VN - Ren'Py - Mastering the Pink Box [v0.08] [Studio 68 Games!]

  1. 2.00 star(s)



    not a fan.

    art is good enough. not great but appealing for the horny teen-a-thon it is.
    couple of times the shock of colour is just that, a shock, but mostly the visuals are good enough. could have been better intimacy shots like in porn. a game obviously influenced by porn that has fly on the wall shots instead of POV? seems an odd choice.

    writing/plot is run-of-the-mill horny teen bs but at least dialogue has a bit of thought to it. no wonder americans have a higher legal requirement for alcohol than brits if the dialogue is anything to go by. maturity will be late arriving here for sure.

    the biggest issue, and also why i will not be returning due to this being a constant issue it seems, is the developer is about as good at coding as they are at writing adult dialogue. constant errors that permeate the feed from times before have not been fixed and i hit error after error after error and got jumped from texting with one girl to already on a date with another.

    given the low amount of choices i had been offered up to this point, and still a long way from current content, this should not happen. i tried both compressed and regular versions.

    not something i would recommend as hitting errors when running a kinetic sequence happens is not a good sign
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like this game. OK, I've seen and played much better ones visually and there are certainly better ones in terms of the story, but overall it's a lot of fun and that's the main thing, so I'm looking forward to the next update.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a hard one to rate. As a AVN it's shit id only give it 2 stars. I say this is more of a porn AVN than AVN but it does balance the 2 out pretty well if you dont take the plot or character serious and just play for fun. Because of that it isnt a pure fuck fest but there is still alot of lewds. if you play this just for fun , and dont take it serious or anything / a guilty pleasure it becomes really enjoy and good Which is why im giving it 4 stars.

    Most of the LI in this game are taken but their boyfriends want to share their girls. Hell one one of the guys talk about sharing his girl like it's something casual to talk about and not a big deal.

    Some choices are not clear what they lead , haven't encountered many like this but there are some. here on 2 examples. Helping Penny leads to a forced lewd scene with someone else. Also depending on your choices with Aimee will determine where the MC gets to cum. On my main save I was only able to pick on her ass the other 2 were grayed out but on my manslut save I got the option to do all three options.

    This game needs a bit of proofing when it comes to some of the choices. Every once in awhile a bit of dialogue will appear that never happened on my save but did on my other one.
    There are some forced scenes, not alot.

    overall good if you go in with the mindset of playing for fun and not to take anything serious. But if you need a compelling or a good story or just a story that makes sense id skip this one. Characters are alot of fun for what this game is however.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Like a lot of other reviewers have said I don't have a problem with swinging or sharing in games when its set up in a half way decent realistic setting. This is not that. This feels like it was wrote by somebody who imagines this is what college is like where everyone fucks everyone and not one person you meet is in any monogamous relationship and they all seem to exist in some nonsense land where no one gets jealous.
    The first few episodes where actually not that bad and it had promise but I now fell like these where on purpose to get players in and then the game went full sharing, unavoidable sex scenes and just a really stupid plot and situations. The humor is infantile and child like at times. But what sucks the most is the mc. You have next to zero control over how the mc handles himself. Hess like a bumbling idiot most of the time and is incapable of saying no to some of the girls.... for plot reasons or some shit, im still not sure why those scenes are forced to be honest, prolly because if you played with full choice you would end up with no scenes because there isn't a single li in the game that a regular player would be interested in.
    The game is just a mess at the moment and nothing really ties into anything and things just happen for reasons and the story trundles on. I really couldn't recommend playing this in its current state.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    In a lot of ways, I actually agree with a lot of what the review right below me stated. I have been that reviewer before and understand where they are coming from. Fortunately, everyone is different and everyone enjoys different things. Personally, I like fart jokes and you can never have too many and if my potential LI doesn't like fart jokes, then they can move right along.

    Regardless, there are a lot of challenges with this one. The forced interactions are something that always bother me. I hate where you can chose some things but not others. If the dev just wants to tell a story then tell a story and stop giving the player/reader the illusion of choice.

    The other problem is the MC and his magic cock. While I like when the dev acknowledges the female's orgasms, the truth is some women can cum multiple times and some do not. This MC makes all the women come multiple times. It just gets a bit much. He basically pounds them in one position, makes them cum 3 or 4 times and then it's over. The erotic writing is pretty good, but there needs to be some variety.

    The other problem is it is obvious the dev is a bit older and is trying to write college age kids. You can always tell an older dev by all the references to the 80s and 90s and trying to make it a "cool" aspect of the MC.. Hell, even the end of the version uses the fonts from Back to the Future. Pro Tip... kids today could care less when it comes to pop-culture.

