[Rev @ Monster Black Market [Final]]
Love it, but the late game is disappointing.
Loooove the art. Wish the cowgirl costume option was widespread.
Writing is rote and recognizable and as thin as every other breeding game has been.
The squick factor is threefold: the idea of 'disassembling' slaves, but that is mercifully not shown. Killer STDs in the brothel, and a few too-large insertion bulges. Everything else is right up my alley.
Gameplay has bugs. The tutorial screens and quest update dialog will interrupt themselves, each other, and you, with particular emphasis on doing their best to fuck you over on payment deadline days. The camera zooms itself in and out heedless of player input and gets stuck too close and too far in alternating bands. One progression NPC is bugged, and one species is so fragile they die if you look away for a second. As mentioned earlier, the lategame is weak and directionless.
TLDR: Highly worth it. Would be great as a jumping-off point for inspiration and sequels.
Love it, but the late game is disappointing.
Loooove the art. Wish the cowgirl costume option was widespread.
Writing is rote and recognizable and as thin as every other breeding game has been.
The squick factor is threefold: the idea of 'disassembling' slaves, but that is mercifully not shown. Killer STDs in the brothel, and a few too-large insertion bulges. Everything else is right up my alley.
Gameplay has bugs. The tutorial screens and quest update dialog will interrupt themselves, each other, and you, with particular emphasis on doing their best to fuck you over on payment deadline days. The camera zooms itself in and out heedless of player input and gets stuck too close and too far in alternating bands. One progression NPC is bugged, and one species is so fragile they die if you look away for a second. As mentioned earlier, the lategame is weak and directionless.
TLDR: Highly worth it. Would be great as a jumping-off point for inspiration and sequels.