Ren'Py - Missed Messages [v0.01] [Toasted Sugar]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic start to what seems to be shaping up to be a compelling dating sim. So often with sandbox games it's easy to get lost or get confused about what happens next, but a strength of this game is that it's mapped out for you clearly through the first week. The battle mechanic is pretty engaging, too. The art is really solid, looks hand-drawn which always sets games apart. The game appears thorough and polished with a good foundation to build off of. Looking forward to seeing how this develops.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has an interesting enough premise and foundation but it is very barebones as expected.

    Firstly, the art. I think its pretty decent and interesting enough to look at though its obviously not made by someone with a lot of experience, but it has charm so I like it.

    Secondly, the whole premise of leveling up your skills and engaging in "talk combat" is kinda cool but it needs refinement. There doesn't seem to be too many interactions with the love interest but again it's a brand new game.

    This game also currently suffers from an issue a lot of sandbox renpy games do which is traveling from location to location is tedious, since nothing is labelled and there isn't a quick map type thing to travel quickly.

    Saves are also bugged in once place (between the first 2 fights) and trying to save in between them will just result in you going back to halfway through the first fight when loading.

    I have confidence that with some time and improvements (updates) this will get much better, and then I'd be able to bump it up to a 4 at minimum. For a new release from a presumably new dev, pretty good and they should be happy with themselves. Keep it up. I will say though not interested in any future NTR and I hope it remains fully avoidable.