An obnoxious button masher with little, if any, fun to be had.
First, the controls. The format on the keyboard is screwed to high heavens, and there's no in-game option to rebind them. Sorry, but you've gotta play through the entire fucking game with a shitty control scheme and no way to circumvent it. I'm no coding expert, but how hard it is to program the ability to rebind keys into a game like this? When did the idea of simple convenience become obsolete?
The game itself is super choppy, with noticeable input delay from the controls. Attacks take forever to come out and don't feel like they pack the punch they should. Your move set consists of a basic 4-hit combo, a grab/throw, a useless charge attack, a defensive attack that consumes health (a-la Final Fight), and a super situational parry that usually whiffs. There's a an ero attack too, but it's just a grab you use on KO'd enemies to view the h-scenes. No jumps or jumping attacks, no dash attacks (despite there being a run button), no pummels, no weapons, nothing. Beat 'em ups on the fucking NES had larger move sets than this pile of garbage does.
On top of that, enemy variety is also down the shitter. You've got enemies that stand and throw a punch/kick or swing their sword, those that charge at you, and ones that occasionally toss projectiles. One has a shield that can absorb a few hits, but it's practically just a life bar extension. Most bosses are reskins of common enemies; I can remember only three unique boss fights in the game with a creative gimmick. Enemy AI is also programmed to do a lot of standing around, so the game never feels engaging or challenging. Even if they do manage to land a hit on you, enemy attacks do about as much damage as getting smacked with a pool noodle. The difficulty really comes with how tanky enemies are, combined with how many of them you need to fight in a "stage", which is nothing more than a box containing a few healing items. You'll find the best strategy for fighting enemies is doing three attacks followed by a throw, and that's all you'll be doing for the rest of your playtime. No using the environment to your advantage, memorizing enemy patterns, or weighing risk/reward with healing through ero attacks since enemies surprisingly stand still while you hump their ally's brains out. Just mashing.
The game attempts to make up for the half-assed combat by having every successful ero attack increase you're damage by 1% (yeah, get hyped), but I found it obnoxious how stop-go the already stale gameplay became with needing to sit through unskippable h-scenes. The scenes themselves are animated alright, but the same four to five animations are reused for the entire game until the final boss provides another four scenes. I'll admit that male monster rape is far from what I'd get my rocks off to, but the lack of scenes for 99.9% of the game is absolutely inexcusable. Giving the devil his dues, though, you do have the ability to unlock the entire gallery from start of the game, which is always a nice touch. Too bad there's not much to begin with.
Overall, it feels as though this game was designed with as much padding as possible to prevent suckers who bought this piece of monkey fuck from getting refunds. A common practice for games published by the little pink badger of death that is Shady Corner, and another reason to stay the hell away from their products.