Unity - Completed - Milky Ways [v1.00] [Kerni]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Kerni's games are somewhat unusual in they are 3D and have somewhat higher system requirements than most. I don't like this island setting as much as Abandoned, and there is a little too much running about.

    Graphically I don't have any problem with it, although the somewhat 'anime waifu' aesthetic of the women is not really my thing. I do enjoy the focus on bondage device content - this fills a niche as far as that fetish is concerned.

    The writing is somewhat bland, in my opinion. There is very little edge to it, and this impacts on my enjoyment of the sexual content. The main character is extremely bland, the women very quickly are enthusiastic to submit to him for very little reason, they all just love basically every activity. It feels like there are no teeth. So a bit average overall.

    Compared with their previous effort, there is MORE content overall, with more women and more activities.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The walking animations are a little wonky, but I've yet to see one of these games that has a good enough walking animation for me to not notice it. As well as the animation of the player pulling out their tablet. I think the actual animation is good enough, but the camera turns way too much like the player is looking around trying to find where he put his tablet every time.

    The UI is probably the most lacking aspect of this game for me. It's in parts both minimalistic and over-detailed (e.g. the arrow buttons). The UI in general lacks direction with parts of it having a background and most of it not having one, which makes reading text in menus a little challenging. The UI also has texture scaling issues where sometimes elements look either stretched or squished and choosing a lower game quality also makes the menu buttons way lower resolution for some reason. The interaction scan is a very nice feature that I wish would've been in AATOFL.

    The quest system and map are a very nice feature, although I will note that the quest system sometimes has "null" or "quest text not found" appear as quests so it isn't perfect. The map is also kinda ugly and I would've liked it to be the POI version instead as well as some sort of arrow for the player location indicator to show the direction the player is facing.
    The lack of HUD also bothers me, but there wouldn't be much to put there, except maybe a compass that also indicates the selected quest marker direction.

    There is very little shading in this game, most of it looks like there is no shading at all. That's fine for environments that lack natural light completely (like the bunkers), but environments with windows (which are also barely visible except for light reflections from certain angles) look weird when everything inside is lit up with completely even lighting. Since there are no moving light sources the shadows could be baked in.

    The textures even on ultra game quality are a little low resolution. The actual environments themselves look pretty good ignoring the texture resolution. The feel of the terrain, trees and rocks are pretty good, like something you'd find in Skyrim or something. The only thing that kinda bothered me on that aspect is that Malia's little farm looked really empty, I would've liked some sort of domesticated land, not just a barren field with plants, the same goes for the fenced area around Juna's base which I assume is supposed to be some sort of garden?

    The Points of interest are cool but there are so few of them and I guess from that perspective I wanted more worldbuilding, perhaps there could've been some more miscellaneous things around the map even if they weren't interactable. Like maybe some random parts that could've been from a submarine in the cave near the ocean. I did like the few little junk interactable-s, they made the world feel more immersive. So the map and environment are cool, it's just mostly empty and that makes it feel like exploring the map is pointless.

    Certain sounds in this game feel low-quality as well for some reason. The doors sound like they're from a pre-2000 era game. And you can hear the girls breathing from weirdly far away, though that didn't bother me at first, but by the end of the game, it was a little annoying. Maybe just turn that down a little or make an option to do so.

    The dialogue is what it is. Some people will have more of a problem with it than others, personally, it didn't bother me. There are some occasionally missing letters, but otherwise no egregious misspellings that made me pay attention to the misspelt words instead of what the dialogue was saying.

    The game takes a while to load when launching and also freezes for a little while when quitting. Not a huge bother, but it's a thing. The loading screen, however, is very cute.

    Possible suggestions:
    Make dialogue options pick-able with the number row on your keyboard and add little number indicators to the dialogue options to show which are which.
    I'd also like a little more camera movement freedom during scenes as you can only choose predetermined locations for the camera to spin around. As well as maybe being able to rotate the camera with WASD or arrow keys.

    Some other things:
    Behind the printer and material buildings, there is an interaction marker if you scan for it, trying to interact does nothing. Pretty sure this is a bug.
    I like the way Yuakri's robo skin looks, but I kind of hate the little bit of gray between her eyes and eyebrows, it makes it look like a huge uni-brow, not a huge deal since you can just make her the skin upgrade.
    Sometimes Marc's dialogue repeats for some reason (He says the same line twice), didn't notice the girl's dialogue doing this.
    The girls sometimes lay diagonally on their beds when you're in free roam.

