Others - Completed - MazeMaze [Final] [Lu]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Jimmy Two Times

    MAZEMAZE is a... puzzle game... I mean... This is a... Really, maze genre in puzzle games are generally the most boring ones in my opinion and... This game is... I mean, music is cool and the art style is...

    Brother... This feels like a random high schooler's art project that is created solely to get a barely passing note more than anything. Nothing about this game is good enough to make me say "go ahead and try, maybe you'll like it." at all. The controls suck, there is more sexual content in your junior year biology book, the story is bonkers beyond recognition, you literally just jump off a goddamn building and wake up next to a clumsy anthropomorphic cow and... she does something with fucken wires, so you teleport to random realities and fix people's dreams or something... And you do that by touching random trees and collecting trash (yes, trash, just trash.) and so many other nonsensical bs that makes you question what are you doing with your life. It took me 10 minutes to finish it, i was so disappointed and relieved at the same time that i feel like i need to find a new word for that state of mind. Stay the heck away from it.