Others - Completed - Micro Ero Dungeon [Final] [Fidchell Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)



    Simple but good, also the animations are very well made, it also gets better with increased dificulty.

    Animations 10/10
    Music ‍♂ dont fcking know about music and who cares
    Gameplay 10/10 its simple but fun
    xxx 10/10
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Porn Pleb

    Short little game that has a cool concept but only an hour's worth of content, 2 hours at most. everything is chance based. you just keep clicking and hope you get luckky, very "meh" the most average game ive played
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    An interesting idea, but there's not enough variety to warrant how long the floors are. The lack of control or even the item information required to make informed choices doesn't help much either, after messing around with this for a little over an hour I feel like I'd have made more progress using an autoclicker and only taking control at the checkpoints or if it hit a dead end. It feels kinda bad giving this two stars since it's clearly a mini project and not intending to be the next Elden Ring, but the flaws are too big to excuse IMO.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    What's good: Pixel art. Erotic traps.

    What's bad: Everything else. Sound effects and moans can't be muted (but music can). Font choice for text is hard to read. No choices matter.

    For some reason the game provides multiple difficulty levels, unlocked by completed the previous difficulty level. But when everything is exclusively luck based, it's just gambling until you lose and restart or get to start with different armor.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Simple and fairly good.

    Decent art, scenes, simple control.

    The problem is it still remains completely luck-based and choices don't really matter...
    Also the audio has a few high-pitched sound effects that get repetitive.