    Things I liked:
    Animations, clothes and models. Absolutely great job on most of these. Maybe the undressing animation is a little overused, but I can't think of a good way to solve this other than maybe making a few other variations.
    The interiors of the bunker bases all looked great and very detailed.
    The story and world building is a little bullshit from the fact that most of everything sex centered, but otherwise is really good for a porn game. Most things make sense for being the way they are .
    The characters and their stories are fairly well fleshed-out and believable.
    In general story is pretty good, as far as I can remember I liked AATOFL's story as well.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    - An immersing and long story.
    - Very easy and familiar gameplay.
    - Pretty and complex graphics for a Sandbox game made by a one man team.

    - Low replayability.
    - Somehow, AATOFL, which is older, still seems like the better game to me because of the more dark nature of the story and better developed characters. Even the devices were more appealing, which does not mean that the devices here are bad.

    What could be nice as additional features:
    - Free camera positioning, and not only two POV.
    - A transparent skin for the player character.
    - Additional body adjustability (hair, butt, thigs etc) of the female characters.
    - Heels would be a nice addition.

    - Breasts physics are too sensitive.
    - When in direct control of any of the girls, when they are standing their mouths will stay closed, even when a gag is applied. When they start moving, their mouths adjust to the gag.
    - When the girls are putting their hands over their chests, they will usually merge inside their body.

    All in all, a solid rating of 4.5 that could go up to a 5.
    I do know that whatever Kerni's next game is, I will play it for sure.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Love it. The story ist - well, not common, but given the setting quite stringent. A guy arrives on a secluded island on a secluded planet with four female (or fem.-lookalike) inhabitants. One by one they warm up with him and sex is more or less unavoidable. :) The characters are well designed, not graphically but their personalities: A shy introvert, a tough business woman and a workaholic scientist together with an AI that tries to understand relationships and physical contact. The male protagonist is a superhero, more reliable and trustworthy than the average guy. So a lovely, interesting story evolves.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    At first I was confused by the poor-quality models being used to promote the game, but then I realized that in fact this was all done in a realtime 3d engine, and that the entire game was done in this way. Which is actually pretty unusual and provides a nice break from the usual RenPy stuff. The animations are done well and seeing the girls walking around living their lives is nice.

    The game leans heavily into BDSM content (with a pretty heavy focus on lactation and fancy sci-fi sex machines), which is not exactly my cup of tea but I do like the corruption-heavy harem stories. Oh and the roleplaying stuff was fun enough. The plot itself is somewhat simple and often gets a bit cringy (the MC is a ridiculous simp for his robot waifu, and the big twist at the end seems like something out of an incel-adjacent rant about modern feminism), but it mostly just serves to drive a bit of character development and also to pace out the introduction of the increasingly-exotic sex toys.

    There's also a resource management system that sort of falls flat, although it is a bit more well-executed than a lot of games. In order to craft the sex toys you have to get resources, and at least in the early game the best way to get resources is to explore areas that expand on the plot and also introduce new outfits and sex toy schematics. While perhaps this is a distraction from the main appeal of the game, the main problem is that these side areas don't offer enough resources on their own and that eventually you're forced to engage in other more-grindy harvesting activities and the game doesn't offer good breadcrumbs to make you aware of their existence. Oh, but it's not too bad because there's just a cheat menu you can use to get more resources... but come on. This could've been done better just by having better breadcrumbs.

    Also, the mandatory "stealth" video game section sucked. Maybe I was just particularly impatient at that point of the game though. A lot of the minigames are skippable but many of them aren't, and this one in particular was a drag.

    Despite these weaknesses, though, I'm giving the game 5 stars cause not only did it do something different than most games on here, but it actually executed pretty well. And I'm hoping to see more games like this in the future.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    music and sound effect: none or barelly there.

    story: is good.

    characters: there is a nice variety and they are all well done.

    gameplay: is good and the fast travel makes it enjoyable.

    graffics and style: is good.

    scenes(erotic ones): kinky as hell dude.

    conclussion: this game is good but got lots of places that need some upgrades and fixed.
    with that said, is impressive that with so little characters you got such a big story.
    i could complain about some design in the map and the lack of markers or routes cause this people never get out their home aparently.
    and maybe that is hard to find things or people in genenral.

