VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Milky Touch [Final] [Studio Kuma]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Virtual Novel is a complicated kind of game to balance properly. Milky Touch is done right in that way.
    They're is a bit of rushing and unfinished business here and there.
    A polished work for mature women lover.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Game with solid fundamentals (good art, cohesive story, decent sfx and voice acting), yet at the same with some very rough edges (missing art, lookalike models, poor narration, abrupt ending). One of those games that had potential to be really great, but blew it. If you like the tags and have 6-8 hours to spare, then you can give it a shot. Otherwise don't bother.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    No question the artwork is fantastic throughout. I found the sex scenes too short and unsatisfying and the story that holds everything together pretty dull. A few animations sprinkled here and there. As I understand it seems the game was hurriedly wrapped up when it had originally been intended to go on for longer, so perhaps things would have improved if the game had of been able to follow it's intended course. As things stand though I found it pretty lacklustre. Again though phenomenal artwork, some serious talent on display here
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Milky Touch is an audacious dive into the realm of adult visual novels, pushing boundaries with its explicit content. The narrative explores themes of intimacy and relationships in a manner that caters to a mature audience. The character development and storyline, while potentially provocative, contribute to the overall experience for those seeking adult-oriented content. The success of the visual novel may hinge on factors such as writing quality, character arcs, and the execution of explicit scenes.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This is one of those games where you play a nondescript moronic teenager who has an equally moronic best friend, but is rich. What's nice about this game is its original art but some of women look way too similar to each other. There's primarily incest content with the mother and aunt with very little of the sister. The story starts off in a nondescript way but then kind of just goes off in random tangents to the point where it gets extremely boring really fast. Another good thing about this game is that there is a little bit of voice acting and it's well done. Other than that, it has hard to be invested in the plot and characters due to the erratic and boring writing style.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a actual story with amazing artstyle but it finishes with abrupt ending gives little bad taste in mouth , still it is pretty good visual novel with consistent voice acting for dialogs. Voice acting definitly gives more edge on storytelling.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    just amazing! perfect blend of decisions affecting outcome, but yet the story flows nicely without grinding, and amazing artwork! you will want to save at many points in the game as your decisions send you down a path where content is skipped until you replay it a second & third time, but all paths are worth it
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game was a WOW. 11/10 in my book. Everything was amazing, from the art to the characters to the plot and even the voice acting. Yes, this game has voice acting, and it is a work of art. There are only 3 characters that are voiced with 2 of them being main love interests, but this game absolutely nails it. Karen's voicing was a bit weird like there wasn't any emotion in her voice. As if the VA was simply reading off a script adding zero personality to it. But Claudia and Riley's voicing was amazing. Claudia had this amazing motherly aura to her while had this snarky touch to hers. I absolutely loved it. The plot was also great, it didn't have some extremely powerful MC that can do whatever he wants without any repercussions. The art was absolutely amazing. An incredible change of pace from the daz3d and illusions rips on this site.
    However, it did feel as if this game had to be rushed. I encountered several errors that "this is the end of this path" despite the game being completed for more than a year. Octavia's ending was also incredibly heartbreaking. There is a mod available that is present that can fix that, but I would've preferred it in the vanilla game.
    In conclusion. this game is a masterpiece. Kuma did a great job developing this and it deserves more recognition. 11/10.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    - Art Quality: 12/10. Arguably has the most beautiful hand-drawn art on this site. The art is the only reason I gave this game more than one star.
    - Art Quantity: 5/10. Quite often I thought "there's supposed to be an illustration of the current scene here" and there wasn't. ANY non-fuckable character has either no or extremely perfunctory portrait. This hinders the story experience significantly.
    - Story: 0/10. This is why I can't give it more than two stars. I don't mind a bad story. I really don't. What I believe is absolutely unacceptable is extremely long, wordy, tedious storytelling that is trying SO FUCKING HARD to be serious and get players emotionally attached to the plot and characters while FAILED MISERABLY to the bone. Bad story is fine as long as you keep it nice and simple and just joke around. Long, wordy story is great if you're actually good at telling a story. Combination of the two is an absolute torture to readers, since the writer doesn't know how bad he is at writing, or apparently not well enough to keep it short. The phrasing is pretty here and there, sure, and might even be praised by a middle school English teacher if turned in as homework, and that's about the extent of it. Everything else? Plot doesn't make slightest sense. Twists especially so. Stereotypical is the word I'd use to describe literally every single character in the story. MC monologues are 95% skippable and long AF, as if it's trying to persuade you: look, things turning out like this are absolutely natural and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. The most accurate description of my reading experience is: I feel my mind is getting raped.

