HTML - Abandoned - Miss_Adventures in Hollywood [v0.7.0.1] [Verkniptegeest]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    a solid great game, it only lacks videos/images/gifs, and few unfinished passages. but the writing, the gameplay, even the sandbox element felt natural and nowhere near grindy

    i took them with my own hands, added videos, and tweaked the code and it became the greatest HTML games ever
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Not sure if I was playing the most up to date version as it was online only and it says 'on hold' though on the patreon page updates still seem to be happening. There seems to be a good amount of content sprinkled here and there, but I think some bits feel incomplete, there are a few options that are dead ends or 'coming soon'. I've also noticed quite a few errors in text in regards to calling sound clips that don't exist.

    Building up relationships can be a bit grindy via going through casual dates and there doesn't seem to be a way to break off marriages in the time I've spent with the game. I think the different relationship levels need to be fleshed out a bit more with flavour text between the different personalities to make it more worth exploring other celebs aside from just one or two. I think the game should focus more on fleshing out what's there rather than adding new celebs.