Ren'Py - Completed - Monkey Business [v1.0] [Lazy Monkey]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It's definitely a good game, the underlying story is fine but the storytelling isn't that great. The scenes are good, choices seem to affect relationships a lot so you can likely replay this if you want to change things around. I will likely just check the other scenes out with the gallery unlocker. The fact that ti's basically soundless isn't that great. I would stil recommended playing it but could've been better.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Good game with good models but a lot of shadows that drop its rate unfortunately. My summary:

    - Poor storytelling. It's superficial and sometimes doesn't make sense. You can be in the living room, you father randomly appears when he shouldn't, then you are gonna do something illegal because yes....

    - H-scenes are good. You can see rarely seen fetishes like lingerieor clothed sex, and that's always nice.

    - Good animations.

    - The pace of the scenes is really accelerated. If you skil story, maybe it takes 5 min between scenes.

    - Character design great. MILFs are hot, young ones are nice too. The best apect of the game by far.

    - Very poor sound/music. No music, almost 0 sounds.

    - Technically perfect. 0 bugs, stable fps.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This used to be a sandbox game but it switched to a linear novel without filling up the gaps and it shows.

    It's made of a bunch of scenes coming one after the other without any link or build up.
    One of the most flagrant example of that is
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    This make zero sense.

    If you add to this mess the poorly written story, it's a pain to follow. Such a shame, those renders are quite nice and I really liked those models and poses.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    ok first of all i really liked the game until the last update even when the renders are below average most of the time, the girls and the lewd scenes were pretty hot! with the latest update i expected to see tons of bad reviews but seems like no one cares or is just fine with what he did, but i'm not.

    bc this game in reality is "abandoned" instead of "completed" you don't even need to start the game and just look into the changelog to already understand what the dev did. sure the story has endings bc he just gave us some timeskips with preggo renders but it was rushed af to the "end"! he even forgot to continue the path of the "cousin" for example! she just disappears and does not have any more scene with the mc at all or an ending, while her mother (mc's aunt) has one.

    what the dev did with the latest update was either bc he already has another project which he wants to work on (and thought it would look better with a game history that shows a completed game in his pocket instead of an abandoned one) or he just has no time anymore to continue (which i could at least understand) either way it's such a disappointment.

    this game had so much potential and different pathes and then such an ending, which it clearly didn't deserved. but yea it is what it is, if such endings become the standard of avns i would not be surprised when the amount of really good avn's get even lower.
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Lord Levi

    This game is amazing and the only reason it's not a 5/5 is I wish it was drawn out more with the story and that's not to say the story is bad it's just rushed and sometime not the main focus. The mother and sister are perfect this game does the incest genre perfectly, you really feel the love between the characters in a way that's believable. The art is not gonna set records but honestly it's pretty good and the moms design is amazing. Also the length of this game is decent enough that if you don't fiend your way through it you could get some decent play time with this game. That's all I have to really say about this game I would recommend this game to anyone who loves the harem and incest genres and hats off to the dev for making a great game, hope they're future games are as good or even better.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2368932

    I have given my rating of this game a lot of thought. The game has flaws, no doubt about that, I could list multiple. That being said, the game just get some things so very right that it just works for me. I genuinely got 5 stars worth of enjoyment out of my multiple playthroughs. I really recommend you give this game a chance if you enjoy incest, especially sister content, which is where I think this game really shines. The mom stuff is hot as well though.

    As for some of the flaws I talked about, well the pacing is a bit all over the place and the plot can at times seem a bit farcical. Sex scenes, while animated and hot, will often just be one animation and feel a bit short. At least a couple were from very unfortunate angels too, completely obscuring the interesting parts and mainly showing MC and, in one case, his ass. All that being said, I am surprised by just how little all that mattered to me. The game is hot, I loved it, I hope you will too.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Poorly Written Mess with No Real Buildup

    It's hard to understand the current rating of this game. The writing is all over the place. Much of the English version must be a bad machine translation, marked by sentence structure that is weird, nonsensical, or just outright awkward. The developer should have gotten an editor. This was something you could overlook in the early stages, but now that the game is marked complete it's really indefensible.

    The bad translation is only made worse by the complete lack of restraint in the dialogue. This is another one of those games where you have to sit through slide-after-slide of verbatim word vomit from some of the characters. You'll get a dozen slides of the MC and his sister ripping on each other in barely intelligible English (pretty much an autoskip), or some back-and-forth, will-they-or-won't-they with the mother. The awkward diction and shoddy sentence construction become especially difficult to justify when it's so flagrantly flaunted in your face.