    this game deserve your time and money.

    psdt: it also lack the mysterious aura that the previous game got, but is replaced for the exploration one.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Always a pleasure to see another update on one of Kerni's games, and now that it's 100% I can't wait to see what his next project is! I'll be running another full playthrough as soon as it gets downloaded
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I did not expect this game to have such a high quality,
    when starting out you are somewhat lost and just follow the quest and explore the fittingly big island, it is not too big, nor too small for it's various bunkers and NPC buildings. The core is the corruption of thegirls living on the island by just exposing them to your own sexual adventures with the android bit by bit. THere is plenty of clothing (~20 sets) for each character as well as multiple restraining devices which they will use and wear when they want to. Almost everything is customizable, except for the leg and a butt morphs (please add this).
    Great game, great quality, played for 6 hours without a single bug or error.
    Keep up the great work. ;D
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I gotta deduct a star for the bad Engrish, which is quite a distraction. Surprising that the game isn't proofread better given how much love was obviously put into the rest of it. It's a fun game as well as a fappable one. Give it a look.

    The Good:
    * This is a legit 1P unity roamer, with cool terrain and plenty to explore (but not so big you get lost)
    * Beautiful girls, believably written
    * Covers a hell of a lot of interesting fetishes

    The bad:
    * The story is actually well written, but it's got way too many grammatical mistakes, misspellings, and typos
    * Unless you pay close attention, you can waste a lot of time wandering around. That's fun at first (it's a lovely world) but gets old.
    * The UI is generally a bit clunky
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Promising but I have bad feeling it won't evolve much more compared to devs previous games which sucks because we need more open world, sandbox games with elements of sex sim and dating, you won't sadly find those here.

    Story is nothing amazing and despite game giving impression of being somewhat open world and sandbox is very linear, which leads us to another issue with the game.

    The gameplay - quite tedious and mostly comes down to talking to one character and then going to talk to another or collect some resources and craft and repeat, this combined with the fact games doesn't play very smooth and I don't mean framerate, just general feeling, the way characters moves around, gets stuck on ramps and just how jittery walking can feel and bugs like FOV changing to 60 when you enter main base makes me more dizzy than playing a bad VR games at 30FPS.

    Animations are quite simple, lots of clipping, character designs are very generic and neither stylized enough to be cute or realistic enough to not look creepy, unfortunately we're in the uncanny valley here.

    The sex itself is not interactive in any way, you just initiate a sex scene and progress through it like any other dialog scene, there are 2 available camera pivot points, one which is lower than face and doesn't let you properly watch blowjob scenes and other which is very low so you can't see whole body in other cases, you can still rotate camera around and zoom in and out but you can't move it up, down or left/right/forward/backwards.

    Graphics wise it's ok but nothing amazing either, especially for Unity game which can look quite good, game offers forward and deffered rendering mode but it's either nicer graphics in deffered mode with no antialiasing making game quite jagged or forward which looks slightly worse in some cases but you get antialiasing, game should offer post processing antialising solution like FXAA, SMAA or TAA but doesn't. There are some instragram looking like LUTs to use but with neither does the game have good colors, it always looks very washed out, SSAO is very weak and doesn't make indoors dark enough.

    Overall was hoping for some major improvements over previous game but as it is I can't give it more than 3 stars and it gets them only for the fact the dev actually bothers to make animations in-engine and for the fact the game actually feels like game, unlike renpy VNs
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for Milky Ways 0.92 Open Beta

    This game is space sci-fi that has fantasy content incorporated in the form of dreams and cosplay. Nearly all of the lewd content in the entire game is female-bondage, female-submission, and lactation. The game uses the tag [male-domination], but the MC is the only male and he's not really dominant, he just goes along with what the girls want. If you want vanilla lewd content or if you want full-on S&M, you're going to be very disappointed.

    Story: 4/5 - This story is a bit strange and even more contrived, but there's a real story and it's novel.

    Originality: 4/5 - The story is very original. The gaming style, while not completely original is very rare in adult games. The adult gaming industry needs more games with this gaming style.

    Writing: 1/5 - Definitely the weak point of the game. There are spelling/grammar/punctuation issues in nearly every single dialogue box. It breaks the player's immersion. It's so bad that I found myself just clicking through the dialogue just to not have to read it. The dev makes a comment at the end of the game apologizing for the bad English. Honestly, though, a simple spelling and grammar checker would've found at least 60% of all mistakes. How can somebody work on a game for over 3 years, know that this is a problem, but not even bother to fix the 60% that would be easy and free.

