1. A continuation of a series from the same author
2. Familiar battle system
3. Covers quite a number of irregular and gore-heavy fetishes
4. Fair CG quality
5. Very interesting story, quite original, but predictable
2. It's going to be a long road of grinding and failures...Patience is a virtue we do not own
3. You are not going to like the CGs if you only like kiri type or refined type.
4. No VA...very sad, if only the author can ever hire 1 female voice...
5. If you have played one of his literally play like 80-90% of the same content. Though, the CGs are more or less not the same XD
6. If you call OneOne1 lazy, you may have the same idea.
Honest Opinion:
It's not usual that we see an original concept. Even as the original creator, sometimes, there is a limit to how many times you repeat it. Moreover, if the CG quality is more or less stale, you will get bored very soon. Such is the issue of this game. It is original, it is fun, but when you cycle the system over and over while every other aspects remains the same, it's not going to attract new audience. Even the SE has nothing new to offer, there is no BGM variety...
We know it's hard to maintain a certain quality, but not having any improvements or surprises, that's just plain lazy. We complain much about how OneOne1 recycles their old work, but look at Ideology in Friction, they put the elbow grease in creating side-lines, stories and CGs for the supporting characters; they created a new Escort system so your MC can whore herself out anytime. That's a slight improvement (Oni & Blade, The Heiress have some of the crappiest and most recycled CGs they have ever tiny bitsy improvement for CGs as well).
This author...honestly, you can praise him for the variety of genre he created, but for the RPG line...he really likes your MC getting raped every second...yeah, people come for porns, and you give them, but the same cycle repeats so many times for his series...out of variations and originality are really killing the vibe. It's not the first female hero game that is getting her raped+a high difficulty setting (yes, we can break this setting by cheating; or by a thorough grinding). Yet, the story is linear, your choice doesn't matter much. And that's a pain for RPG. RP means you have choices and freedom to do as the character explores the world.
I would give a higher rating if there were more differences and improvements from his previous titles, and damn, I would give his older works a higher rating because of that (recognition is undeniable), but for this one, I am truly disappointed.