    Despite all of that, I still found myself enjoying my time playing it. It's probably because it hits a number of my kinks and I actually enjoyed a lot of the humor. Not all of it, but there was some good things in there. Frankly, the crop dusting was brilliant. A group of full of themselves women enter the elevator only to find out they are trapped in the mephitic cloud hanging in the elevator.

    Regardless, it will not be for everyone and it does have flashes of another fetish game, but download it and try it out for yourself. It's worth a few minutes to try it.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    No, I am not giving this game a one-star review because of all the sharing and swinging, nor because pretty much every girl in this game ranges from having at least one ex-boyfriend to being an utter whore. I'm more open-minded than that; keep reading.

    I'm giving this game a one-star review because in terms of plot, humor, and even basic stuff like logical progression between sequential frames, it is an utter mess.

    Also, I hate being the "why the hell have y'all rated this game so highly" guy, but for this game, I will be that guy with no hesitation. How this game doesn't have an average rating of 2 stars, is beyond me.

    Where do I even begin. Let's begin with the humor of this game. 20 minutes into playing MtPB, you will be served with two fart jokes, which, right off the bat, as far as I'm concerned, are two fart jokes too many. The second one is especially egregious, as MC lets a nasty one rip while he's talking with a potential LI, and instead of the poor girl leaving immediately while calling him an asshole and cutting all ties with him, she continues to entertain his company. Try that in real life and see what happens. You could be the best looking dude and it still wouldn't save you.

    Just as another example of the dev having no idea how real people would react to his jokes, there is another girl, that MC calls a cunt. Well, "leprecunt", to be precise, because she has green hair, and he thinks he's being hilarious. He does that to her face, multiple times, and instead of the girl slapping the shit out of him or at the very least asking him to cut that shit off, she even ends up wanting to have sex with him. Show me one woman in the real world who will want to have sex with you after you call her a cunt.

    That's enough examples of the game's terrible humor; now let's move on to the plot. In the world of MtPB, things just spontaneously happen whenever, wherever, and for however long the dev needs them to happen, without rhyme, reason, or even the basic courtesy of a setup. For example, MC and the girl he farted at go for a beer at a local bar in a spur-of-the-moment decision. Not one minute into them sitting down with their beers, literally from one frame to the next, three of that girl's guy friends just materialize out of nowhere, calling him a "fuck nut" and staring at him with judging eyes. Don't ask how all three just happened to be there; the dev decided he needed them there and then, and so it be. The girl tries to salvage this by suggesting that she and MC move to a booth where it'll be just the two of them, but at this point, the dev decides that MC has somewhere else to be anyway, and so he leaves without even drinking his beer. If MC knew he was on such a tight schedule, why did he even agree to sit down for a beer? Again, don't bother wondering; the dev works in mysterious ways.

    If that didn't sound nonsensical and bad enough for you, how about this one: At some point, the girl MC calls a cunt invites him to her dorm room. MC walks up to her door, which, just like every other door in this dorm, needs a keycard to unlock. Here, MC has the option to try his own keycard, which, for some reason (don't ask why, dev saith so), seems to be able to open every door in this dorm. Doing so results in MC catching the girl masturbating, and upon realizing his presence, all she says is "Holy fuck! Don't you knock?" before thanking him for coming. Somehow it doesn't even cross her mind that he just unlocked a door he wasn't supposed to be able to, and that he can invade her privacy any moment he wants.

    But I saved the worst for last... because despite everything you just read, what truly does my head in the most when it comes to MtPB is all the moments where the game seems to straight up have a stroke. Again, I will offer two examples. First, here's an excerpt of dialogue between MC and the girl he farted at, and I promise you I did not omit any in-between lines:

    MC: We were going to get a coffee, but ended up seeing a movie.
    Girl: What did you end up watching?
    MC: I managed to get that book from Charlie.
    Girl: Shit! She actually sold it to you?

    Did you catch that? She asks him about a movie, for some reason he decides to ignore that entirely and change the subject, and she... just rolls with it, as if she expected him to ignore her question.

    Here's an even worse example. MC walks out of class. The girl he calls a cunt is waiting for him outside, and calls his name to get his attention. He looks at her, says "What's up" and starts walking towards her. In the very next frame, the girl just poofs out of sight. Keep in mind, this isn't a story where characters have supernatural powers. In that moment, instead of MC questioning his sanity and wondering if he's hallucinating in the middle of the day, he just goes "Where the fuck did she go? Wait, is that (another girl's name)?", as he's already looking at a different girl, at a different direction. And again, in the very next frame, a third girl appears out of nowhere from a third direction, calling MC's name. That's three different girls, (dis)appearing inexplicably from three different directions, in three sequential frames, in a sequence that makes absolutely zero sense. That's enough to give you a whiplash.

