Summary: A brutal, relentless story that doesn't shy away from themes that are taboo, shocking or revolting, but fit in with the narrative of a tragic tale that's very real in our world. With beautiful artistic visuals and amazing narration, you're sucked into storm of sex, violence and insanity.
• Art-style: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The style has a lot of identity, and is peculiar to this game style. There are no rigid outlines and the smeared colors and tones match the tone of the plotline very well - hazy, grainy and uncertain, just like the narrator's broken mind as she invokes the memory of the events. The missing star regards their number - I wish I had seen much more of this style. More poses, more scenes, more environments. I understand these pieces of art take a lot of time and work to produce, but I feel like the artist could have showed off more.
• Gameplay: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
There's more to the gameplay than most players realize - we're lead to believe that some options abruptly end the game, and that's it. But it's not. The main menu gives us clues as to how, by losing and dying, we're actually making progress. An instant death screen is not just an instant death screen. There's more to it, and we need to resume the story from the start to figure it out. Besides this interesting mechanic, however, we're given no further gameplay elements.
• Storyline: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Crude, raw, shivering and worst (best) of all: realistic. Your hand is not held as you descend into the abyss with Maya, and the subjectivity of how she recalls it - and what is real, or what is her broken mind recalling - makes for an interesting tone. It's not easy to devise an elaborate, subjective plot like this; this is not a "chosen hero" story. But in the end, I was left not knowing what story it actually is, because we're cut short of it. The game is complete, but there's no open ending, or closed ending, there's just no ending at all - even with the true ending. I wanted to give this story 5/5, but the vacant hole we suddenly step into in the end left me disappointed and wanting more... which never came.
• Grammar: ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Breathtaking, intricate, and very well performed by the narrator. I had never had a porn game send me shivers, but the VA's shaky but ecstatic voice claiming her death sealed the deal for me to consider this a great script, with a great actress.
Stars: 17
Parameters: 4 (Art | Gameplay | Storyline | Grammar)
Final calculus: 17/4 = 4.25 = 4
Result: 4 ☆