VN - Others - Completed - Meteor Pendulum Heart [Final] [Chaos-L]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Duke Greene

    This VN does everything poorly.

    Its plot is extremely underdeveloped, some key concepts are only explained in one route and not the others, and even if it had a longer common route to flesh out the setting it simply doesn't do anything particularly interesting.

    Characters are, for the most part, what you see. The MC is your generic nice guy pushover, Kudusha falls deep into the stereotypical "female knight" archetype and Gray follows the average "emotionless warrior->cute girl who likes to eat" progression. The antagonists are caricatures. The only half-decent character is Riru, but even she is crippled by the short length of the VN and her voice actress hamming it up far too much.

    Audio is grating, with repetitive music and during H-scenes there are constant background moans you can't turn off. The H-scenes themselves are pretty forgettable though they are at least mercifully short.

    Graphics are nice despite some weird spine contortions sometimes.

    Really, I can't recommend this.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    So, Meteor Pendulum Heart uh... Let's talk about it, but first, if you want a tldr : It's... Alright, not that good, not that bad. Nothing is really notable about it tho but the game is short so, go for it if you have the time to.

    Story : So, the first thing I want to say is, context matter, the VN drop you in without context, meaning at first, you don't know if most things you see are "kind of normal in this world" or "let's call the police" it's not that bad, but it can be a little weird. Other than that, the story is alright,, just alright. The plot is cliché, the situations are cliché, the end is cliché. btw, the game is borderline nukige, so, expect a lot of sex really fast. By the way, you have only three routes, so one character will not have anything going for her.

    Audio : Honestly, I can't remember one theme and I just closed the game. Apart from that, the voice acting is good and I do like the Seiyuu of Ruri (but that's a personnal thing really.)

    Characters : Archetype one, meet archetype two, most of the characters are really one sided, but again, the game is fairly short, so it's not that bad of a flaw.

    H-scenes : Like I said, it's borderline Nukige, so lot's, really fast. There's a good variety at least in term of position / situation. Kind of weird that there's only one scene for the fourth girl but, welp.

    Overall : So yeah, not a bad VN per see, just don't go in expecting a great story with memorable characters, it's more of a "Hey, I go some hours to kill" VN. If you're here for the H tho, the VN does a acceptable job at it so, go for it.