RPGM Mental Divide [RJ01043295][ 袖イオンビーム ]


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2018

Title: Mental Divide
Release date : March 18, 2024

Author Blog :
MEGA Drive (JPY) :

Fetishes: RPG, Prostitution, Netorase
Global social unrest has erupted over newly discovered energy resources.
Due to the nature of this energy, which is "absorbed by individuals in response to people's reputation and enhancing their attributes," humans who transcend common sense and the laws of physics have begun to appear in the world.
It is the story of a mercenary company that establishes and fights to protect people from the revolutionary movement caused by such superhumans.


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2018

The Dark Haired girl is a virgin, rich kid, high school girl.
The blonde is a clone girl who was forced into prostitution, which is how you meet her, a mandatory lengthy scene where you hire her as a prostitute and fuck her. (Not romantic at all)

The Netorase Route is with the blonde. Instead of being monogomous you let her continue prostituting herself. Do not expect this to be romantic cuckolding or such.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2018
The beginning of the game starts with 1 hour of pure lore-dump dialogue where the author jerks himself off about his sci-fi setting of superhumans and how history is in a new era and the Gregorian Calendar is only used by Christian nations but advanced countries like Japan use a new calendar. Also the Protag is an incel who is finally getting pussy. Also talking dog. The writing is subpar and felt egotistical.

If you have the patience to play through it, please tell me if it gets better.
I leave this game in your hands now.