VN - Ren'Py - Milfylicious [v0.27] [Maximus]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is by far one of the best game here! i'm a Milf and Harem-Incest lover, and in this game you have all!! ton of beautiful ladies that are all so sexy and aren'tthe usual Daz Models...devs take the time to make them Unique and so beautiful that is enpowering. Story , for now , is Ok but what is the plus are the ladies for sure. Mom and Aunt are so sexy that hurts...good job devs, keep the quality high like this and we will be all blessed to play this great VN. And for now updates come out regularly , and this is not a given, considering the amount of VN being abandoned or with updates so scarce that is painful to bear.Thank you very much!
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Basically porn but as a game. Story could be interesting but is poorly done and basically irrelevant. All the women in this game are basically the bimbo milf type. Biggest difference between them is the hair and skin color and their supposed 'job'.

    90% of the women you fuck right away with no build up whatsoever. The animation quality is pretty average, moaning from real porn can be viewed as weird and cringe but to each their own.

    This game should on no planet have more than 3 stars.

    TLDR might as well watch regular porn
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Updates released in a good time window, with each one as good or better than the previous. Really enjoying the game. Nice renders, animations a little stilted but completely servicable. The english language text could use a 2nd pass with a spellchecker. Looking forward to each update.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game, the character design, storyline, choice of attributes related to clothing, color composition and don't forget the game developer who is very friendly, diligently providing updates on developments related to the game itself.

    I hope that developers will be more enthusiastic and diligent in making milfylicious games in the future. Congratulations on your success, friend :D(y)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked this. Completely absurd, but also visually stunning and kept up a good momentum. Didn't feel like there was too much story, but enough to keep me interested. Varied characters and certainly enough to keep any MILF fan interested.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite story as a whole being shallow; the production values on the renders, dialogue and added voice in background to setup the mood gives me more than enough reason give top rating on debauchery for this one.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    The art is good but that's all there is to the game. The story is dumb and boring. The big dick young guy who lucks into being the heir of a very big estate trope has been done to death. The mc is a genius prodigy who entered MIT at 16 years old but somehow is still the dumbest character on screen unless there's other guys around. The mc has the presence and charisma of a wet napkin on a dinner table and somehow still all the women throw themselves at him. The guy has no complexity or depth. The female characters are somehow similar. You could replace every female character except Nicole and Lisa with blow up sex dolls and the game would practically remain the same. Their only purpose seems to ensure that the game actually qualifies for the harem tag. All the women basically look the same too, with their hair and complexion being the only significant difference. All in all, the game's a good fap but extremely dumb and boring.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Now this is a great adult VN. Pure wish fulfillment, great scenes, and beautiful girls. Best of all the story isn't a clone, there's no gross-out garbage, and there's not a heap of terrible "humor". Well done.
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    enzo ferrari

    +Top class renders
    -0 story. For some reason you are in charge of a mansion with bimbos who of course are bi and you are the ruler. But the mc is a wimp who is bossed around
    - Every LI is the same oversexual bimbo.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    i love this VN ..... in total the good out weighs the bad

    Graphics/Renders --- 5 stars for the woman 3 for the MC
    woman--- 5 stars
    story---4 stars -- only reason i gave it that rating is the story is not continuous --- dont like u have to choose the story to go to
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    this is the first time since I found f95zone back in 2017 that I say with a clear conscience that I HATE THIS GAME.

    I really want to give this game 1 star so bad, but I still want to be fair.
    the only thing that I can praise about this game for is, that the renders and the animation is very good. aaaand that's it. that's the reason for 2 stars.
    now let's start the trashing.


    this game is SO... SO BORING!! there is nothing in it. and all the harem have the same character trait, "horny and slutty" to the point that I keep forgetting which one is which.
    there is No Character Development, No Story, No Style, No Substance, No Conflict, No Abuse, No Drama, No Romance, No Comedy, No Cringe, NOTHING!! there is NOTHING!!
    BRAZZERS have better Characters and stories than this game.

    I spent 3 days trying so hard to give this game a chance. But the more I play it, the more I hate it. and I give up a little after finishing the second part of the Aunt Story mode.


    I know what you are gonna say, that this is a power fantasy VN, where you are a lord surrounded by hot girls who want your amazing cock between their lips.
    And I'll say to you... No, that's not a power fantasy. that's a pornhub level of crap.

    I never felt l like I'm the lord of the mansion, but felt more like I'm getting deceived of being the lord by the ladies of the mansion while in reality... I'm just their sex slave. which it could have been a cool twist. except we know that's not, because the Mom and the Aunt are also hungry for the MC's dick.

    how about giving the MC a couple of moments to assert his dominance over the mansion before the fucking start, and then choose how you want the mc to be.

    like be a loving caring lord who despite all his power, still takes the time to care and love his harem. and watch them look at you with love and happiness, not believing that someone as powerful as you would care about a peasant like them.
    be the abusive Lord who treats his servants as worthless worms who can stamp on them any time he wants. and watch the FEAR in their eyes every time you look at them. and watch them desperately trying to please you as their life depends on it, which it is.
    make it 50/50, treat some with love and others like trash, and see how the girls will react.



    there is no reason for it to be a VN, it's a bunch of good-quality renders cramped together to make a game, I had more fun looking at the images in the game folder, because at least I didn't have to sit through a boring story.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    I have absolutely no clue how this game got such high reviews.
    Was slightly intrigued by the story but who would've thought that less than an hout into the game I would straight up delete it without any hesitation.
    Absolutely identical plastic and generic looking women that serve only purpose in this game - being a dumb fucktoy with beyond basic animations.
    That's why.
    Don't waste your time lads.
  13. 1.00 star(s)

    Revolving Mania

    I don't understand the high rating for this AVN, but this is not good.

