Unity - Completed - Monster Black Market [v2.0.16.0 DLC] [Team-Apple Pie]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Not gonna write a long review at this point, the game is a 10/10 and an actual game so I'ma just introduce you to the main themes. The game is essentially a brothel management game where you manage your slaves to mate with monsters/human costumers (depending on where you place them). There are also other types of rooms e.g. milking room which offer different type of H-interaction. Game looks absolutely wonderful, plays very intuitively and the H-scenes are very hot.

    This is worthy of being called a game, which sadly happens way to rarely on this godforsaken website. Give this game a try and support the dev if you can, he plans and bringing out a DLC this month and is working hard to make the game as enjoyable as possible.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a sad 4-star rating.

    It is a nsfw management game with actual gameplay, and it boots, didn't crash, so that to me is automatically at least 3 stars, since these are already decently rare. It gets 1 more star for the concept.

    However, it commits several sins:

    Sin the first: No story, no characters, not even the one you can come up with

    To keep this very short: this game doesn't have a story or any real "characters". That's fine, some great games don't have characters - I can think of Free Cities and Corrupted Saviors where the characters are largely automatically generated and are ultimately a story is developed around the actions you take. This game has nothing, which means you really don't care about anything in it. That also reduces your investment of what you are working towards.

    Sin the second: Way too much uninteresting micromanagement.

    I - and I suspect most people here - like management games. I don't like micromanagement that much. The game lets you automate parts of gameplay closer to the end of the game, but even then it's gated pretty hard (until you enter free play) and doesn't cover everything. The game ultimately lacks larger scale management decisions, so if it did let you get rid of micromanagement there would be very little game left.

    The micromanagement isn't even that interesting, unfortunately. It's just a mad dash of dragging images around as fast as you can go. It distracts you from the nsfw side of things, and this only get worse later on. I'm going to be honest, I don't even know what the game looks like after you get 4 monsters, it's just a blur of trying to make sure everything is at the right place at the right time.

    Sin the third: Underdeveloped late game

    Some people have mentioned that this doesn't feel like a complete game. I don't know about complete, but the later part does certainly feel rushed and somewhat underdeveloped. Perhaps I skipped out on something, but the surface doesn't really gel with the few objectives the game does give you. There is an elaborate system from creating the highest tier creatures, and they have high requirements for breeding, which I actually never reached because I was too busy putting out fires elsewhere. By the time the game was over (it's a short one) and free play was in, I thought I'd be able to sit back and see my creation. Turns out, the over ground facilities can cause STDs which can really fuck with pretty much everything when you're not paying attention. Further, creatures deplete and need fixing or replacing, and when you have 20 odd creatures and 40 odd workers, this requires constant maintenance.

    Sin the fourth: What is this, a game for ants?

    Others have mentioned it, but you really, really need to zoom in to see any action, and you will spend essentially no time zoomed in if you are playing. And you will be punished for not playing. The art itself is a bit weird, the girls look pretty decent but the monsters are subpar. There are several animations, and they are good, which is cool, I wish I had the time to see them.

    There are other minor issues, but these are certainly the blatant ones worth pointing out.

    I do have solutions I can suggest:

    1) Add characters. Maybe add one immortal slave that has a story, maybe flesh out the merchants. Do *something*. It doesn't even take more than 3-4 characters to have a story that will be good enough. I'd suggest allowing a deeper level of individual worker investment and customization, but that runs contrary to how disposable the story makes them.

    2) Drag and drop gameplay is... fine... for the first few moments of the game. Allow full automation much earlier, and focus on investing in infrastructure and upgrades. As it is, the game plays as one of those dinner dash games. Let players breathe and take what they are building in. And allow late game debuffs like stds and purchasing condoms and cleaning to be automated.

    3) Make the main repeating quest at least pretend to integrate the above ground structures. It feels like there should be at least 4 more main quest goals.

    4) The characters should literally be scaled up so they are easily viewed when zoomed out at what I'd call "gameplay" zoom levels. Art is subjective but I would redraw parts of every monsters aside from the goblin.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Beat the game on normal, ez, beat the game on the hardest difficulty after reading the pinned guide, ez, the ammount of monsters that can be bred is so much, they should have put something like 20 monsters to be sold for the quests.

