Unity - Completed - Milf X Asylum [v1.2] [Dana's Demons]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    i am a fan of janky 3d games. I wont list them because of rule 2 but know if its 3d i have probably tried it out.

    I say this because when I say this game is shit i want you to know i mean it. the game has bad collision boxes stopping you from collecting all the notes like on chairs or in corpses on the floor with the knife and when you cheat your left with a you win screen and thats it. the gifs on the main post are literally all the content, the models are stock assets with extra unity bones stuck on and even before i started fucking with the game i got pushed out of bounds and had the game lock and crash repeatedly. If the dev has actually beaten this game i will not actually give a damn either way because this is the last bit of brain power im puitting towards this mess. avoid.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    the worst part about reviewing this is that i'm required to put more effort into the review than i assume the dev put into ensuring this was playable.

    the mouse movement is awkward to say the least, the camera randomly resets as you look around, the FOV is approximately 1, having to unlock and lock the mouse like a Frictional game instead of just looking at the thing you want to pick up and clicking is jarring, sometimes you can just click but that's only dependant on whether the mouse is hovering over what you want to click on, whether it's visible or not.

    complaining about the game's technical faults feels pointless, however, because the game isn't sexy in the slightest. having to grind so you don't get molested by a granny should be nobody's idea of a good time. 0 stars.

    edit: my god, i just realised this is tagged "completed".