    The writing in this game is the exact opposite of flowing and natural. Everything seems divided into one badly written porn situation after the other. There's an overarching plot involving the dad in some kind of fraud, but it's completely glossed over by everyone in the story. You as the reader won't care about it because it seems none of the characters do. At best, they might whine about it for a few panels before it's back to business as normal. The setup is transparently bad.

    Literally nothing makes sense. Why would the MC fall into his sister's room when he's trying to get away? Why would the cheerleader friend take off her shoes when she's practicing aerials and pyramids? And why would she even pick the MC who has no experience whatsoever in a potentially dangerous stunt? Why would the girlfriend's dad offer them a new life, at considerable personal expense, just because they chose not to rob him?

    Why? Because the author needs the MC in a compromising position to progress the plot. There's no actual consideration for how scenes should progress, only contrivances. It makes about as much sense as stepmom being stuck in the washing machine. Only the entire fucking VN is like that, without any of the self-deprecating charm.

    And this is without even delving into a bunch of small plot holes. Like how the MC's father appears in and out of trouble solely at plot convenience. Or how apparently the family home is within taxi or walking distance of the aunt's country house (or else how would the MC and his sister get there on demand when the MC's father asks?) but the game likes to act like it's half a world away. Unfortunately, in this game, neither the porn nor the plot is thought through. Everything is conveniently handwaved because the developer cannot be bothered.

    Choices are poorly communicated, if they are communicated at all. How are we supposed to know if we're supposed to insult the bully or fight with him? How is that supposed to affect the later interaction with the sister? It can be wanked either way, so it feels completely arbitrary when the game confronts us with that decision.

    Not to mention that there's a bunch of arbitrarily locked routes and scenes gated behind things that make no sense. Why does going after the sister require you to go after the mom too, but in the same vein, you can't go after the cousin if you go after the aunt? None of this is communicated, none of it makes sense within the narrative of the story.

    The characters don't feel real. Most of them are extremely one-dimensional, and the only real personality they share is an intense desire to fuck the MC despite him doing almost nothing to deserve it. Development is pretty much non-existent. Characters are the same at the end of the story as they at the beginning, with the only change being how much they allow the MC to stick his dick in them.

    The visuals aren't anything special either. Renders are often grainy and muted. Colors bleed together, there's compression artifacts, and even ignoring these technical deficits, none of the renders are of a particularly high composition. They're scarcely beyond default DAZ renders. There's very little attention to detail, or focus on lighting and shadows, or effort in composition. You'll see the same quality in just about every game on this site that uses this style of rendering.

    The game gains a star for actually being completed and having a reasonably satisfying ending. But between the poor writing, the bad translation, the average-at-best visuals, the flat characters, the meh choices, and the annoying and unnecessary melodrama of the overarching crime plot, it's not a game to be recommended.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game with great renders, relatable characters, and full delivery on its stated fetishes. Also completed much quicker than many projects on this site, with plenty of content.

    Highly recommended!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of the better incest games on this site. The mom is super hot but still feels and looks like a mom which is crucial in these types of games in my opinion. I love the Dom path with the sister, makes it feel more balanced and not completely one sided in terms of power dynamics. I wish there was a Dom path for the mom as well that unlocked after their therapy sessions perhaps.

    The dialogue is usually very hot in most sex scenes, but sometimes the wrong names appear when someone is talking which got a bit confusing.

    I do think that the mom was a bit too quick at accepting the sons advances, even though she slaps you when you touch her ass in the kitchen, she then grabs you and insinuates that she liked it. It was too fast and could have happened much more gradually with better writing.

    I don't much care for the crime plot of the story since it feels like it's on the sideline of the game rather than enhancing the actual point of the game which is writing a sexy incest story, but it wasn't unbearable. For instance the therapy was a good way of enhancing the story and made for good scenes.

    I was leaning towards giving this a 4 star rating but the fact that you had a really solid pregnancy ending with some good follow up scenes to tie it up is rare to see. And even better that you actually finished the game earns an extra star.