    In conclusion: MtPB is recommended only if you want to lose brain cells while you're playing it. The plot is bad, the humor will make you physically cringe, and it seems that even the dev doesn't know what they're doing at times. I did consider giving it 2 stars because at least the renders are good, but considering how bad the game is in every other aspect, I decided it doesn't deserve that.


    Edit to add: I couldn't possibly imagine that this game could be any worse than I originally thought... but it is.

    So I played MtPB one more time, for one reason only: In my previous playthrough, MC was a manwhore, and one of the LIs (the one he farted at, in fact) saw him at a club being kissed by another girl, and decided to leave the club with another guy, clearly disappointed at MC. I considered her the best LI in the game, and I was pretty bummed out by that outcome, so I decided to play the game from scratch, this time turning down any other girl's advances that I could, and pursue her exclusively. Did you notice how I italicized "that I could" in the previous sentence? Yeah, as it turns out, there are parts of the story where MC will fuck a girl or get a blowjob, and you the player have no say in the matter. What's even worse is that you can't avoid being kissed by the other girl at the club, so the girl I was interested in gets disappointed in you and leaves the club with another guy no matter what you do. I'm not the kind of guy who cries "NTR" where there is none, so trust me when I say that this game features, among other things, unavoidable NTR.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I agree with the review right below mine.

    The game is pretty good both in the writing and from a tech poin of view.

    The problem is that is basically mandatory sharing so if you are not into that you might want to avoid this project.

    Another small issue is the fact that the MC never catch up with what is happening, you have this constant feeling of being left in the dark and never taking part in the story.

    I don't think I will keep following this one but if you are into sharing this is a very good game.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for Mastering the Pink Box v0.05d:

    I think this game is pretty good for what it's trying to be, but it's not really advertised correctly. The overview says, "Choose between caring is sharing, or keep it all for yourself." but the game doesn't really give the player that choice at least not completely. The game is leading players into sharing, swinging, cucking other guys, and it's giving off strong NTR vibes. The overview needs a complete rewrite.

    The English is really good. The writing is really good. The humor is really good. I only noticed a very few typos. The story is good with a few cliches. It was genuinely enjoyable to read, which is rare for adult games on this site.

    The renders and animations are very good, but not really 5-star in 2023.

    All that said, it's pretty clear that the game is focusing on kinks that I tend to avoid, which means that if I keep playing, it'll either be very short due to me intentionally avoiding content or it simply won't be enjoyable for me. So, I'll be skipping this one going forward, but if you like the kinks mentioned above and you enjoy good writing, I'm sure you'll love this game.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I thought I’d like the game but the dev's definition of sharing vs what I think is more generally followed are vastly different. Instead of sharing a LI or two with a friend or even stranger, sharing here is just a slut fest. Everyone fucks everyone, including all the profs. The only one featured LI that hasn’t been slutting around has been taking forever to get with and then this last episode, the typical idiot MC continues to be stupid and misses his chance with her so she walks off with someone else. To be a little fair, she walks off by just seeing the MC kiss a girl she introduced him to and doesn’t wait at all to see what happens or what the context is. Mainly a cheap way to make people wait even longer for the one wholesome LI. I guess for the dev it would be hard to let the MC have a decent romantic relationship, since if you went that route, content updates would be few and far between for those fans.

    I do have to give credit for finding a great way to get around the ntr tag though. If everyone fucks everyone and no one cares, then it isn’t ntr.

    There’s not much real story but there are hints of a mystery around the MC between all the fucking, but again, the MC is clueless even though about half the other characters seem to know something about what’s going on. The only positive thing plot wise around the MC so far has been at least he’s showing an interest in creating a business and is slowly moving toward something with that.

    I do also like that most of the guys are not total dicks to each other or the MC, even friends of the main visible antagonist. (I’m guessing the main antagonist is the one working behind the more mystery stuff). This at least makes possible sharing more appealing.