    Not to mention the story is unfinished and ends abruptly.

    In short: I feel so bad that such a great artist has to work with such a horrible writer. I'd recommend just use the gallery unlock and enjoy the artwork without playing the game.
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    Immoral Player

    3.5/5 when it could have been a potential 10/5 game.

    Let me preface by saying that I was a decently long time supporter on patreon, but I am deeply disappointed that the team decided to rush the ending and mark it "completed"

    I cannot understand why the dev would abandon such an amazing game even after such a long time, if you have budget constraints then stop spending money on bonus things like VA etc and complete the story first since it will definitely bring in more money hence I have stopped supporting them since I've lost confidence in the team because who knows when they will "complete" their next project out of the blue?


    Story is amazing
    Characters are amazing and fleshed out
    Art style is insane
    Voice actresses are great

    Rushed ending leaving a bad taste in your mouth after seeing how much potential there was in this game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Tragic tale of Milky Touch is sad really sad this game was one of the best game ever with voice acting and good characters plus amazing original art but sadly game was too big and budget was not.

    Art was amazing and still good wit their new game Neon Touch i think but i think thats really expensive to make(needs long time).

    Voice acting was actually good its was not some amateur quality its was really good.

    Characters was mainly mature/milf and they were good sadly with rush thats gone to trashcan rip.

    Story was big and really ambitious and team sadly failed there with rush really its felt really empty.

    İncest was good too with Mother its was well done and was not rushed but sadly thats rushed to end with game forced ending.

    Rush is bad for any game and this one suffers that too sadly.

    Too many characters means more art plus voice acting plus animations so thats bad for game with low budget.

    Too many paths means too many scenes so you know answer for that yeah you need time and money.

    Some characters felt good some of them was meh i am not gonna lie like top 3 characters was amazing other than that felt like weak.

    Ambition is good but without budget thats bad for games here sadly and voice acting plus animations with high quality original arts gonna take time and money this is not really that big con but still caused game to rushed sad.

    I wanna say i cant wait to new game and i wanna that game to be more than this without rush maybe they try slow this time without voice acting and animations you know they can add that later when they gain more money and thats slow updates too so thats bad .

    Good game with good characters-art-voice acting but sadly cursed by rushed story plus endings sad.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Artwork here is uneven but never below good and sometimes just superb so on average I would rate it 9/10 (few parts are 6/10 but many are 10/10). Sex scenes are great, although short, but in general there is too much text and too little juicy stuff. Gameplay can be annoying at times (minigames that we can skip so nothing egregious) but is average in general. At times nothing interesting happens and at some point I've lost my patience and just unlocked gallery to see all the scenes because reading through all dialogues just wasn't worth it.

    It's definitely above average game though, a good game, hence my rating. I would love to rate it more considering how good artworks is at times but there are so many more interesting games where I don't want to skip dialogues that it just wouldn't be fair. Still, I definitely recommend to try it and hope that devs will create another game, this time with more engaging story and where we will have more options to choose from.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty interesting. It has atypical graphics. The protagonists still look really good. There are not many scenes so it is one of the cons. Another one is not best interface in the game. Still it is over the average.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed the art style of this VN and the story is well done. Haven't played through for all the different endings but there's likely some value there. Overall, a really excellent VN! Highly recommended.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent story and characters, excellent art work, good H scenes. What more could you want?