    Renders/animations: 3/5 - The renders/animations are nothing close to what you'd get with offline rendering. Still, the renders in free-roam look good, including body movement, foliage blowing in the wind, ripples in the water. However, renders and animations aren't any better than 3D games were over 10 years ago. The renders during cutscenes are better than the free-roam because they're not dynamically rendered, but again, they're a lot like cutscenes were 10 years ago.

    Performance: 3/5 - Some really long startup and shutdown times. Definitely needs some optimization work. The one other thing that had consistently poor performance is animated load/save menu. That animated thumbnail menu really should be removed from the game.

    Content: 5/5 - There's a ton of content in this game. Seriously, there is a lot.

    Playability: 3/5 - The game is playable, but it needs a ton of polishing. See the following examples.

    - One thing that is actually really good is the quest/hint system which has both a text hint and a map location hint. I only got "stuck" twice for quests on quests that had dependencies (i.e., the player had to progress on other quests before progress could be made on a specific quest). One example is the quest to find a way inside the Pirate bunker, which can show up very early in the game, but no progress on the quest can be made until near the end of the game. This quest simply shouldn't even become available until it's playable or the hint should say to progress in other quests.

    - There's a lot of running around and it's too slow. Either the run speed needs to be doubled or twice as many fast-travel points need to be added.

    - Fast-traveling shows the MC arrive at the destination directly facing it, then when control is given to the player, the MC is facing a different direction. Why?

    - Physics for a few things are really crazy. This includes breasts and any rope or tube/hose attachment. These are not occasional bugs. They occur all the time.

    - Text when using a computer or tablet to read e-mails and messages was ridiculously tiny.

    - Lots of unnecessary UI messages that the player must click away. Example: when pressing <Tab>, a message pops up that says "I took the tablet out of my pocket." Players just watched an animation of the MC getting the tablet out. There ZERO need to say it. Example: when fast traveling, a message always pops up that says "I walked to..." Again, the player just selected the place to travel to, and the player can see the MC standing right in front of that place, there's no need to say it. Same for using and exiting the 3D printer. The list goes on...

    - Dialogue interactions with characters: New dialogue choices are added to the top of the list of selections. That's perfect, but the top of the list is not shown, so players don't know a new choice is added unless they scroll up. Why?

    - Dialogue interactions with Yukari: Some dialogues show up under the main list and some show up under "Ask about..." Why?

    - Fast-travel is more tedious than it should be: Open the tablet, click away dialogue, click fast travel, click location. The map opens up when opening the tablet, why not just make the map clickable?

    - The gameplay is boring/monotonous. It can be summarized as:
    1. Talk to a character who gives you a quest to make a new bondage device
    2. Run around the island gathering raw materials
    3. Use materials to make a new bondage device on the 3D printer
    4. Talk to the character again
    5. Watch new bondage scene
    6. Repeat
    Seriously, that's about 80% of the entire game.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Somewhat interesting story and fun kinks, but OMG all the running back and forth "gameplay" is annoying as fuck (especially one terrible quest where your move speed hobbled and fast travel leaves you in a stuck state because pathing). Top it all off with a "you've reached the end of the content and you can't save now, so revert to a recent save" screen that appears without the slightest warning in a game with no autosaves so fuck your life if you aren't an F5 monkey.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The developer really went all out on the 3D environment and the animations. Not only is it beautiful, it has an intriguing story and is also largely bug-free.

    There are a few typos in the text, but nothing too immersion breaking.
    All in all, its a fun game to play, especially after you get out of the early grind and get your resources set up.
    Likes: mc247
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Let me say a few words about the Milky Way - Kerni's game.
    The good things: It's a first-person adventure with good landscapes and nice terrain. Freely rotate the camera in the action scene. Beautiful buildings and very nice actors models + interactive environment (houses and hidden bases). Big pluses for: Programmer's creativity - good plot, many devices to use.
    Technical issues: No drastic bugs in the public beta, smooth operation and fast loading of the game, no graphics problems in 4K-120Hz. The computer may get warm at its ultra-settings (around 50°C).
    Tested on PC:
    OS: Win11 Pro x64;
    CPU: Intel i7 8700K;
    GPU: GeForce RTX 2080;
    RAM: DDR4 3200Mhz 32GB;
    M.2: NVMe ADATA SX8200 2TB.
    Likes: mc247
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Happy Potter


    *Amount of good content. There's a lot to do, lot's of kinky stuff, and you will enjoy it if you're into BDSM and have a "Corruption" Fantasy.

