RPGM - Completed - Meltys Quest [v1.2r] [Happy Life]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I was sincerely disappointed with this I expected... well... more.

    You got the retarded as fuck losing thing.
    You got a overall really short game if you dont count all the fighting and the dumb grinding it wants you to do.
    You got for all intents a pretty average game just the art is great. It ain't great but it is a solid decent average game. Grant there is totally no need to make some new way to stretch rpgm to its limits with some neat mechanics... but there should be more accessible cg without the retarded losing battle shit. Worse yet grinding losses :FacePalm: to up slut level or working under a sexist rich pos pig. Then there is the being left hanging with pasta sauce hero aka Alfredo the way things go you'd assume it would be simple to eventually see something with him. A damn mention on where the fuck to get eggs would've been great (get pregnant from lizardmen).

    The game is solidly average nothing else I can think of really saying
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I played Melty's Quest the day it came out in English. It's not bad, per se, but it is quite easily one of the most over-hyped H-games of all time, if not the most overhyped. It's short, it's simple, it's generic, it's bland. The game does absolutely nothing out of the ordinary, is plagued with a mix of overly simplistic and needlessly convoluted mechanics, and is just generally really boring.

    There are some real gems made using the RPGM engine, but this one just isn't it. It's decent, supremely average, and honestly might be worth a play still, since it has a relatively short length. But there are just so, so many more games out there more deserving of your time.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Despite the near legendary status Melty's Quest occupies in H-Game lore, I didn't find myself particularly interested in all of its trappings. My biggest peeve with the game was its lose-to-see-scenes mechanic. I know it's the prevalent and common one in the industry but it's not one I'm a fan of. Surely there are better ways and more interesting ways to fit in debauchery within the confines of the story rather than making the player lose. Why would I play a game if the objective was to lose?

    And the game expects you will lose. Otherwise you won't unlock all these nice outfits and their fancy features. I've been told that a pure run should be targetted in the third playthrough but I was never big on replaying H-Games. It's one and done for me most of the time. My problem is locking a lot of interesting clothing behind actually losing.

    The protagonist is also incredibly annoying. I couldn't stand her speech patterns (for all her other *ahem* charms). The story is the usual H-Game story, nothing to say there. To the game's credit, the movement is smooth as butter and everything looks good, contrary to a lot of RPGM games.

    In short, great artstyle - somewhat disappointed that the bosses were all female, and good scenes all round. Lacklustre story and annoying protagonist.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Good fun once you extract, and place all the wonderful patches many people have produced in the game thread. Has a reasonable quest line with mostly battle loss H scenes.

    Maps are okay, but detail is lacking, erotic images used are mostly very good.

    I personally edited much of the text for my self in the game to have a harder language during many of the scene's, but the original Text is also very good.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A very interesting game. It has a very simple plot: one day the castle is invaded by monsters who defeat the guards and kidnap the three sisters of the protagonist. Meltys, the protagonist, is a naive and spoiled girl who will have to do everything to save the kingdom, the sisters and rebuild the castle. Although the plot is actually simple, the game is very fun and has two modes: the first one is very simple for those who don't want to commit and want to see only the scenes, the other one which represents a very interesting challenge.
    The music is very beautiful and the protagonist's corruption system is well managed. In addition, the scenes and drawings are really beautiful and I fell in love with the various girls, especially with a certain character called Diavel.
    This is a game that I highly recommend because it will surely entertain you and have a lot of fun.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    At first I thought this game is a masterpiece but overtime it gets boring. The story is well-written and the art is gorgeous but the characters are written awfully. The heroine Melty has no character development and she just has sex with anyone really. The gameplay is really fun.
  7. I
    4.00 star(s)


    It's a solid RPGM game, it's quite open and i do feel like there's even more that i didn't get to see so the game defiantly feels big. It does however feature a little grinding and there's a lot of text if you like that but i skimmed over most of it. All in all the art is nice the content is varied and there's a solid chance you'll find something you like in here.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Character developement is totally non existent. Translation was written either by 14 teen or someone who acts like one. One character ( not sure if more, deleted the game after 3 hours of playing) even has emoticons in his speech bubbles so...yeah, if you want silly CG, this is for you.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Note: My “review” is general overview of a game and with heavy weight on how much I enjoyed it rather than “critical/objective” rating. In another words my “review” is PERSONAL ENJOYMENT + a bit of “critical” rating/comments.

