Mc in a Parodie game

New character VS. Existing character

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Mr. TurTur

Jun 12, 2020
This post was basically copied from my dev dirary with the hope to hear some of your thoughts on it.

Do you prefer an Oc or a native character in your parody games?

I'm sure that depends partly on your kinks, let them factor into your opinion.

I'm developing a trainer-style game set in the universe of "the Incredibles".

Who is the Mc?
I had the story outlined from the beginning.

It's about a guy who is forced to help with the sexual training of Violett Parr while the men are not in the house.
She's actually willing, but shy.

(I want to reverse the familiar character dynamics of trainer-like games. You're the one being blackmailed,
and she wants and knows what's going on. You have to figure out this sex/kinky thing together)

But as I write the prologue now, I'm thinking about who the Mc realy should be.

This is to some extent an incest game.

If I continue with my Oc as the Mc, i see the story always with an NTRish ending where the males come home
and copulate with the now Trained V.
As long as I don't let them die or anything like that.

Id like to see her get fuckt by them, but NTR is not really my cup of tea and not what the story should be about.

If I were to take one of the family members as MC,

Here's what I'm thinking:

- I like the konflickt/ dynamic the Mc and V have right now. I Still i want more in family sex.

- Palying as an in universe Caracter is probably what you want from a Parodie game.

- Would make it fully incestibles. (not the worst thing)

- I would take Dash because I don't feel like Bob is the right personality. Also, Dash is younger and relatable.

- I don't like Dash's physique. It's weird to draw. Still could alter it just alittle bit.

- Dash is way too young. Violet I can age up easily, but Dash is a problem. I want to get as close to the original chars as possible.

- I'm also afraid that I'm using too many ,,I'm fucking my mother and my sister,, incest game clichés.​

I just need some other thoughts on this, maybe it helps to untie thought knots.
Be as personal as you want :D
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Oct 18, 2018
Had me until you started talking about adding the incest ntr ending.
Incredibles trainer with OC MC and Vi, sure. Need more? Add in Elastigirl.
Mr I and Dash though? Hard pass.
I know a lot of folks like incest, but with this particular franchise?
Ew. Just ew.

Mr. TurTur

Jun 12, 2020
I had the idea of two endings.
Like a love route and an incest route.
But with my work speed that's probably not a good idea :D

I have the feeling no matter if I leave incest inside or outside I disappoint players.

To only include Elastigirl is probably the midway
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Sep 10, 2019
Depend on the shows they parodied though.

If its harem or pseudo-harem like Love Hina, Fruit Basket, The Loud House I think its better to play as existing MC(Keitaro, Tohru, Lincoln) than some random nameless schmuck.

If its fighting shounen shows or superhero ones like Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, DC or Marvel shows I think it will be lot better to play as some random nameless schmuck than existing MC.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
generally I'd always go with an existing character because what's the point of parody if you take it somewhere else. but in this case there's just no good choice for MC. the only one kinda fitting is dash, but like you said he's way way wayy in the rule 7 area.

I guess the real problem is only the women are fuckable. even if you went female protagonist it just wouldn't work. the guys are just useless unless you completely redesign them, which brings us right back to what's the point.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
Just make him a bit older? usually what parody devs do...
you'd need to add like 10 years and change the character form completely. a complete redesign.

maybe the whole thing would work as a 'post-incredibles' spin. the kids are grown up, dad is greyed and maybe lost a little weight because mom insisted. then they reassemble for one last adventure.

wouldn't be the same, but it could work as a concept.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
you'd need to add like 10 years and change the character form completely. a complete redesign.
Still better than an original character imo, an oc could turn it into a netori game basically.

But I guess it depends on what the dev is going for:
-use the dad for daughter incest.
-use the son for momcest/siscest.
-hell, since the show is about superpowers you could even use the baby and make it part of the story "one day Jack wakes up in an adult body" you play with him and have to figure out what happened and he finds out later that instant aging was just another of his hidden powers.
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Mr. TurTur

Jun 12, 2020
The poll has been polled, the dice has been diced and the chosening has been chosen!

It is and i will use a:
Screenshot 2022-08-26 104359.png
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