+ Way too rare concept of female PC that starts H scenes and everything still looks consensual (from what I've seen)
+ animations are okay if you like (mostly) lesbian pixel art
- controls are jank, rebinding keys doesn't change them in menu and double jumping can ONLY be done once you start falling
- Voicelines are repeating way too often, 1 on game startup and 1 each time you get in gameplay, doesn't get better then with 2 jumping lines and 3 attack lines ! awful especially when enemies take like 8 hits to go down ... Speaking of which ...
- Everything takes wayy too many hits excepts you. Boss design is dismal and unintuitive.
+ animations are okay if you like (mostly) lesbian pixel art
- controls are jank, rebinding keys doesn't change them in menu and double jumping can ONLY be done once you start falling
- Voicelines are repeating way too often, 1 on game startup and 1 each time you get in gameplay, doesn't get better then with 2 jumping lines and 3 attack lines ! awful especially when enemies take like 8 hits to go down ... Speaking of which ...
- Everything takes wayy too many hits excepts you. Boss design is dismal and unintuitive.