Ren'Py - Completed - Max in the Big City [v1.15] [Drakus]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Embarrassing. Both for the developer and for me who actually tried to play this mess for 5 minutes.

    I'd avoid this one. I'm not sure if it's a game or just a massive troll. It barely works and when it does it basically just comes down to spaming the same action over and over and hoping something changes.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to like this game, but I couldn't. There's just no way to enjoy this game, not even with the cheat mod. That's because the game is flawed at its core.

    The first issue is the lack of vision. What exactly is the player trying to accomplish? You might think you're embarking on a journey to the big city so you can fuck a lot of girls and become successful, but no. There are three girls with barely any sexual content and all you do is repeat the same work > sleep grind every day. The intro scene might lead you to believe that you're here to go to college, but the college in question is never brought up again. And this is a recurring theme.

    In a way, this game is very much like real life. You think you'll become somebody, but instead you just grind every day on a low-end job, eat, sleep, get cucked and hire prostitutes. Truly one of the games of all time.

    Another issue is the lack of sexual content, as previously mentioned. I wouldn't mind having only three girls if the progression at least felt meaningful and rewarding, but they barely have any content each. Not only that, but the progression itself is borked. Sometimes the love/corruption stats simply won't go up, and you're stuck wondering what you're doing wrong before realizing that it's probably a bug.

    Which brings me to the next point. The bugs. It's hard to explain how buggy this game is, but let's just say it's very bad. It's like the game actively works agains the player.

    I hate to come off as snarky, but there are plenty of games that are older than this one and yet are way more polished in every way; from the graphics and the dialogue to the coding and even the engine itself. This game genuinely feels like it was made a decade ago.

    It's just not worth the time investment, not even with the cheat mod.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    It would've been a good game IF there was a clearer and less grindy progression and IF there were less bugs.
    on top of that there are some UI issues and a few unexplained mechanics

    cheat mod makes the game a lot better so I highly recommend using it.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is quite buggy, which is frustrating, but has a great underlying storyline. Renders could be a higher quality, but they aren't bad. Gameplay mechanics are good, but it is often quite confusing to understand what to do next.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Plusese and minuses:

    - Very strange mechanics: when sister isnt home but mc says "sister in shower", but you get corruption points.
    - Many bugs (you can click many times on any location and girl has random chance to come)
    + Russian language (for me :D)
    - Boring grind for money/love/corruption points
    + NTR content with all characters
    -+ Graphics is not horrible but not beaty too

    if this VN created by newbie, i'll give 4 of 5 stars.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    What would it be like if an actual robot wanted to make a porn game? This is it. RNGeezus makes this game almost impossible, and take forever to do anything. Also its set up so UnRen breaks the game so you can't even do that. Every line of dialog is either. "You are pretty" or "You have boob" If I were 12 and just discovered games like these I would never play them again. This is broken and not even in a funny way.

    Once you finally get away from the house, which doesn't tell you that you have to click multiple times on the same location, you're instantly homeless on a bench clicking the same three buttons with no new dialogue or variance. THEN when you finally get a flat, your sister magically appears in your bathroom before she lives there. And if you don't have $200 in two weeks you're on the street again and cant even work.

    To improve the RNG of "seducing" people you have to read a book that tells your idiot character to not say "nice ass" randomly but you have to choose either READ or WORK then you have to pass the time with no indication of how (clicking on the TV)

    ALSO if you click to fast on the "minigames" the game completely freezes and you have to reopen the game. We are in the age of shovelware my friends. DO NOT support this game. Spend your money on better things like golden shoes for a dog or braces for a duck.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    So I will state that I originally was curious about this game seeing as it was in a 0.9 release, which typically shows that the dev is closing in on some idea of the final game. Having played this game I couldn't have be more in the wrong. This is a buggy, grindy, and just downright mess of a game. I can forgive a few spelling errors, no one is perfect especially when it comes to English. However I legit don't understand half of the conversations. Story wise its subpar even for this site. The MC is a downright idiot that has zero common sense. But that is the least of the problems this game has. I would normally give this game 2 or 3 stars for something like this however, the game is beyond broken. Scenes will randomly start up with no connection, events will signal when certain characters aren't even there. My honest advice for the dev is to go back through the whole game and fix the scenes first then the writing.