    *Attention to detail. You'll be spending a lot of time learning about the characters, and the grind only makes it more rewarding cause the story is well written, and it's not unnecessarily grindy unlike many games. I could say more but don't want to spoil anything.


    *Unoptimized for mid-low end PCs. I don't know what the person below who said it can be run on toasters is talking about, but that can be misleading. You'll probably still be able to run it, but the resources usage is extremely high even on the lowest graphics settings, at least for me, and it definitely seems unnecessary for the end result.

    *Frequent grammatical errors, but honestly this can be easily overlooked imo cause the other aspects of gameplay are very good.

    In conclusion, the game is great. It's clear how talented the developer is and how much effort has been put into it. The only reason I'm giving this 4 stars right now is because of the lack of optimization and the high resource usage. My pc has integrated graphics, and most other games consume way less ram with low graphics settings. Including games on this site, like Last hope, some modeling agency. Hell, even games like fallout 4, 3, new vegas, skyrim, gta 5 consumes less resources(Although I did mod the bethesda games, optimizing the textures, reducing the overall size of them and all that). And none of them makes my pc overheat like this game. :| I'm assuming it's mainly because of high vram/ram usage? cause when the game loads it seems to load all the assets at once, and the "fast travel" option takes like a millisecond. Which is indeed very "fast", but assuming that's the case, the cost of it being this fast is high consumption of ram/vram, cpu and power. Kind of like the "Open cities" mod for skyrim, which is known to be a mess. Or sims 3 unlike sims 4. Assuming that's the reason, I really hope the dev does something about it on future releases. Maybe lower the size of the textures without losing much/any noticeable quality. And perhaps add load screens for different areas(maybe make it a toggle, so people with high end pcs can play without loadscreens), which can somewhat impact immersion I suppose, but it would allow more people to play the game without worrying much. Btw I play the game at 640x480 resolution with "very low" graphics quality, and the game runs very smoothly but uses around 7gb of ram constantly. I will change my rating to 5 stars gladly when it's more optimized, hopefully reducing ram usage.

    My pc specs :
    CPU: i7-8565U , 1.80Ghz(4.6GHz turbo),
    RAM: 16GB ram (2133 MHz, form factor"row of chips" XD)
    Storage: 500gb SSD
    GPU: Intel UHD graphics 620
    Monitor: 1920x1080, 60fps
    OS: Windows 10 pro
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is awesome. Considering it's still in the testing phase, it has a massive amount of content. If you're looking for a game similar to R-Life, Last Hope, or (His last creation, Abandoned: a tale of lost lives), then you need to give this a try. Can't wait to see future content, keep up the great work Kerni
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is dope, nice gameplay, a lot of features a nice "story" and can run on a toaster.
    Could need better Graphics, animations, and better camera in H scenes but honestly compared to the rest of the games on this site, this one is clearly in the top 10 imo
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is great.
    While there are some issues (it still in development) and some of the English can be off (not really bothered by that).

    The concept is great. The characters are written well enough for a porn game and get going fast enough. While the start can be a bit slower, it helps making the game more rewarding later on.

    The ideas are really good and keeps you wanting to see what will be next. Its good to see bondage that is good and consensual.

    The open world could use a few more fast travel locations but its fun to explore the world being created. I hope in the future, more stuff from the bases will become useable.

    The only real downside for me is the UI. It can be a bit clunky.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on the sight from the mastermind that created AATOFL, possibly the best completed game on this entire website.

    Absolute must play, cannot wait for the next update. Chastity content. lactation content, maledom. SIGN ME UP.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The game starts relatively slow with introductions, but don't let that fool you. Before you realise it, you'll be in a physical relationship with Yukari. From there its only gets better, as you learn about the affects the planets environment has on you and obscene desperate needs of the girls. It does feel like the girls are too easy, but the quests and the story as a whole help you to understand the reasons and needs of each girl. The game is a little buggy, loading can take sometime. Just be patience with the loading and I doubt you'll notice any major bugs.

    P.s Yukari is the BEST and the extra clothing choices make it worth while.