Wow this is bad. So first off the girls have a regenerating milk capacity, this means you milk and then have to wait for them to regen till you get the spank option which spanking them instantly regenerates their capacity. But its a royal pain in the ass, you can't swap positions while a animation is running, so after you milk them with you have to wait several seconds, click to reposition them to spank position, spank then reposition them to whatever position you want (I swear it feels like there is differences in milking amounts in positions but no labels make it hard to tell) Early on this means that the time it take to swap to spank barley saves any time at all as auto regen will have regenerated almost entirely by then. But you have up to 3 girls so just swap to another while the first regens right, yeah no you can only swap when they totally fully regened, so they are absolutely pointless and just for collecting, they require individual level ups as well, so a resource sink with no pay out.
The auto options are rather weak, but the tank capacity that doesn't even tell you its max amount is the real horror. Do to this capacity it forces you to actively play as you need to up the capacity, so if you want to just idle and let it run it stops you from gaining, this forces you to pay attention only to it to progress, rapid click girl, wait on animation, switch position, spank rapidly, switch position milk, swap from position tab to function tab to check upgrades, switch back to position tabs repeat. Such active engagement is forced in a clicker, wtf.
Then we get to labels, you have a how much milk you have label (currency) and a how much milk per second from auto upgrades, and that is it, no other numbers are given to you at all. No milk per click (not even sure which upgrades affect that if any as nothing is labeled saying it affects that) The milk tank is just a visual tank that fills with no numbers, the girls stamina is just a bar, none of the upgrades tell how much they increase things by. We have the useless labels of how many times you have upgraded somthing, which tells us absolutely fuck all, and costs of upgrades...which is pretty much mandatory, so not really somthing to praise or anything.
And on the topic of labels nothing states it affects clicking power, clearly somthing does, but I can't tell what. I think cursor upgrade does, but it says "increase the amount in the automated milking process" Is clicking power just = to the total auto upgrades milk per/s?
Lastly powers, there are several powers, and god are they worthless, first off to get to them you click the town icon and then look at all the nodes, click on and buy the first option to unlock it, you now can by the second option which is ether a cosmetic or a position like spank or sex or whatnot, the 3rd option is a power, they cost a lot, but boost you for 3 minutes by boosting a specific thing. Cool right? Yeah genuinely no idea if they are even a bonus. They go up in cost each time you buy them as well as based on your upgrades and what not, so they are always expensive and just keep climbing, I wouldn't buy any of them more than once. And even then do they help at all, welll... no fucking clue. If I spend 3872837 milk to make "vacuum will increase efficiency by 30% for 3 mins" That's just one of the auto upgrades, how much it contributes to the total is unknown, will it make more than it cost, no clue. All the upgrades last 3 minutes, and aren't even on the page you can click to get the most out of them. You again have to go to the town page, click one of the 19 nodes click the power that node has in its page click confirm, click close for the nodes page, then click back to the girl and then start clicking, wtf put the powers on a tab like position and upgrades. They aren't even listed in one spot, you have to search through the 19 pages for each one. What a headache.
If anyone wants to frame by frame look at the number growths to figure out how much each upgrade gives to milk per second, we could figure out if what upgrades are worth it and powers are, and yes this clicker seriously wants you the player to be that focused on it, never seen such a attention demanding clicker. Dev should get their head out their ass and realize even clickers have a bare minimum of respect for their players time, which prior to this game is a thought that never occurred to me.
Art wise, its ok, till you click. The animations a start when you click, and restart every click. So if you rapid click (like you do when your playing a clicker) they are janky as shit as they are just resetting constantly. The outfits and are ok, the rest of the accessories are very meh.
Most interesting thing is in the randomizer only, chest size is a variable, and the animation and voices differ based on size. Facial expression and stance is also a variable, but don't change anything other than the default stance. So if you decided to play randomize the girl till you get the chest size you want and facial expression you like and then go into the dressing room to freely swap her hair and outfit. But eye color, chest size, facial expression can only be changed by randomizer, Also while you get many hair color options, the randomizer gets options you do not. The randomizer does not change or reset the girls level, which is a small saving grace.
Over all, the best part of the game, is the static art, the animations you will hate by the end as they are janky do to resetting from clicking and they lock you into watching them finish before swapping. Aka don't play this just find images from it.