    +fairly nice art
    +rather fun gameplay
    +plenty of scenes and CG
    +actually entertaining story
    +Multiple endings, tons of outfits, achieves, stats etc..

    -loss based (meaning to get scenes u have to lose)
    -sadly no actual VA
    -can be rather silly

    Finished game a while ago, but thought of achievement hunting on steam.. gave up on it now.

    Anyhow, it was probably one of the most laidback and loose RPGM'ish lewd games I have played and ended up rather enjoying. Somehow the whole CG, scenes, story and characters combination makes it into "light-hearted" enjoyment. Plenty of nice scenes and various kinks.

    Don't have much to add really. Enjoyable lewd game. Has all the essential must haves for a lewd game as well, CG menu/scene replaying/cheesing methods etc..

    Also the whole "stats" menu and your characters "growth levels" are also rather nice touch.

  10. 5.00 star(s)


    It's fucking MELTYS QUEST! One of the best H games I've ever played. Great scenes, great characters, and surprisingly wholesome at times even though this world is raunchy as hell.
    Highly HIGHLY recommend!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Total time ~12hrs (including new game plus)

    Overall the game is pretty good.

    Story is nice,nothing special but doesn't feel sloppy.

    Gameplay, you have costumes A LOT of costumes, but you need to craft them so that involves a lot of grinding but at least it is easy and can be done quite quckly.The fact that you don't insta-game over after defeat makes the game more chill and fun.
    The movement is a bit weird but you get used to it after a while.

    Cgs: there a lot of them and the quality is amazing .Most of the CGs are easy to get in a single playthrough,but there are some that are quite easy to miss ...looking at you dark Meltys.

    Advice:Complete the castle before you go for the final boss

    Worth playing: Yeap,definetely!

    Also f*ck that little shit Roy
  12. 4.00 star(s)


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    I definitely recommend this to people who like games that have adult content but also offer something else.

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  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent lewds, excellent bewbs, plenty of thick ass, and gameplay that kicks ass.

    Loads of unlockable costumes and scenes, huge variety in content, and good gameplay. Has new game plus and multiple endings, and is good enough a game to try and get them.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    John Doe 100

    This has been a phenomenal game from start to finish. The only complaint I have is that there are some things you can't do (rebuild Rothestein Castle, serve as a maid, serve as a nurse, etc...) if you plan on doing a pure playthrough without attaining any slut levels.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Was trying to do a pure playthrough used 10k to rebuild the castle, well you can use the 10k but unless you have enough Slut Level you just wasted 10k. And there are more moments like this. The story and gameplay is fine nothing wrong there but noting exceptional, the art is where the game shines. but it is overall dragged down by the slut system.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A bizarrely lighthearted rape fantasy game with a ridiculously charming MC! This was one of the first erotic rpgs I played and have yet to find anything better. The main thing that sets this apart is the really interesting incorporation of clothing/armor changes...tons of different outfits that give Meltys a variety of skills and abilities.

    Really the only negative for me about Meltys Quest is that you really need a walkthrough for the "ending/not ending" feature (I found one online ) because there is "hidden" content I missed my first playthrough that really should have just been implemented within the main story.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    While I did spend 10 hours playing the game. It wasn't a great time the whole time.

    First and foremost this is yet another game that while technically having "pregnancy content" not much is done with it since the second you get pregnant you have to give birth at the town hospital if you want to do anything else. There is some flavour text but for the most part people don't care or will turn you down because they don't like doing it with pregnant chicks. There is some pregnant scenes but they are all in the last 5% of the game. Hell unless you are checking to see if anything new happens if you get pregnant or do x thing when you reach that point you could miss the scenes since the game ends after you have certain scenes with story important characters.

    The delivery nurse does have some amusing dialog when you give birth for the first time with each species/ known persons.

    So if you saw the pregnancy tag like I did and thought you would give the game a shot. Maybe give this game a pass or wait till you can find a save.

    Now onto the other aspects of the game.