    The gameplay literally is "drag creatures into rooms, wait for bar to fill up, collect resources, repeat" which would typically be a boring mobile game, but here since this is porn, this makes for a very fun and pretty dark game, just like the title says - black market.

    The gameplay consists of - breeding monsters and selling them, breeding slave women of different races in your private estate to increase your monster production, milking slaves after pregnancy to collect milk and feed it to slaves and monsters to improve their stats, putting slaves to work in the brothel, throwing monsters and slaves into some form of magical meat grinder to extract their DNA and their various physical pieces, use these resources to craft potions and items with recipes, though that is needed only for completion milestones and is not actually something you are required to do hundreds of times.

    The animations are smooth 2D scenes, all of them non-consensual of course. Once you see an animation it will be unlocked in the gallery.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Good gameplay, but not very fappable.

    + Decent art/animations.
    + There are several "trader" NPCs that you can increase reputation with, then grope, lick, and fuck as much as you want.
    + The gameplay is the best part - slightly comparable to Fallout Shelter, but only vaguely. As you advance things gets easier, there are no gated sales, and even automation can handle lots of breeding and customers that want to watch. Quite a surprising amount of depth here.

    - The Engrish is pretty bad, and is the result of a lot of confusion. A single room has 3 names - the torture chamber, consulting room, and capsule. These all refer to the same room in various parts of the UI. This is a pretty horrendous sin in game development when editing text is the easiest thing to do, especially if you've already translated it once - just use the same damn word.
    - The scenes are far away, and though you can zoom in, you're just watching and hearing one repeat until it ends with no player interaction and very little variation. You can interact with the trader NPCs, but it's all pretty vanilla, I assume because they're not slaves themselves - touch left breast, lick right nipple, finger butt, fuck pussy, etc. The lack of interaction with your own slaves is a huge disappointment. I was hoping for some form of interactive punishment - or reward - for them but you're just breeding them and selling their babies. Club Bifrost does a much better job at specifically this.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Barry Nyle


    A management game where you control a massive monster rape pen, buying slaves and monsters and breeding them together to meet specific breeding objectives (X amount of monster). Monsters and slaves also have different beneficial or negative traits that can be passed on to their offspring so there's a little bit of a genetics side of the game that you can dip into. The art is good. The animations are good but I wish there were more. The tone of the game is overall very dark. Slaves can get fucked to death, and one of the side missions involves having your slaves "processed" (murdered and butchered for parts.) It can be a bit micromanagement heavy at first but later in the game you unlock automation which eases things a bit. Overall I enjoyed it though it was very easy.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, needs more. As in new characters. new rooms. new positions. maybe a town area? As far as gameplay and can get a little overwhelming, but it's highly addictive and keeps me checking for updates.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Rather fun, lived my businessman dreams.
    Personally, I wish there was a clear end or clear "there's no more content here" but besides that rather neat

    Some visual incontinences but it's all good and even has some fun surprises/references
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    11/10 game for me. im not gonna be explaining pro/cons bullshit.

    since i started to play h games in japanese (2012) i felt like the games made in this times, are so damn lame, bad developed, without effort in making it fun to the player, empty, with no soul...

    this game had all that, it felt like i was playing almost for first time a nice h game, i got that feel, so, fucking amazing

    The gameplay is cool the sex animations are fire, it reminded me at that game of Fairy something i forgot already, it was a side scroller

    if you like brutal scenes. management, bestiality, births etc, this is your game mate
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    You'll stop feeling bad about all the slavery you're doing after the first hour. Just like in real life.
    The business management side of things will get in the way of whacking off (at least at first, before you get to automate most of it), so if you're looking for something to the point you should probably give this one a pass
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    so good to spend time with
    the art is good and game play is manage the store
    I love it
    the update will come more in future
    the NPC in this game also good I like it all
    this game is not hard to understand but need time to learn
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for the sex but got caught trying to get the best breed. This is a game about breeding monster with your slave. The graphics are cute and the gameplay is well designed.

