This is one of those AVNs where your choices really DO matter.
I'm not really sure how to break this down to be precise, so I'll try to do it in three: visuals, story, then choices.
Visually, it's good. It's not amazing. It's not going to blow your mind. They're crisp and serviceable. The lighting can be flat, there's AI art in some of the background, but ultimately I don't think visuals should be the priority of an AVN. Now, that isn't to say that it's not important, it's just not the priority. AVN should really have a small v, and a big N. Sex scenes are good though, although some people will probably be annoyed by maybe not having some animations? There are some, some people might just not like them though. I think it works well for the project.
Speaking of N, the writing isn't bad really. The scope is small (although, near the end it seems to add some weird like sex cult thing), which benefits them massively, because it's hard to over-complicate. You're given your objectives, you're given the tools you'll use to reach them. That's it. So long as the dev doesn't over-complicate it, it shouldn't have any bloat. The dialogue is pretty good, even if it's clearly porn dialogue. But it serves the purpose of the project, and that's all you NEED for an AVN. So many want to write this Illiad story for their AVN, obsessing with these ham-handed monologues or these ridiculously convoluted stories, so much so that you spend 20 minutes reading between sex scenes. It's got a decent amount of dialogue to where you can distinguish the characters pretty well, even if they're a bit too familiar. I also forgive it a bit due to the dev clearly not speaking English as their first language. This is evident in numerous confused pronouns, in some strange grammar, in some strange sentence structure, etc.
Now, the big one is the choices. This game uses points in 4 categories which you decide, which judge your perversion, arousal, virility, and dominance/submissiveness. Perversion and dominance/submission can be altered by choices made, but it's 1% compared to 10% per point into each. Arousal and virility are bars that get filled up and then empty. After the end of every chapter, you can re-assign points, which makes it extremely interesting to try and mix and match dependent on what you want in each chapter. These 4 categories determine how you'll be able to approach certain scenarios, as there are multiple instances where you can get cut short depending on your points. That is fun. Also, with the number of love interests, it's fun trying to juggle all of them to try and get the "best" outcome, sacrificing some short-term gain for long-term gain. The number of choices, the LIs, and the stats, all make it genuinely engaging. After so many AVNs where it's just 3 choices that all mean the same thing, I find this so much more interesting.