    Translation is pretty good. Some scenes have weird wordings or things that don't translate well.

    Scenes and CG's are pretty good nothing to really complain about there. Sometimes they felt too long; guy cums 4/5 times in one scene...

    Now the biggest problem I had is the game is weird in that you are pretty much discouraged to actually win the fights in the game. Since if you beat the monsters you get items/gold but you yourself can never seduce them. Thus all the monster scenes are only defeat scenes. The only disadvantage to losing constantly is that is could ruin your endings. Since no matter what you do sexually you get Sex Xp. Which then helps determine which endings you get. I personally got ending (5) the Happy ending, which then had 3 sub endings you could choose from, best I thought was Esmeralda's.

    The sound design is standard for the RPGM games. Most of the staples are there. Though some of the boss music was great.Especially the last one(Dark Melty)

    There is NG+ I decided to not touch it. I got what I wanted to out of the game. And there is a Cat somewhere around the castle just before you start the ending scenes where they will unlock all the scenes to look at in the CG gallery. There is also a "Purity" ending that can only be unlocked through playing on the hardest difficulty and having 0 Sex Xp . I didn't even think about going for it because the guides I read say that is best left for your 3rd play through.

    The game overall wasn't too hard I played on the normal mode. I made sure to unlock all the outfits "skills" some of them are decently useful. I had some standard grinding but by the time I finished with the game I was around level 45. The money situation wasn't bad; by the time I was done I had 800,000 gold and that was with buying 90% of the items in game and not selling anything.

    Small sidenote if you are looking for interesting virginity loss scenes for Melty(You) I couldn't find them, not sure if they are even in game, one of the defeat scenes apparently tells a story where Melty was at a party and apparently lost it there, but I have no idea if that is canon or not.

    There is only 1 human you can have vaginal sex with for most of the game. There is a special scene where you can get gangbanged by humans but that is a one time thing till you beat the final boss. After you beat the final boss that scene becomes repeatable and as long as you are nude you can finally proposition blowjob/tittyjobs/sex(anal if pregnant) form the normal human npc's but even then the scenes are all the same.

    With all these thoughts said I honestly can't give the game a rating higher than 2.85 out of 5 stars. Even that I feel like is a little too nice. There is a lot to like in this game. But there is also a lot of the game that feels like it could use quite a bit more work; which isn't good if the game is actually completed like this thread says it is.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful art, easy gameplay and nothing of those senseless deaths, when a defeat happens, rolls a scene of H, just sex sex sex ... like it has to be a porn game ... Congratulations! (It would be great to have some Devs take a look and understand what fun it is for the player ...)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    An absolutely unexpected surprise of a lewd game. I didn't think Meltys Quest would be anywhere near as enjoyable as it turned out being purely because I'd seen it on Steam originally and high quality lewd games typically don't end up there. However, this one is worth checking out.

    The lewd content itself is quite varied and I haven't come across a single scene I didn't like so far, although some fetishes like urination could've used an option to disable for some people. I kind of hoped the outfits would have a little more impact on how Meltys is seen by NPCs such as in a game like Salvation, but a few do comment on specific items of clothing. You do have to work up to more whorish clothing though, unlike other games where you can wear whatever whenever you want, this game uses a "slut level" as a clothing gate.

    The gameplay is typical lewd RPG Maker fare but is far less frustrating and grindy than the average game made in the engine. Encounters are basic and not random, with options to attack and escape, and some moves can be learned by levelling a specific outfit up. Puzzles are basic, often just requiring you to press something for a path to open or obstacle to vansih, nothing incredibly cryptic or guide requiring. Dungeons typically last a few screens at best, so no time wasting mazes with annoying encounter rates.

    Overall I'd say Meltys Quest is probably one of the best RPG Maker lewd games I've ever played, and is worth checking out if you're looking for something new to play. The lack of a challenge in the gameplay may be a downside for some, but if I wanted challenge (or artifical challenge with typical RPG Maker titles) I'd be playing a real game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a great game with multiple endings (six in total). a lot of good content, a very great story and plenty of H-scenes/CG. It has a high re-playable factor. It is easy to play and understand. Very good translation from Japanese to English