every mechanic that has been introduced has been solid and my experience has been bug free!

    I won't get into the story at all as it is very much still being developed, But Hannah (Main NPC) is adorable and her portrayal as the house's maid has been done in a very different fashion compared to how most other games go about it. I can't wait to see where the story goes with her and how other characters are introduced into the game.

    I'd say if you can handle slow-ish walking speeds and go into the game knowing its only existed for a few months and is being developed by a single person, you may actually like what you find!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    An indeed potential seductive game, just give bros some love.
    No drugs, no hypnosis, no rape. Just horny interaction.

    There's a charming girl Hanna in your mansion.
    She's not trying to stay away from you, she knows what you gonna do, and she's waiting for that.

    Slowly walk to her, look her in the eyes, talk dirty and "accidentally" touch her tits. See, she's not hiding it. Quickly embrace her from behind, rub her tits. And she climbs on your bed.

    Hold on, there's a small defect. Hanna's boobs looks kind of weird and jiggle physic doesn't work well, but still an indeed potential good game.

    Perhaps we can see lovely Hanna has more outfit to change, or you'll be able to ask her nicely take off her top and walk nakedly, casually in the house. She's there waiting for you make love to her.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great developer, and I believe in the future, they are going to do great things with this game. They seem very motivated and loving their work so far and ofc great start of to their game =)

    I have...not much else to add here but it wants to type more letters so...Hi? How are you doing today? Try their game. I think you'll see like I did that its a great start. They just need to do a bit more and they'll have a great foundation =D?
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5762503

    Glad to have found this game Master of Seduction

    . I don't know why I didn't even think to look here! Can't wait to see what else you bring to this game

    The stories are really awesome and I absolutely love the work that went into the animations. I can't wait to read, play and experience more! Great work!

    Honestly, this is one of the best games I have found on this site! I enjoyed the content of and I'm looking forward to how the story around


    sorry if my english is not good
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    (Spoiler Warning)

    Master of Seduction [v0.7.0]

    Story - Very Low amount but considering this is the start of the game, it gives all the information you need. (1/5)

    Originality - The usual close relatives pass away, leaving everything to the MC. (4/5)

    Renders - Gorgeous renders throughout the entire game. Sky box could be better though. The games lighting seems to be off. During the day the sky is dark. (3/5)

    Sound - I really like the outside sounds of the birds chipping in the background. Gives really good vibes. (4/5)

    Playability - Very simple and straightforward. You don't have to spend time learning mechanics. (5/5)

    Performance - No issues as of yet. (5/5)

    Bugs - Sometimes quest breaks, making you restart the game as there is no save option*. (5/5)

    (*) The Save option only applies after the first half of the game and not at the start.

    Animations - The animations are all right. I only notice animations on Hannah. Animations could have more thought about, not just the action but the character as a whole. (2/5)

    Voice Acting - Other than soft moans, there is none. I don't believe it's needed. (4/5)

    Grammar - A few issues here and there. (4/5)

    Amount of content - A solid base for the start of the game. It gives the style of the game, what to expect, and a lot more for the future. Shouldn't take you no more than 15 - 45 minutes to complete the game currently. (1.5/10)