    I will for sure check out your future games.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I quite liked it. It's not too serious or clever, but not braindead stupid either. Girls are sexy, scenes are sexy, sex talk is sexy. The fact the dev had finished the game with not so big support is quite a feat.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked my first playthrough. There may have been some small mistakes with grammar, and I don't understand Cyrillic, but I'm definitely going to play through it again to get different endings. Great job on your first game dev, and I'm looking forward to your upcoming game!
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This is an incest game done right. The family actually looks like they're related, the characters are attractive and look their age, but most importantly the buildup and interactions between characters are both hot and organic which is THE quality that elevates this game above much of its competition.

    I deducted one star for the unnecessarily convoluted and uninteresting crime plot which at times ruins pacing. The visual side of things is acceptable, so is the english translation.

    I wish the developer good luck in his future projects, will definitely check out whatever comes next.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Monkey Business is a magnificent work of art that seamlessly blends exciting gameplay, breathtaking aesthetics, and an immersive narrative. As a man of culture, I was completely immersed in this incredible gaming experience from beginning to end.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this!

    I will admit that the grammar is probably the main shortcoming. Could be improved.

    Let us not talk about the graphics because many devs have taken it to completely new levels just to make their impact. Graphics are good in my opinion.

    I went for the love route with the mom. I'm not so sure why a game that has a love and lust route for one character has no love route for the other but just dom/sub.

    I'm a MILF lover though.
    And some of the best MILF porn is through incest.
    So I love me this game.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Status: completed

    time spent on 1 route: 2+ hours (depends on reading speed)

    So the game is completed now, it was fun and good while it lasted, aswell as the implemented tags. How well were the tags implemented?
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    Are there any missing tags?

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    All in all were the tags well implemented, the story was fun to read too (depends on the taste), its completed, there are multiple endings...
    I'm looking forward to the next project.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid game with nice story. Two main girls which you can choose from and then some more to spice things up. Animations are ok but the renders are a bit lacking in resolution (too much graining) but its mostly fine.
    Try it yourself its pretty good.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    I want to like this more than I do. Art and scenes are good, but jarring scene transitions and story pacing plus translation awkwardness leave something to be desired.

    Review is for v0.7, so this may all be addressed in future.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5899129

    Fantastic game. Aside from the excellent models, what stands out is the clever and humorous writing--this is one of those games in which the absurdity of the situations is done just right to make it funny. The characters are fantastic (especially the sister), and extremely hot. The composition of sex scenes is also great, and there are some interesting diverging paths.

    I encountered one line that was not translated into English, but that will presumably be fixed in the next version.

    The developer originally used a sandbox framework, but that was thankfully abandoned many versions ago. Now no time is wasted and there are no pointless clicks interfering with the story and art. Great work.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Somehow I liked it.
    From a point of story it's quite a typical game, like many others.

    But I liked the females and the scenes, they are actually quite hot and dirty, and breaking the family taboo makes them even more spicy.

    Just try it. Not for story, not for game mechanics but for the ladies and the action with them.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.7

    I feel like I would love Monkey Business if it just cleaned itself up. There's a certain charm this game has that makes me want to play it, but it's buried under a jumbled mess of issues that are hard for me to get past.

    The most glaring one is how often and almost abruptly this game just jumps from one scenario to the next, never giving anything time to build up. There's no taking time to breathe. Everything is constantly on the move in a way that feels sort of rushed. Everything gets this almost disjointed feel because of it.

    This is also a rare game where I feel like I actually need a guide. Maybe it's partly due to the less than ideal translations, but the game is not very clear on what your choices actually do. Example: Should you beat your sister in a race, one of the victory options is to save the favor she now owes you for later. Turns out that actually means you just skip the scene without getting anything down the line. Glad I looked into that because I would have picked it otherwise. The game actually has some pretty divergent paths so it's a bit unfortunate that it's so confusing sometimes.

    Grainy renders, rather standard animations, a random plot, and a lack of good character development before your family is ready to fuck you. All of these things combined should honestly make for a lower rating right?

    Here's where that aforementioned charm comes in. I actually love the character models used for the mom and sister. The MC is a the more standard schoolboy dumbass, but honestly an enjoyable one. The sex scenes/scenarios created are actually pretty hot too, and there are moments where the characters sort of shine that make me like them. This game has some things going for it truly, and it makes me really want to like it.

    As it stands though, I'd come back to this only to kill time between other stuff more than actually getting into it. You can have some fun with this for sure, but it's nowhere near a top tier AVN for me.