Others - Completed - Monster Girl Conquest Records Battle Orc [Final] [mozu field]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Entire game is a fun, slightly grindy, fuckfest! Managed to complete it within 2 hours.

    - Straight to action
    - Pixel art is good, sex postitions are varied
    - Quite easy (one hand-able), managed a no-death run on the first go

    - Might get dull after a while (but new enemy/variant exist to very end)
    - Story might be too light for some

    Overall easy game with great pixel art; turn off your head and stroke your bottom one.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The game its fun and its cool concept, I had a lot of issues with the controls and the fact that you can't change it on options for a better experience, The history its unexistent you must go and beat them all and fuck the all thats it and im cool with that but dear good why WHY it feel like i am grindyng to get 4 Poses with almost any significant Varyation of it Still its a nice game to play but its just Boring to play it more like 15 minutes. and its a waste of time to play it all along. Tobe honest i liked it at first Bt then it just Dogshit controls With almost no sense bcs all the gameplay its boring. Just a nice idea But very bad ejecuted and a lot of erros and probles while doing it.
    Good idea Bad game Meh wank 4/10 (Sorry for my bad english)
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A very simple 5 button beat'em up game.

    + The pixel animations are good with a variety of different sex positions. You get stronger (and replenish hp) by ravaging defeated mon-girls.

    - It started getting repetitive after the 3rd stage and I only kept playing to see all the different mongirls + bosses.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    An obnoxious button masher with little, if any, fun to be had.

    First, the controls. The format on the keyboard is screwed to high heavens, and there's no in-game option to rebind them. Sorry, but you've gotta play through the entire fucking game with a shitty control scheme and no way to circumvent it. I'm no coding expert, but how hard it is to program the ability to rebind keys into a game like this? When did the idea of simple convenience become obsolete?

    The game itself is super choppy, with noticeable input delay from the controls. Attacks take forever to come out and don't feel like they pack the punch they should. Your move set consists of a basic 4-hit combo, a grab/throw, a useless charge attack, a defensive attack that consumes health (a-la Final Fight), and a super situational parry that usually whiffs. There's a an ero attack too, but it's just a grab you use on KO'd enemies to view the h-scenes. No jumps or jumping attacks, no dash attacks (despite there being a run button), no pummels, no weapons, nothing. Beat 'em ups on the fucking NES had larger move sets than this pile of garbage does.

    On top of that, enemy variety is also down the shitter. You've got enemies that stand and throw a punch/kick or swing their sword, those that charge at you, and ones that occasionally toss projectiles. One has a shield that can absorb a few hits, but it's practically just a life bar extension. Most bosses are reskins of common enemies; I can remember only three unique boss fights in the game with a creative gimmick. Enemy AI is also programmed to do a lot of standing around, so the game never feels engaging or challenging. Even if they do manage to land a hit on you, enemy attacks do about as much damage as getting smacked with a pool noodle. The difficulty really comes with how tanky enemies are, combined with how many of them you need to fight in a "stage", which is nothing more than a box containing a few healing items. You'll find the best strategy for fighting enemies is doing three attacks followed by a throw, and that's all you'll be doing for the rest of your playtime. No using the environment to your advantage, memorizing enemy patterns, or weighing risk/reward with healing through ero attacks since enemies surprisingly stand still while you hump their ally's brains out. Just mashing.

    The game attempts to make up for the half-assed combat by having every successful ero attack increase you're damage by 1% (yeah, get hyped), but I found it obnoxious how stop-go the already stale gameplay became with needing to sit through unskippable h-scenes. The scenes themselves are animated alright, but the same four to five animations are reused for the entire game until the final boss provides another four scenes. I'll admit that male monster rape is far from what I'd get my rocks off to, but the lack of scenes for 99.9% of the game is absolutely inexcusable. Giving the devil his dues, though, you do have the ability to unlock the entire gallery from start of the game, which is always a nice touch. Too bad there's not much to begin with.

    Overall, it feels as though this game was designed with as much padding as possible to prevent suckers who bought this piece of monkey fuck from getting refunds. A common practice for games published by the little pink badger of death that is Shady Corner, and another reason to stay the hell away from their products.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is honestly decent! Too bad im dumb and i took like 2 hours to download the necessary shit though.

    Gameplay: Beat up girls, Fuck da girls, Get Stronk to Fuck more gals.

    The game play is quite simple and nice but... The difficulty though? A bit too easy... especially after you fucked like 100 girls. you can just smack em and they perish.