    Overall the game’s not terrible but it’s not great either. Decent renders and girls. So so plot. The slutfest is just not what I thought I was signing on for. With the stringing along of not getting a relationship with Devon this far in, means I’m out, appears no hope for having much of a meaningful relationship with anyone, at least any that would continue to have a decent amount of content.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Unique and wonderful story and setting.
    Colorful and diverse supporting characters.
    Each version is getting better and better.
    There are many campus games, and this one is the most open from design ideas.
    Gives the future infinite creative possibilities.
    The existence of this game is more in line with the most wonderful dream in every player's heart.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Oddly enough I rather enjoyed the story. Actually laughed a few times, not overly engrish. Not the best animations imo, but I was entertained. Would even consider supporting the dev on this one, just to see it all play out, if they're serious enough about finish a project.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Game has great variety of scenes depending on choices. Choices seem to lead to different outcomes, scenes and variations. It is a bit early to say but I think the branching paths in the game are impressive if they lead to truly divergent paths down the line. No fetish is forced, sharing is optional and fully avoidable. Can't wait to get devon!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    After playing the latest update, 5 stars. This game stands nearly alone as one of the few with an open-ended world that doesn't devolve into either a predictable haremfest or predictable ntrfest, you truly don't know what will happen next.

    Decent, not outstanding by daz standards, but skin textures are very passable and modern. It helps that all the girls are extremely attractive, and most stay within the realm of realistic proportions.

    Mixed; the game could use more, particularly because it's clear the dev has an eye for great shot composition, just more frames are needed. Having said that, the animations present are well done without the typical laziness of genital clipping or twisted bones. I can only see this improving in future versions.

    I loved it. Yes, it's set in a college setting, but little my little it's revealed more is going on here behind the scenes; rumors of secret clubs and illicit liasons everywhere. If you're like me and don't like boring predictable games that all blend together, give this a try!

    As another reviewer pointed out below, the MC's personality is a breath of fresh air. Overall he's a nice guy, but not insecure or wimpy, but also loves to perv out. Very enjoyable to play as.

    Solid, has a few minor english mistakes but other than those it's very easy to read. Bonus points for avoiding overexpositions and lengthy MC narratives; the characters just talk like normal people, and some of the bro banter is quite humorous at times.

    Overall, the sum of the parts is much greater than the individual. Why 5 stars if I just described average artwork and animations? Because the number of games that have extremely attractive girls who also speak like normal people and partipate in an engaging story is extremely low. All together, not a game to be missed.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed the initial release, but this update kind of ruined my expectations as the MC continues to meet more and more girls but the developer doesn't seem to give you the option to choose who to pursue and who to reject, you just automatically have to kiss all of them you meet basically turning the MC into a huge player.. If it's going to be a story told from the developers perspective and not the players then I don't think this novel will be for me.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Appears to be a very good enthralling story, with good graphics and characters. I was really getting into it. Worth a 5, Until the introduction of soccer mini-games and then "point and click". Sorry, lost interest.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I was really pleasantly surprised by this one. I'm actually glad I didn't play it until the third release came out because I probably would have deleted it if I had played only the first release. The characters start off seeming very much like standard college student stereotypes but start showing more and more depth the longer you play. There's the girl who is into you but can't help sending mixed signals all over the place. She doesn't know what to do about it because she grew up around too many guys and hasn't learned how to be good at being a girl. Another girl is apparently a whore but is actually deeply in love with her boyfriend and is willing to do anything for him: even indulge his cuck fetish.
    The only thing I can think of that I didn't like was that Colleen's situation was explained in too much detail too soon, it should have been left as a mystery for much longer. It's like the dev switched into character development mode and went overdrive on it.
    In any case, this is a really good game and I'm rating it 5 stars even though I've been burned on rating games this early before.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v0,04
    This game is super fun. I love the models (some seem pretty original) , and I love the writing (funny, light hearted, and clear). I also love the premise that every girl in the game is a total slut, and I love that a theme is group sex. Swinging, orgies, bukkake, bring it on, please!

    I want to give it 4.5 stars but it seems only either 4 or 5 are possible answers. The only thing taking away from it for me is that there is minimal cumshots. If all these girls are "cumsluts" I want to see them love cum. If there is a blowjob that ends in mouth creampie, please show cum leaking out their lips, In my opinion, the cumshot is an important visual confirmation of the orgasm. And in my opinion, hot sluts are hotter if they love cum in their mouth and on their body.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One game wiht lot of Funny and lewd, its my taste. Beatyfull models from college, funny caracters wearing hot clothes whith camel toe, Funny story, i really like it. Congrats to developer and I hope for full VN.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    A fresh premise that lends itself to the genre, well-written with good dialogue, and quality renders (although some full animations would be nice). A promising start for sure. Well worth the read.

    I will definitely be keeping an eye on this one.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    clear and well written narrative and dialogue, some genuine funny moments.. The lawyer lift scene and girls reactions that followed had me genuinely laughing out loud..
    Visuals are on a VN average but nothing special, yet nothing poor either..
    Looks like it could be a interesting story going forwards if the dev sticks with it and doesnt fall into the usual fan service pit falls or mass LI adding which would make the story to complex to keep track as a dev..
    Well worth a read if your looking for a fresh VN to start