RPGM - MechanumSexus [v0.0.2] [StupidBug Exos]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Game is so bare ones we barely have anything to graft the glorious machine onto. If you are already paywalling half your content in a v0.0.2, when you hardly have enough content to appear like a demo in the first place, you deserve all the reviews of people calling you out about it.

    In order to unlock and see the rest of my review, please subscribe to my patreon!
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.0.1

    Man I'd love a solid Warhammer-based lewd RPGM game, but if I'm being truly honest this one leaves much to be desired. It's a neat idea I guess, but that's about all it is right now.

    Besides looking a bit unique due to the setting, the game just doesn't do much of anything. There's no intro and a minuscule amount of dialogue. You just suddenly take control of a girl, buy a few items from the shop, and go initiate your mission at the terminal.

    Missions are, as the description mentions, trail and error dungeon crawling with rather basic combat. I'm not even sure if dungeon crawling is really the right word for it tbh. More akin to a sort of strategy style game maybe? You're given a small map you navigate with a few types of encounters you run into. Either combat, an "event", or "choose an RNG symbol that either hurts you, heals you, or gives you money" Repeat for every mission.

    The events could be interesting, but they turn out to be like two sentence encounters that you're just guessing on which answer is the correct one. It's just not interesting. Nothing in the game really is and that's kind of the problem with it. I witnessed one lewd scene at the end of one of the missions which was just a short loop of a woman grinding on a robot dick for like 10 seconds before the scene just ends. Didn't do much for me.

    I'm guessing there was a few more lewd animations, but after completing the first few missions the next ones are gated behind a Patreon code so I just had to stop playing the game because there was nothing else to do. There is nothing compelling me to come back and play this game as of this version.