    H-scenes: decent, But a lot are reused poses. Which was kind of a bummer for me but eh i understand why they did that.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A delightful arcade fighter. Its way longer then I expected it to be, the pixelart is really well done, it has nice animations and nice enemy variety. If I had to give it some criticism, I would say it would be cool to have more unique animations/positions, and perhaps even more enemy types, but honestly it already went far beyond my expectations. Theres also the fact that combat is quite simplistic, buuut honestly its a porn beatem up, I dont think it would've served itself well if it was anymore complex.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The game runs at 5 FPS, I am not joking. You have a melee arcade battle gameplay, kinda like streets of rage 2, you defeat enemies and have H-scenes to heal, it's very repetitive and your only upgrades are small percentages of damage, it doesn't scale well enough.

    Oh and, 5 seconds after you open the gallery the game starts lagging down to 1 FPS, and then it crashes. I would normally rate such trash 1/5 but the gameplay is working as intended. At 5 FPS.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    really good side scroller game, personally I'm a fan of battle fucks where you are incentivized to have sex to improve your character during/after fighting, games where your punished for sex just suck in my opinion. this game is simple and has multiple ways you can go about winning and enjoying yourself id just say to try it on your own rather than reading the comments
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Playtime: 1-2 hours
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  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Squishy ladies enjoyer

    Art style is pleasant to the eye[especially faces]. We can't wander around like in RPGM's but map design gaves such feeling that we can and going on adventures along with simple but comfy soundtracks. Animations are pretty if we count on what pixel resolution they were made. We kind of a have light ryona here[punching girls with some impact, like in m.u.g.e.n] and I like it, most ryona content nowadays is just too extreme and I'm not into it.
    To me, game gives those retro vibes, like this game was been made at least in 2010.
    I completed only 2 stages at the moment of writing this review, but I ain't saw any downsides: monster girls types and poses?- Everyone has their own tastes; too hard to play?-skill issue.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent pixel art animations with simple but engaging gameplay, along with a gallery unlock code to save lazy consumers from asking for a full save. No real story other than "go here, fuck that", but that's not the point of the game- it's fucking, and fucking it delivers
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A small sidescroller beatemup game with a good amount of scenes. The gameplay is quite simple, and the game is quick to finish, but the pixel animations are really good and there is a great variation of girls and positions.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a decent, easy beat em up with enough variety of scenes and enemies for a short game you can play through in one night. The pixel art is cute and every enemy you defeat you can subdue and fuck her for life, with more than one animation, which is pretty cool. By raping an enemy you regain life which makes the game a breeze, but at least I have wasted a lot of time watching animations of the different females, although several are repeated. Each level has a boss and after defeating him the animations of that area are added to the gallery.
    And that would be all, it delivers what it promises, 3.5 stars out of 5
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Genuinely a well made side-scroller beat em' up for our community. Games like this are exceedingly rare, and even though there is a gallery with a code ( Hold AWE while in the gallery stage for 5 seconds to unlock all ) I think you would enjoy just playing it by default. The developer isn't asking for skill, or good timing or anything of the sort. Just patience and it plays off well because you're rewarded with 1/4 sex positions for every race in-between every fight. This game has a climax loop. I'm a little bias from that fact alone.

    It's almost impossible to critique this game in terms of quality, the developer understands what the player bought their game for and rewards them with somewhat engaging gameplay and cute girls getting knocked up. Which is what we thrive for. I hold my reviews to the idea of: Can the player execute fun gameplay and even min/max combos and sustain and then immediately on the next frame see their character get/ or give in this case, erotic, and interesting sex scenes? Yes. This game can do it. There's rarely a super long pause between combat and there's even a mechanic that incorporates said sex scenes as a way of making your character stronger.

    It could've done with some more (Yes, there's even some tenacles in this game! Amazing!) tentacles or even some yaoi content just for variety, but that's nitpicking and isn't necessary for this game at all.

    H-Game devs, and aspiring H-Game devs alike, this is a excellent foundation (gameplay wise) to build your game off of. Reward the player with H-scenes, or incorporate it into the combat in a way that streamlines the experience, have different character sizes and different fantasy races, and you CAN reuse animations as long as they're changed appearance wise for the respective enemy, and if it was a good animation to begin with! Knowing your audience will take you so far.

    And INCLUDE GALLERY CODES! This is amazing because there are going to be readers in this very comment section looking for gallery so they can enjoy the game in whatever way they want to!
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a bit meh.
    The animations and art are good, the gameplay would be good too... If it weren't for the fact that that's all. Only the bosses have some additional animations but, even in those cases, you will find animations constantly repeated even as additional animations, which deducts a lot of points (I even thought about downgrading this review to 2 stars for this)

    It's short, and in 2 or 3 hours you have everything, even if you haven't completed most of the game (precisely because of the repetition of the animations). Originally I thought there was going to be slave management, but there isn't either. So, if you're here for the content, the only thing you miss is a couple of animations + the succubus at the end.

    Otherwise, it's a bit super disappointing in general :,/

    Edit: I didn't know there was an ingame code for cheats; So I guess that makes it moderately better. I could add my problems with the gameplay, but I don't think it's worth much in this case u.u