    The MC feels like a kid, much younger than he is. The plot development is too repetitive. This is how a scene usually goes:

    * X woman is horny as shit.
    * She throws herself at MC.
    * MC hesitates/blushes and gets hard immediately, then gets even more embarrassed due to his boner.
    (God knows why women want him considering they all claim to love men who take control, which the MC almost never does)

    This one is particularly repetitive with the mom and it's pretty annoying that you can't enjoy the irrefutable best part about a visual novel, that is, the option to turn down content or to craft your story. That's right, the mom's storyline was mind-numblingly boring, but it's required and you can't turn her down.

    There is a score system. Picking the right choices will make the MC more "dominant," or so it appears, but with how much he hesitates and how often he blushes and is left speechless, I feel like he hasn't developed at all. They even "teach" him how to "control himself," which was an utterly awful scene and I felt it added nothing, but I guessed that maybe it was a setup for character development, but unfortunately, MC continues to be a disappointment in that department.

    The story cares not about what actually happens. As I mentioned before, most women in this game want a "real man," someone who "takes what he wants," and the MC continues to prove that he's the exact opposite of that, yet, you continue to see the women praising the MC for something he is not.

    Going by the synopsis of this game and the introduction, I figured the game was meant to be some kind of power fantasy, given the fact that all women just throw themselves at MC and there are so many sex scenes, but I don't feel that at all. It feels the MC is a toy for all these women to use and not the "Lord" as they call him. He doesn't take what he wants, the women want him so they take him. Even your own mom pimps you out to some ugly bimbo and you get no choice about it, then she proceeds to dom you and the ugly bimbo.

    I was so unsatisfied with that development that I went back to see if the "love" choices instead of "lust" would have a difference, but I was utterly disappointed that everything proceeded in the exact same way.

    Nice concept and idea, but terrible execution. Little to no control over the MC and given the lack of relationship build up, the sex scenes just feel shallow and empty, not satisfying. I found myself skipping through most of them. Plot development wasn't good to start with, but it becomes exceedingly egregious the moment MC goes home to be with his family. Everything after that is just terrible. The mom, the aunt, they're both awful and everything that comes with them.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    My rating system is simple, 1 star for each of the 5 categories: Story/Character development/Originality/Render quality/Immersion.

    Story: Not much of a story here, it's pretty much a team of women pimping for the MC. No depth, no tension, no anticipation. (n)
    Character Development: The women all look like they were cast from the same mold, with slight cosmetic differences. There's very little depth to any of the characters, they aren't relatable at all. Most are lacking expression, it feels lifeless. I felt ZERO connection to any of them. Great window dressing... but when you open the door to the store it's pretty much empty inside. What's with the MC's skin? It looks like it's ready to transform or shapeshift - weird. And... where are all the MILFs. There was at least one, maybe two. The title is a bit misleading. (n)
    Originality: Rich MC with a big dick and women throwing themselves at him. Plots been done so much it's a big YAWN for me. The women are virtually raising their hands saying "Hey, pick me next". (n)
    Render Quality: The developer has done a great job in this category. Technically it's well done. (y)
    Immersion: This category requires several elements to be in sync. I need to be invested in the story, the characters and there needs to be enough that's relatable. 15 minutes into the game I was hitting the Control key... nuf said. (n)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The greatest game I've played so far. The render quality is top notch. Great characters build up. Unique storytelling almost like a best selling novel.
    If you like milfs this is definetly your game :coffee:
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Top tier models, smooth animations, consistent updates. Ashley is my favorite, dat ass:PogChamp:, mmmhhh. Need more of her in future updates. To summarize it, that's the game I was looking for:BootyTime:
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall great game. Would love a threesome between MC mom and aunt. graphics are good, storyline is well versed. Cant wait for new updates. Great characters build up. Models are great. MC might need little more handsome feature other than that game is very enjoyable. Great work dev. Keep up the good work.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, women are really beautiful and sexy. My favorites are Lisa, Megan, Gwen and Rachel . Congratulations to Maximus and a big thank you for his work . I dream of a French translation . Glory to busty milfs
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    - Great Models
    - Clean Plot
    - Regular Updates

    There are games with long-drawn dev cycle and convoluted storyline but this games keeps it simple and straight to the point focusing on the harem fantasies. There are lots of stunning women and ample amount of content, with development cycle that feeds updates at frequent and regular intervals. Curious to see how it develops further.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Something smells fishy. The reviews don't reflect what I experienced at all. Judging from the reviews you'd think this VN was on par with some of the greats, but...

    I found the game to be flat. What little story there is has no depth, it's just one bang after another. The characters are flat as well. They all have virtually the same body type, similar facial features, no distinct personality, and they all seem interchangeable. I'll admit the models are attractive, but it's just a harem of clones. The developer has done a good job with the renders, credit is due.

    A good or great VN requires certain elements, very few of which exist in this game. The reviews had me hooked and I was excited to get into it, but in the end I was simply disappointed. If you add some depth to the story and the characters, plus a little variety to the characters, it would boost interest. I commend anyone for creating VN's, it takes a lot of work. I thank the dev for the effort, but I won't be continuing to follow the game.