This Review is based with my personal experience with the actual Version of the game 0.3.1 with my specific opinions and feelings .
Max's life is a linear sandbox game based with Honey Select style ; The game is about the story of Max , the protagonist , that live with his family , but you will have the possibility to meet a so big number of other different models ; you will learn how to know all the girls , how to interact with them , how to seduce and have sex with them ;there are full of different location where you can have so many different situations. Naturally like I wrote before this is a sand box game , so the Mc have to increase many skills and statistics and the quality of your relationships is the key to Mc progress. The game is constantly updating the parameters of the different kind of relationship Max has with all different girls , with different statistics that permit to disclose many different locked situations and achievements .
-Story and Writing : I don't agree with other reviews that write that there is no story or is basic game ; it's completely the opposite , because only during the playing ,all girls will give you all information about them,to build a complete background for every character . The story it's wrote with a good English , with a good use of the grammar also if the developer is not a English mother language
-There are full of different locations and events : a player can spent a lot of hours playing without annoying ,
-The way how the Developer build the game play , made a true big difference with the other sandbox games , because there are really a tons of different situations to play and to discover.
-Girls are gorgeous hot an sexy , you can choose to have a relationship or only a sex adventure , with so nice and different and gorgeous Models ; if you are big boobs and milf lover , this is the perfect game to play and to like ; all woman , are completely different , in background , in sex behavior and relations ; so many available achievements and content for the major part of girls with so many different sexy dresses ; the player will have a vastness of incredible choices in this game
- Animations and Renders are very hot and exciting , full of different sex scenes and details ;this part is ,without any doubt ,one of the best part of the game .
-Many hours of playing ; the game offers many days of full gaming , without annoying or boring , with dozen of achievements and actions to make
-The developer made the revamp of the first Chapter just few weeks ago ; the Team Work made absolutely a fantastic job here , making most of the past renders completely new , with different menu and changing the actual grinding that it's absolutely in a perfect pace with the rhythm of the playing
Neutral :
-Grinding , with the revamp of Chapter 1 in my opinion is absolutely perfect
Overall this is absolutely a game worth to play , 5 stars review.
A game not only for gamer that like sandbox game or gorgeous sexy girls with big tits , but for all players that enjoy to play adult games. For all person that enjoy when a product it's make with love , full of contents , details . Because immediately when a player begins to play , he can feel the great work of the Dev , in all his things , from the smallest detail . Maybe somebody will not like the sandbox genre and maybe could prefer the Visual Novel style gaming , but everybody will understand how Max's Life is a great game , immediately recognizing that the Developer , is creating this opera with a hard work , professionalism , inspiration , but especially with a big big love. But most important thing it's already more than 3 years developing this opera , with constant and solid release ; this is a thing not only to not underestimate , but to empathize the big work made here for a sol long frame of time. My sincere suggestion to support and pledge this project