This game has two major appealing aspects, sex and violence, but unfortunately it doesn't deliver none of them in a satisfying manner. Lets discuss, starting with the first selling point:
Violence: Having the option to terminate NPCs is always welcomed and appreciated (especially if it can be done with nuclear fire) but unfortunately this mechanic is poorly implemented.
When you go in a killing spree NPCs don't react when other NPCs near them get killed or when the MC approaches them with murderous intent, they don't scream, run, fight back nor call the cops, nothing! The only thing they say is "Good sir, excuse me but you seem to be perforating my thorax with that knife! I would appreciate very much if you were to cease this action of savagery , If that's not a burden for you, off course."
You can't even dismember you victims and only a small pool of blood can be seen after the act, no gore at all. It doesn't even have a scoreboard! It's like stabbing a cardboard, boring. And talking about stabbing, the only weapon available is a kitchen knife, nothing wrong with blades, but weapon variety is a must in this kind of game.
Ohhh and to make matter even worse, the nuclear option is just a button that you press and finishes the game when you go to bed. No explosion CGs for you. Nothing.
Now, let's talk about Sex: It is as lame as the violence. If you are interested in this kind of thing you should save your time, skip the unnecessary and painful grind and go to the comment section page 01 where you can see the very few scenes this game have.
Other aspects: The story overall is shallow and generic as a NTR game can be, same with the dialogues and scenes. Music is kinda decent but doesn't make the game any better. So, in conclusion, avoid it.