    Well, quite a bit actually.

    Despite the completed tag, this game isn't' finished. 3 times I chose story paths that dead ended into a notice that "this story will be continued in the next update" and then dumped to the main menu.That should not be happening in a completed game. On top of that, the ending was clearly rushed. You basically get channeled into 3 love interests, no matter who you were shooting for, and it just seem like the dev gave up, called it completed rather than abandoned, and moved on>

    The frustrating part is this isn't some half assed project. Some real care went into this story, and then that care just evaporates like Game of Thrones season 8. I'd love to see the dev do more, but they need to stick with a project until it's truly done.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I have just completed my first playthrough. I have mixed feelings right now. The art style of the game is beautiful and the ladies in it are very sexy, even if a few of them look much alike. I can imagine that the people working on this game have put a lot of work on it.

    The game starts slow. For example, the first scene with Karen, where she is masturbating in her office while the MC watches the scene while remaining hidden. Well, it gets a bit too dense, with so much text describing what is happening. Gradually, however, I got very interested in the story and the different characters, so much that I stopped playing other games to play only this one.

    Although all the ladies look very appealing, my favorite is Octavia, so I have gone after her. I do not know whether this also happens with the rest of the love interests, but in this path at least the story gets extremely rushed towards the end. Not to mention that after spending one million bucks to buy her freedom and hoping to get a happy ending together with her, what we get instead is a fuc*ing depressing ending.

    Another aspect that I have missed a bit in the game as well is more humor. The music selection, on the other hand, is pretty good.

    Right now I would rate the game with 6/10; well, 7/10 for the superb art.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Miky Touch is a really good experience. I played the Claudia-path and found that her voice actor got better and better as time went on. However, towards the end you also noticed that many plot lines were simply broken off. From Marcello's fate to The Mask and Shirley. A lot was hinted at but ultimately had no meaning because the visual novel was simply ended prematurely. That is a pity, but probably unavoidable when you have to work with a limited budget. I also found it a bit of a shame that many male characters had no visual representation. Apart from Victor, only women are visually represented in this game.

    Still. Milky Touch has a beautiful soundtrack, outstanding set pieces and manages to create emotional and deep relationships like few other VNs in this genre. I think, despite all the shortcomings, it's still a solid 5* experience.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best glimpse into what fantasy Western-style adult visual novels could be if there were more market for it. Unfortunately this one couldn't realize its full potential due to issues in funding during development and developer mishaps (miscommunication?) with their fan base.

    It's a shame that that abandoned game, Dual Family, had like 9k a month donation on patreon despite its slow release and complete abandonment while this one couldn't get close to that. Tsk tsk. Perhaps devs could look into better advertising as well for their future games since that's baffling to me how that is possible.

    The art is absolutely stunning and the attention to detail is amazing (especially the wetness texture), every women is a treat to the eye as you'd usually expect from these types of games (though they are usually Japanese and drawn in more cartoony style). It's hands down the best part of this game.

    Most of the sex scenes are static images transitioning to another static image but some were clearly more loved than others and given the treat of pseudo-animations (probably due to funding issues as well) such as the one with the game's main "heroine" Claudia.

    Which also brings me to point out that not all characters are voiced (also due to funding), but the ones that are voiced are absolutely fantastic.

    There are some game mishaps like the inconsistency in the dialogue box on who is speaking, as well as the sex scenes not progressing in sync with the text box; and some of the early game lewd scenes were just a tad too long with the texts - though they were well written - juust a tad.

    The dialogues/script are also pretty much romanticized, theatricalized, fantasized as I wouldn't expect people irl to talk like that in modern age English, but it goes well with the theme of the game where MC (you) are surrounded by unrealistically beautiful (and troubled) women that are ripe for the problem solver protagonist (who is also very good with his hands).

    It's basically a fantasy game - and any guy's wet dream kind of game. Just like how JP's adult VNs are unusually unrealistic with their dialogues and characters, this game is similar to that but toned that down a lot. Overall it's a balance between 'more realistic than the JP anime style' and 'fantasy', with it leaning more towards the 'fantasy' side; you can already see what I mean in the arts itself - they are realistic looking characters, but moreso fantasized and idealized.

