RPGM - Completed - Mirage's Defection [v1.02] [chimaLABO]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is good but gets reused a bit. Story is great and (imo) more fleshed out than the previous game. I think the NTR ending was underwhelming, but the true ending is good and sets up for an interesting sequel.

    Definitely worth checking out.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The game have a huge potential but the sound design is just bad/non existent, the passing are fine for what it is (a visual novel with a exploration feature)

    Of course the non voiced scenes don't help either.

    Calling this a NTR is a bit fallacious too, it's just corruption and hypnosis. This will doesn't hurt your feelings.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    OK game. A bit underwhelming. Nothing terrible about this game...the story is just cliche and scenes/endings are subpar. Compared to other jrpgs this is pretty good but would not recommend this game to other people really. You'll spend 6-8 hrs with minimal returns on a either good h-scenes or a good story.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this one.

    Out of all the Male MC freeroam (avoidable) NTR games I've played this kinda gets the most right.
    It takes its time with everything and tells a good story all throughout.
    You're not locked into an ending until the very end so you can play the game however you like without having to go through it multiple times, although having earlier branching routes would be nice.
    The whole experience is somewhat tight and railroaded but in a good way since it still gives the player agency. Unless you push really hard immersion shouldn't be broken too badly.

    The only real sins here are the engine (some parts can get tedious since you have to cover a lot of ground in places) and the lack of CG variety, however the CG that are present are of excellent quality and the actual scenes mostly have at least one unique CG.

    One thing I'd really love to have seen would have been more choices that incentivize the MC to use MP. As it stands there's no real reason for the MC to accept Kurone's MP replenishment offer for the MP itself unless you don't drink MP pots.

    If more time and money was invested into this I could see the perfect NTR game, enjoyable by everyone from Vanilla Pure Love fans to Ugly Bastard self inserters being the result, but I'm happy with what we've got.

    5/5 even though there are slight imperfections because I enjoyed it thoroughly regardless.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    If there was a perfect NTR game, this is one of those very close.
    The only way this could be better would be more CGs, more scenes, actual free-play with randomness that would make each run different.
    Both Status and Scenes themselves are done well. The relationships are nicely done. It really drew me in compared to those generic NTR games of late.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a Visual Novel in RPG Maker clothing, the two stars is for the art! !Warning!

    If you like VN's it is probably 4-5 stars!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Story, Characters and Mechanics. Nothing for a quick fap but really enjoyable if you have an evening to spare. It finds a perfect balance between much of the other games that you see on here where railroading or sandboxes with endless grinding are prevalent .
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Better than first game imo. The dev reuses cg very well, so even with smaller number, you get great scenes. I dont think reusing cg is a big deal, I am playing for the story and the cg is a tool to convey me what is happening. There was enough variation that I did not need more. If you want just cg, there are plenty places for it. The story is the main thing here.

    The length felt just right. I got connected to the chars, they were unique and well told imo. There are plenty of choices, so it kinda feels like crafting your own story. There is enough pixel art and cut-ins with an extra dialogue box to the bottom left, which help you with immersion while walking around. So you get silhouettes of people doing it, with some moaning and bits of dirty words you can sorta hear in bottom left, with a cut in of semen on breasts etc to convey what is happening. It tells you enough, lets your mind work on the rest, great implementation of mystery porn imo.

    Again, dont be too fixated on number of cg. Its way overrated imo above a certain point. There is plenty. Took me about 5 hours to get through it without skipping, but I play pretty fast, so your mileage may wary.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    i had high expectations, but after playing this game I feel a little bit dissapointed, not because it was bad, but because it could've been really great. Nonetheless, i enjoyed the almost 3 hours i spent in my run (skipping most of the text).

    The art is great, i LOVE the character design, but the game goes for so long that it felt boring at times, and since there's some CGs being reused sometimes, the payout for playing the boring parts wasn't worth it, and that feeling got worse when the story develops and the only thing that changes is the text, or even worse, you get a small variation of a CG you've already seen. Some scenes were really hot, others just bland and lazy.

    Again, It's not a bad game by any means, especially if you compare it to the usual shity games we get daily here, and since the gallery is already unlocked you don't have nothing to lose. That being said, my advice would be to unlock it as soon as you get bored, you don't miss much anyways, but definitely play it!
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly this game isnt bad, It has good cgs, and a captivating story. Problem is that this game is unnecessarily long for the amount of cgs it has. I quit halfway through and skipped to the recollection but I would say this game would take atleast a minimum of 8 to around 10 hours to complete if you sitdown and genuinely play. If you want a story go ahead and play but If ur tryna beat ur meat I wouldnt download it.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    The premise is really good. I played their previous game too. The mechanics are pretty much the same.

    What I really dislike about this game is that the art is fantastic BUT there really isn't much to see. Its like you play 1 hour just to see someone get groped and then another hour just to see some panties. Some people might appreciate the "mystery" aspect, but I am mainly a visually person, and there really isn't enough to make the game play rewarding.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art, great NTR content and overall great game from ChimaLABO. This is a good play for even non-NTR fans if you're into experiencing a great story. It has a good bit of replay value as well due to having multiple endings. Probably sank a solid 8-10 hours into it myself.