    Final score
    Story 0 out of 10 Honestly boring made worse by the grind
    Gameplay -10 out of 10 God damn that's a lot of needless grinding
    Sex Scenes 1 out of 10 Low quality Gifs and there aren't that many
    Sound quality 0 out of 10 Turned that shit off the second I heard an alarm clock blaring through when waking up on the second day.

    Please fix this game dev or at least find someone the help you out alittle. more.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    By far one of the worst Ren'Py lewd games I've laid my hands on.

    The grind is absurd - You shouldn't need to cheat to bypass a challenge mechanic

    The pacing is horrible, the underlying coding is poor.

    It's just bad man.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    First let me say....this game could be worse. Probably why it gets 2 stars instead of one.

    I personally didn't find the renders any worse than a bunch of other games here. That said, the story is meh. The writing can't really be called writing. Some triggers are broken. At some point I just stopped playing because I was pretty sure a bug was keeping me from progressing.

    I actually like the NTR this game has. You fuck up, you get NTRed. You can also just choose not to care and go for it. It doesn't completely cockblock you either.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite the grind I really like the game.

    (The game even being NTR is debatable, but for the sake of simplicity on F95, we'll just call it NTR, even if the MC seems fine with sharing or corrupting).
    The NTR being optional is a great plus, you're in control of the NTR, if you choose to corrupt the girls without raising your love points it will come down to bite you in form of NTR.

    The scenes and build up to some are generally interesting to me, they're not very vanilla and can spice up some of the scenes.

    Now concerning the grind that some have problem with. I often when I meet a grindy game just use a save editor. If you feel the game got an annoying amount of grind, then I can recommend Save editor Online (search for it online) and edit the points and money to your liking (just careful not to break the save, by passing event flags).

    So, to conclude, I like this game because:
    1. The "NTR" is Optional and can be used as punishment if you mess up (or actively choose it).
    2. Non-vanilla scenes and build-up to scenes
    3. The grind can easily be mitigated by using Save editors found online.
    4. The flavor of the girls are interesting to me.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I know it's kind of unfair to review an early version, but this one is just horrible to play.

    I could live with the really grainy and non-attractive renders.
    I could also live with the "non-existing scene-texts" (like "i have eaten" - "i have slept".
    I HARDLY can live with the fact that A LOT of situations are broken - meaning a scene which should happen doesn't trigger, or it DOES trigger, but with wrong background and you can't do anything else than rollback, go to another place and enter the wanted scene from there again.
    But I CANT ACCEPT a scene starting even before it's possible (for example my Sis was there reading a book on my bed even before she actually visited my place at all - i mean HOW????
    Finally the worst part is the unneccesary HORRIBLE GRIND:
    - not only that you have to grind for example your sister's corruption by stupidly watching porn 1000 times
    - not only because you have to grind for example a girls love by telling her "you look cute" 1000 times before work.
    - But also you have to go to library to read a certain book 1000 times
    => of course that's not enough: you can only work in the morning, and also only go to library in the morning -> so you can't even grind your stats and the girl at the same day.
    Oh - and i forgot that you are robbed right at start and you have zero money. You will need 200 bucks for a flat every 14 days (which will raise to 300 really soon). Your only chance to make money is to beg, which will give you up to 8 bucks per day (then you have to buy food, so around 5 bucks are left).

    => so be happy to spent the first days (felt like 1000 days) with Sleeping->Begging-> REPEAT

    Overall this Grind-Simulator is not worth to play at all, as the rewards you get for your grind are broken scenes - and even the non-broken scenes are crap as hell.

    Final side-note:
    I bet the content of this review has more text than all ingame text-lines together - just that you know
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    the worst game i have ever played. Its basicly a waste of time. If there was a waste of time section this game would have been the number one on the list. All you do is grind and sometimes scenes are buggy and yuo have to restart and do all the grind again.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Another game where you need to grind but you can't use console commands because game crashes if you used unren
    You gonna see the same scenes over and over again With no real clue how to raise corruption or love
    Story is weird

    Mc plans to go to campus gets rejected
    begs for money
    buys mansion
    His sister starts living with him
    The grind isnt worth it For 0.8 i would expected some sexual interactions with sister somthing else then handjob
    I had no idea how far i was in the update There is no walktrough
    only good is renders
    Only bugs i got is trying to use unren
    I did not play with sound i never do