Ren'Py - Mate on Titan [v0.4.5.2] [Darknerious]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite koikatsu games on here
    Animations are good and even has cum animations instead of being just the normal koikatsu animations
    Story is simple enough to follow and the models are pretty good.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not a big fan of koikatu based games because all the girls look the same, but I think they actually work well for the characters and fit the overall feel of the game pretty well. Some scenes feel like the game is made purely for the sake of sex (you can easily get Mikasa's scenes if you just follow her route), however such a plot rarely keep people interested for long.
    The dialogue isn't bad enough to take you out of the experience, but it's definitely noticeable, the grammar could use a rework.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is okay.

    The story is good enough for a porn parody game but nothing more.

    The dialogues had often some typos nothing too bad but they should b e fixed.

    The map and sandbox elemant is very bad.

    The animations are pretty rough sometimes clipping through bodies and being too fast but I liked them.

    If you like attack on titan it´s worth trying.
  4. 5.00 star(s)



    Really good game, one of the good parody games in this site.

    Good Animations, the dialogues aren't cringy and the interaction between the LI's & MC are cute.

    A lot of cute AOT Waifus.

    A pretty decent story, really looking up to be a great game if we look at the current product.

    Best of Luck @Darknerious.

    Looking forward to your other game too.
  5. 5.00 star(s)



    I didn't expect to be this interested in the storyline. From the start I really liked the AOT storyline, but I was interested in how you changed the story by inserting the main character into it
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great animations, the look of the characters are very close to the anime and it even has some voicelines and sounds on the scenes, for me its a great game cause of this. Keep it up and updating the game pls
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Although early in development, I've already enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

    * Not a completely spineless simp MC. Even while being femdommed, it feels like it's there for variety, not just because the MC is pathetic.
    * Some personality choices for flavor.
    * Not overly serious or overly campy. Feels like the story knows what the tone should be and what it wants to happen.
    * H-Scenes are competent, and have variety. I noticed there was some messed up lighting in the first Femdom scene but could just be a faulty download on my end or something.
    * It is what it's expected to be. An AOT Porn Parody.

    * The dialogue isn't perfect. Nothing detrimental, but it's definitely noticeable. I could look past it and get the point tho.

    Overall, unless there's a significantly negative change in the writing, scenes, or characters, I'll be checking this one out until it's over.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall a very good experience with a lot to love. I'll hit some of the highlights and expound upon them:

    The good:
    +Sex scenes early on
    +Models are attractive
    +Follows AOT lore pretty well

    The bad:
    -Choppy writing
    -Not much content yet

    I think this game has a good balance for people who want to jump into the sexy bits right away and those who want to enjoy the story. For example, you can get Mikasa's scenes pretty fast if you just follow her route (there's also very obvious hints if you use the book icon in the upper right).

    I was skeptical about the Koikatu models, but I think they actually work well for the characters and fit the overall feel of the game pretty well. They never felt copy-pasted across all the girls, and each model is unique proportionally and appearance-wise.

    If you're a fan of AOT, the story is a real treat. It notes even the smallest details from the anime as well as keeping the characters canon personalities (with slight changes for this type of game). Speaking of the writing, however, the grammar could use a rework. I'm unsure if English is the developers second language or not but some of the dialogue is improper English unfortuantely. But it wasn't noticeable enough to take me out of the experience.

    And lastly, not a ton of content quite yet. There's a sizeable roaster of ladies to romance here but so far most of the scenes are only Mikasa. Looking forward to more!
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Doom Marine

    I'm giving it four stars because I liked the game, but I'll talk more about it in this review.

    Well, there aren't many AOT games on the forum, in fact I've only seen 3 so far, including these, Research Corps Attack, Attack on Sluts and this one. A

    Anyway, every AOT game is welcome. One thing I noticed is that there are some users talking about copyright and plagiarism in the game, I understand, I've played two AOT games before this one so far I've noticed this kind of thing, some backgrounds are the same I've seen this in many games here, so I guess the developer uses the default backgrounds offered by koitatsu. but even so, everyone has their differences... anyway, I know this is not cool but it's also annoying for people to complain about it, I hope you use this in your favor to improve the game DEV, and I'm not here to say if it's right or not wrong, but to help!