    One of the best adult game to waste time.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been playing this for a while now and I love this game. Nice simple monster management game with great breeding mechanics. The pacing of the game is great on your first playthrough when you are still learning the game but starts to kind of drag you down on later playthroughs. My only complaint would be that after the first playthrough there isn't a "playthrough plus" mode where you can start out with all merchants unlocked. Also not really related to the game itself but shout out to this game having an uncensor patch, it is super nice, and I highly recommend using it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is an easy 10/10.

    I saw this game and gave it a try not expecting much, and really if you're here for the sex it can get kind of old after you beat the main campaign. So to get it out of the way:
    The art is good enough, gets things done, looks nice, animations are smooth, if you want to see something you'll be able to see it. There's a good bit of attention to detail here which is something I can respect.
    The personal scenes with the main characters are nothing to write home about, maybe just not my thing.
    This appeals to a decent variety of kinks, and the bestiality aspect is easy to ignore.
    Where this game really shines is its everything else:
    The sound design is immaculate, something you really don't expect from a game like this. However, it pales in comparison to the gameplay.
    I'm definitely overreacting, but I've been playing this game an unreasonable amount even after beating the main campaign. It still gets me hard, though that's not even why I play it anymore. I've selectively bred each kind of monster and slave to their maximum stats, and that was ages ago. I'm on day 164 and have over 2 million gold not including the sheer number of sellable raw products in my inventory. My brothel sports 6 floors, complete with 11 glory hole areas, 6 Vip rooms, and 6 Paizuri rooms. Underground, my slave cells are completely full, despite having 96 of them, no I am not exaggerating. At this point my game crashes if I click the unit list button. I have 113 pixies and counting, and have upwards of a thousand units of furry breast milk. I still play this game, expanding onwards and upwards endlessly with no end in sight.

    When I first started, I expected what I get with most games on this site. A quick nut, followed by deleting the game and moving on with my day. Not this. I don't see myself stopping for the foreseeable future, I play this for fun, over AAA games in my steam library. I cannot guarantee you the same experience, but this game is definitely a diamond in the rough.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Writing: 6.5/10
    Imagery: 6.5/10
    Kinks: 8/10 (Since impregnation and pregnancy are my fav kinks, I give this a high score in the kinks department)
    Overall: 7/10

    I was going through the pregnancy tag filter system and stumbled upon this game, enjoyed it more than I thought it would. Be careful, it could get you addicted if you have OCD or if you enjoyed management-type games.

    Overall, it is a good breeding/brothel management game. The game has a built-in tutorial so don't worry about game mechanics at first as you'll get used to it once you played long enough. Once you get the hang of it and know the secrets of getting uber slaves (basically just feed them milk and they'll turn uber), earning income is easy peasy. I do hope that they add an auto-purchase of condoms and love gel option (like AI), but you can get the mod to do that for you (if you're willing to cheat, that is).

    Now on to the glossary:
    Slaves include humans, dwarves, elves, dragonians, and furries (foxes, cats, sheep & rabbits). These are the slaves you can obtain if you let the slaves mate/breed with the clients in the brothel.
    Monsters include goblins, werewolves, orcs, minotaurs and salamanders (the latter two you need to get via origin dna which can be obtained via disassembling random monsters).
    Positive traits are good, negative traits are bad. Common sense, so milk is the cure.

    In a nutshell, it's a great game to pass your time so nuff said, go play it. Hope that more monsters and slaves options are available, maybe like unicorns, slimes or maybe insects to add more variety into the game.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Management games need some type of progression. And Monster Black Market does have some type of progression but it's not that great. More or less everything is available to you from the start and the progression is more of the same.

    Story 1/10

    There is no story. You're hired to run a monster black market. Then you run the monster black market.

    Gameplay 5/10

    The gameplay is the bulk of the game. You get a girl. You place her in a slave cage. You place her in a breeding room. You place a monster in the breeding room. She may or may not get pregnant. You put her in a birthing room. The baby grows up into a monster. Rinse and repeat.

    There's some more mechanics in there like multiple births, traits, and girl/monster types, but the gameplay loop above is the gameplay that exists from beginning to end.

    Is it fun? Sort of. It's very micro manage-y. You have to click and drag each stage above. Then you get helpers who do each click and drag for you and then it becomes completely hands off. The game was fun for the time I played it but I beat it in like 5 hours with the same repeating gameplay loop.