    Which, again, is fine and is actually great since most people aren't looking for 'realistic' games here, otherwise it wouldn't be a 'wet-dream game'. I also have to say that I personally, absolutely love this Western fantasy style characters more than the Japanese's anime style. Not only do the characters looks way more stunning, but this art style also allows for way more personalisation of characters than the usual JP's of generally Asian anime art style which usually just personalize characters via exaggerated hairstyles and colors to differentiate them.

    The choices are diverse, and some characters are more explored than others and you can connect/relate to the characters in some ways. As you play through the game, you might notice that it goes a tad quicker towards the end (and as I'd suspected, it is also due to the funding that the game's story couldn't be fully explored and was cut short, but nonetheless we do get wrap ups).

    Which brings me to the ending. I think most of them are fine. The ones with Claudia, and Riley are absolutely amazing and a treat to play through.

    As for Octavia (the blonde to the right of the main image), well, she has ONE good ending for the "corruption" route for anyone who wants to go down that route and has that kind of kink. But the good good ending with Octavia (a.k.a romance route) suddenly takes you out of your wet dream and pour cold water over you at the end like it's telling you to wake up and come to terms with reality, which is a shame because she is one of the more explored character in the game and is absolutely gorgeous. Not to mention having a good personality and an empathetic backstory.

    Many people hope that Studio Kuma would re-visit this game some time down the line in the future and finish what they had envisioned at the beginning after they are finished with their current, new project. I don't know if that's possible or if it's even on their plate or they have moved on with it completely, but that'd certainly be a good surprise that I'd welcome since this game has a lot of potential to be even better than how good it already is.

    Personally, this game will stay on my drive for a long time and I hope it can realize its full potential down the line via new, resumed updates that would expand the story (and please fix Octavia's good ending if that ever happens).

    Thanks to all the developers and voice actors, artists, etc that have created this game.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I've rated lesser games with 5* before because 5* to me just means "excellent." Also, I take into some consideration what the devs were intending to do, and whether they achieved their vision.

    In that sense, I rate this 4*, only because of the absolutely spectacular, one of a kind masterpiece this could have been had the devs had enough funding to complete the game as they envisioned. Unfortunately, there is a decent, but clearly rushed conclusion to the game.

    I will just touch on the 2 main strengths of this game. The art and the voice acting. It wouldn't be a stretch to rate this 5* on just these 2 qualities alone. The art is frankly one of the best I've ever seen in porn, that is including Japanese eroges/hentai, western artists, and even Korean pornhwa artists.

    The other standout feature is the excellent voice actresses. There are 3 VAs that they were able to procure. I just have to make a special mention to Claudia's VA, KittenVox. This was the single best English VA performance on a porn game (barring maybe Subverse and their insane budget). VA is rare enough as it is, but VA at this level is almost non-existent on the western scene.

    The story, dialogue writing, eroticism in scenes, and basic plot progression were actually quite good as well. I went for the corruption route, but honestly, Claudia (mom) is such a sympathetic character. You can't help but feel something for her. Then there is Riley, the childhood friend. Her and MC's timid high school romance is honestly so cute. And this is coming from some degenerate who goes for the most fucked up and corrupted runs possible in every game.

    The devs have a pretty high gross income on patreon (2k currently after completion and 3.5k at peak development), but I can absolutely see how they felt like the full plan for the project was unsustainable even at that level. This anonymous artist must be expensive, and the end credits show multiple writers, background artist, and of course, the 3 VAs.

    Still, the game is absolutely worth checking out. It will most likely be a breath of fresh air for those of you who've been getting a bit tired of the same old stuff around here.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4483531

    I freaking love this game no clue why it only got a 4...the art is great the sex scenes are great the voices are great I mean COME ON MAN.. who ever rated this less than a 5 makes out with his dad the peasant.