    Getting that out of the way, let's talk about the game itself... Firstly, the MC is played by Genshin "who is worse than the player LOL!" then he gets hit by lightning and stuff and taken to "THE PATH" where all ymir's subjects connect, anyway... i'm surprised who's there is not ymir but some crazy goddess named Krista. so she offers you a crazy deal, and you end up in Eren's body.

    So far so good, it's funny that you're totally weak to consciousness transfer and challenged by ex-instructor "keith" who thinks you're being lazy and ends up getting kicked in the balls and goes down KO'd.

    Then comes that slick new instructor with the misandry complex and starts heckling the MC with hate and contempt! which i find annoying and irritating, i hope there is a way to get her off the MC's back. Hope Eren eats that instructor. I hate her.

    As for the models, well, it could be worse, they are all good and some need improvement. Mikasa looks perfect with that pair of abs haha. And I noticed that it has some character icons based on the official AOT games like in 3d, others are 2D cut from the anime image. I think that using it in 3D is not a problem, but I hope that in the future everyone will be in 3D or 2D but improved. the character models are 3D based on Koitatsu, which I think is pretty cool, but Eren in Attack's Titan form needs a serious makeover, he's pretty ugly! The head of Eren's titan, has a different color than the body, so it dont matches.

    The training site map is confusing as hell, there are no identifying names on them, so you have to keep looking left and right.

    And about the lines, you put them in "quotes", which makes me confused, I've played many games here, I confuse this with the MC's line of thought, but it's actually his line. So, it's one more point to be improved! Another point to be improved is Christa, "Historia" when Eren, calls her Historia, in case he says he lost his memories and she is surprised and such because he not reveal that name for now. but when in the case of Eren manages to become a Titan for the first time in the 4-day survival training, the staff seeing this and that after the instructor wants to speak privately with Eren, Reiner is the one who asks "History" to share the horse with Mikasa, she doesn't question or anything, she just accepts? which makes no sense.

    I know a parody, but it sucks to have these messed up holes.

    I loved Mikasa. And this one has Mika's Japanese voice, I'm not a fan of the gigantism fetish but I can tolerate it, after all there are few AOT games, and it seems that this one will have a pregnancy option, so for those who are fans, fall in, which is not for me. fortunately there will be an option to deactivate and activate according to the player's taste.

    And there are also sound effects. And sandbox here, not hard to farm. it's much simpler. Overall, I liked the game and look forward to the next updates.

    That is, good Luck, DEV!
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    The Mikasa and Historia models are quite good, but the others either don't look like themselves or are of questionable quality. Not too critical on the whole though.
    The animations aren't bad, they're smooth. I enjoyed them.

    I didn't like the narration. Let's omit the fact of a bunch of grammatical errors, but the game's plot itself does not take itself seriously because of this I find it difficult to immerse myself in it. It feels like the game is made purely for the sake of sex. I can understand such desires, but games with such a plot rarely keep me interested for long. There's just not enough build up for the sex scenes.

    I would give this game 2 - 3 stars with hope for further development and improvement, however the sad part is that I think this project is a plagiarism of another porn game based on Attack on Titan.
    - Stolen background
    - Location arrangements
    - Original Instructor character (with the exact same personality from the other game)
    - Diary/Journal icon, just like the diary/journal itself
    And that's just what I noticed right away.

    These aspects really gutted me, so I went through the game with very negative emotions due to the arrogant theft of not only ideas, but art as well.

    So yeah... 1 star
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Completely stolen artwork of main map. Even the position and arrangement is stolen from another AoT game.
    I'm just here to say that this author can easily steal someone else's work without even thinking about it. Maybe he thinks it's fine to just copypaste.

    Ah, and even the female instructor character is kinda stolen. Great!
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Mate on Titan [ v0.1 ]

    Attack on Titan parody game with koikatu renders. I'm not a big fan of koikatu games cause all the girls almost look similar in almost all koikatu games. But here it's different cause characters look similar to the Aot characters. Loved Mikasa. And this one got Mika's japanese voice. It's nice to hear Mikasa's voice. And there is also sound effects. And the sandbox here is not grindy one its much simpler. Overall I enjoyed the game and looking forward to next updates.

    + Models
    + Japanese voice of Mikasa
    + Easy sandbox