    Eventually you can also open a brothel type thing, but you just shove girls in there and money comes out. The mechanics of brothel reputation doesn't really matter.

    And there are a number of bugs. Some are game breaking bugs. Like if a girl dies, then you get the tutorial dialog for girl dying but it freezes. So either you need to start over or reload a save. One bug is that the girl/monster portrait doesn't change. That kind of sucks.

    Art 5/10

    This isn't exactly pixel art. I'd call it flash art. But flash is dead so I guess it's unity art. The normal gameplay art's not bad but not great. Each individual action (breeding/birthing/prostituting/milking) is quite short and loops. So yeah.

    There's also unlockable longer flash unity art with the 4 non-slave girls. The quality is alright, but again, short and loops. No text.

    Overall 5/10

    The game's okay. It's nothing amazing. There really needs to be more. The trait thing was kind of annoying, not interesting. You cycled through too many girls and that got repetitive.

    By the end of the game, I had 1 of each monster type just automatically going through breed/birth cycles with 1 girl each. Not really an amazing situation.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Its a fun managment game.
    Sadly there ar enot many variation of breeding animation (only two per Race?) Money becomes fast rather useless since u make a ton when you have pixies to automate almost everything .

    I'll be watching this and hope the dlc comes out soon
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a good game.
    a slave / brothel / monster breeding managment game.

    It takes a bit of learning on the mechanics, i had to do over a couple times before getting the hang of it.
    The game reminds me a bit of a previous brothel management style game. Same basic mechanics but without the monsters and breeding pens.

    The game starts off slow, introducing new slaves and monsters to breed new monsters for breeding more and more monsters to sell for coin. Along with new rooms too assist you from milking machines, showers, delivery rooms and cells for housing larger monsters.
    Eventually you'll unlock brothel rooms for having locals breed your slaves into spawning more slaves to send into the monster pens for breeding and spawning more monsters.

    Slave types include Humans, Dwarf, Elf, Dragon maidens and furries (Foxes, cats, sheep & rabbits).
    Monsters include the Goblin, Werewolf, Orcs, Minotaurs and Serpents.
    As you progress, you'll be able to customize your slaves and monsters on apperance and stats (though the latter is a random factor).

    So basicaly, it's breed monsters > Sell them > Buy new slaves/monsters > spawn more to sell > Rinse & repeat.

    the art is nice, not much in way of variety, but not so much it's a problem.

    sex scenes are about the same. Some variants for the individual monsters, like minotaurs give their mates an obvious pelvic bulge every thrust.

    Despite the hiccups in gameplay, mostly UI and some graphic., the game is a good way to kill time and watch your harem of slaves get fucked/mated silly by monsters and faceless people cutouts.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Mediocre halfassed management game.
    A lot of busy-work exacerbated by pretty bad UI and bugs. Not too big of problem early on, but late game when you pump out tons of monsters and girls it's really annoying.

    The progression is pretty bad because options for breeding the girls are very limited and instead the game gives you near perfect ones at certain stages of the game, at which point you just delete the organic ones. Similar thing with monsters, but at least you can evolve them more easily... not that it matters, because vast majority of genes don't matter. Big/small balls/dick? Good/bad body? Doesn't matter. To fill up the requirements of the trader "NPC" you just buy girls and send them directly to the shredder.

    This is a beta at best. "Completed" is bullshit.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid, well polished game. Honestly, not even sure I'd call this an h-game. Yes, it revolves around breeding and prostitution, but you spend so much time managing everything that it's not really all that fappable. Still fun af though.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I was torn on whether to give this four or five stars, because while I've enjoyed it immensely it's not without flaws. But in the end, I've sunk a good 20-30 hours into this game (beaten it three times), which is a LONG time for me to play a porn game. So they've earned the five stars, I'd say.

    (My) Pros:
    - Pregnancy Content (my favorite fetish), specifically breeding (a fetish that is all too often done poorly)
    - Great art, well animated. Hot scenes. Both human on girl and monster on girl.
    - Fun/addicting gameplay loop. I get a lot of enjoyment out of the management sim aspect of it, I wish there were more adult management sim games out there.
    - Serviceable translation. While the translation into English appears to have not been done by a native speaker, it isn't MTL. While not perfect, it very much gets the point across without any need for the player to puzzle over what's trying to be said. It's sad that a serviceable translation qualifies as a 'pro', but in this age of MTL the bar has definitely been lowered.
    - Great unlockables. You can unlock additional special sex scenes with the actual characters in the game that are pretty decent. You also unlock
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    after completing the 50 in-game days goal. Also there's a gallery. All great reasons to get you to play through to the end, if the gameplay itself isn't compelling you alone.
    - Good support. The game has not been bug-free, but the devs have shown an admirable work ethic in that they've been churning out bug-fixes and quality of life improvements at a very steady rate. The game's only been out a little while and they've been patching the hell out of it already. Nice to see devs actually commit to their work!

    - The gameplay loop isn't going to be for everyone. If you don't like games where you're required to stay on top of managing things happening on screen (early to mid-game requires your attention more than later in the game) then this game might put you off. Though even if you don't like management games, if you've got a monster on girl and/or a breeding fetish, I recommend giving it a shot anyways. You might just find it worth it.
    - Game length is a bit on the short side. On the one hand, I don't think there's enough variation in content to keep the game going any longer than it lasts (for the content given, it lasts the perfect amount of time for me), but on the other I find myself wanting more content and thus more game-length. But this isn't bad enough to qualify as a con for me, because what we do get is perfectly fine.
    - Game can be a bit too easy. Mind you I haven't tried the hardest difficulty yet (gonna do that next time), but once you get over the initial hurdle at the beginning and early mid game things practically run themselves. But in the end this is a porn game, and if you're running around frantically managing things you'll never be able to appreciate the sexy parts of what you're doing. So I won't consider this a con, but it could be for some.

    - While the devs have been dilligent in their updating, there are still bugs from time to time. I've encountered a bug where if one of your slaves dies, the tutorial message that pops up gets stuck and you can't progress. I make sure to kill off a slave on purpose really early in order to trigger the message and get past it. Shouldn't have to do that, though. Highly recommend staggering your saves, there's plenty of save slots so there's no good reason not to constantly save under a new file just in case.
    - A lot of the skills feel useless. There are a lot of abilities/skills you can give to the girls (and by extension their offspring), but the amount of effort required to really pump them up doesn't seem worth it. The only skill I found particularly worth it was the maximum amount of births (a slave can only birth so many offspring before becoming infertile, at which point you can either use an item to restore it or find another use for them). Increasing max births means you have to swap out girls/use items less. It would have been nice if high-skilled monsters sold for more, then it would have been completely worth the effort. But as far as I can tell it doesn't affect the value of the monsters. I mainly raise the stats because numbers go up, yay!

    Things I'd like to have seen:
    - The ability to have children with the NPC characters. It's hot that you unlock sex scenes with them, but it'd be nice if doing so allowed you to get special offspring as a result. Maybe even make it so that the NPC girls take several days to come to term, their bellies getting progressively bigger as time goes on. Would add a gameplay reason for maxing relation with them, as well as being hot as fuck.
    - While I get why they didn't include it, I'd have liked to see a more gradual increase in belly size when the girls get pregnant. Maybe take 15 seconds or so to be ready to give birth. Would allow you to see the belly growth progress (yes, I have a thing for that, can you tell?), and would have made for a new potentially useful stat that decreases the time for a slave to be ready to deliver.
    - Variation in belly sizes for a single offspring, twins, and triplets. Nothing too extreme (not into inflation type levels), but some variation would have been nice.
    - This one's hella nit-picky and the only unreasonable one (I think). When having sex with the NPC characters you can turn on X-Ray vision and see their vaginal walls/uterus, and when you cum inside them the semen stays and accumulates the more you cum inside them. Would have been really hot if the semen actually sloshed around the womb while you fucked them. It just stays static, which was disappointing. But as I said, that one's a REALLY specific complaint, and just another one of my kinks.

    I made sure to buy the game, because it's reasonably priced and I really want to encourage more solid games like this. I'm also very much looking forward to the upcoming DLC, as well as any future games the devs put out. Ya'll have yourselves a fan right here!

    update: Sorry mods, had trouble getting the spoiler tag to work and had to edit a couple of times.