Ren'Py - Monster Girl Dreams [v26.8a Alpha] [Threshold]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I love BF games and this one absolutely appeals to me. The art is usually great, the writing is decent, and the game actually has real gameplay - the combat isn't mindless like in most other games. However, I’m giving it only 2 stars due to the lack of CGs - apparently, a new one is released only once every two months! For a developer earning $3,000 per month, this is just ridiculous.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The plot is fairly simple, you're an adventurer gallivanting across a land where monster girls can't hurt you, but apparently raping you till you ressurect in town is fine. Choosing the wrong line of dialogue or losing combat will result in sex.

    The visuals:
    Most of what you'll see consists of a single sprite awkwardly layered on top of a background. The sprite rarely reacts to anything, the combat and sex will mostly happen in your head. The design of the girls is much closer to cute than sexy and half the girls don't even have a naked sprite.

    The combat:
    Let's begin with stats and items. The attributes are poorly telegraphed, there's 4 main attributes - str, dex, magic and charisma (pick 1), and 4 secondary ones with hp being mandatory. The feats are pretty good, but the tiny window to pick them is terrible and you'll mostly put points everywhere for resistances. Finally the equipment is interesting but the UI for it is quite mediocre and sorely lacking icons.
    As for the combat itself it's pretty balanced across the board. There's some grinding towards the end with large difficulty spikes, notably in the labyrinth (which is terrible btw) and after. The biggest issue with the combat is that it's merged with the dialogue, so you'll be clicking a handful of times after every action.

    The writing:
    Paragraphs everywhere and you can't rollback, Renpy is really not made for this. Most characters are one and done so you don't really have a chance to connect with the characters. There's some decent humor and the English is good, but the eroticism is lacking.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's peam. It's kino. Yes, perhaps even a little poggers.

    I expected something generic and yet its charm peeked through right from the character creation screen. And it didn't just stop there. The breadth of content is on the scale of something like Monster Girl Quest 1, and the quality feels higher (or is just more in line with my tastes). Character interactions go much deeper since you can revisit conquered areas, and the characters themselves all have a lot of personality. Even the combat has a bit of depth to it, requiring you to diversify your build and do things other than just push damage like in most rpgs.

    So what holds this game back?

    At the moment it's mainly content. Some newer characters (like a couple of the hellhound sisters) have interesting first encounters, a dialogue tree to go through after clearing them, and then nothing else. That's to be expected in most games like this, but this game sets a different standard and so it feels kind of empty. The plot is also unfinished and has arguably barely even started. It's broad strokes stuff and a single event with stakes. I'm far more motivated to go to new areas to see new characters than to get closer to the nebulous goal of "beating the demon queen."

    Still, none of that is worth dropping a star to me. If a game has a lot of content and my only issue is that it left me wanting more then, well, that's good isn't it? Most good media is like that. I'll happily wait for more updates, and if they never come the game is in a fine state as-is.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    i think the problem with text adventure games is either the text is good or the art is good, rarely both. With Monster Girl Dreams, the text had interesting and well written scenes while the art was also high quality (sometimes, girls will have different images for different stances/poses too). Good game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly good

    Its a nice touch that each move invoke different reaction from the monster and when I thought the game gone stale, each temple able to introduce different mechanic to mix the pace, but I think a better UI would help the game immensely since the dialog is a bit low from the scene and there is no way to increase font size for better readability

    having 2 diffrent dialoug box could help, one for dialouge and the other is for lore or description

    The game statistic is where it shines, ability to customize weakness, rune and equipment found in exploration, and special ability/perks has a nice way to personalize your character, sadly the stat is a bit linear since there is no min max stat which can help personalizing the character build and personality, chosing dominant one would make the character prone to be grappled or unable to sweep the girl efficiently.

    Overall way solid for a demo and I hope to see more characterization from the mob monster as well

    Spoiler* for all the talk of making the girl pregnant, there is no pregnant content implemented on the game, which is a bummer. Tries to max out virility got me killed more than i can count to start a new game
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Monster girl quest ran a marathon so that monster girl dreams could reach the stars. This is the star of porn games, the Monalisa of horny and wholesome and is somehow a good game as well?! The characters I am entranced by and erotic writing so good it is the main draw, both sub and dom play, gorgeous art, a fantastic rpg battle system and a decent story. This game has no equal when it comes to guilt free fun.

    Lose scenes, win scenes, scenes where you self your self for money, romance, becoming a paypig twice, there is just so much content packed into such a small amount of time. Not a on this game is wasted, I am engaged and excited on every playthrough because I can try a new build.

    The game has modding features for those so inclined, what a legend of a game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to say that this is the best adult game ever made at this point. It's perfect for dudes who are vanilla with a bit of spice on top. The writing is exceptional, and the battle fuck elements are very well integrated.
    It is a bit insane to me to see games with no content and terrible writing achieve a rating similar to this game. People forget that the brain is the biggest erogenous zone.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    the game is good, I really liked it although I'm not sure if I'll follow it yet, and the reason I don't rate it 5 stars is because the author prefers to describe the situations rather than show them in images,

    for example, the sex scenes, whether with a monster girl in the tavern or in a dungeon, the author places the girl's icon on the screen while describing what she is doing to the player,
    Basically our imagination does most of the work.

    I would probably enjoy it more and I would like it more if I were fluent in English, but since I'm not, it gets tiring since the author details things excessively, for those who like details it's great, but there's a LOT of text here, and for those who It's not as fluent as I am, it gets tiring.

    even though the game makes up for it in its moments of unique battles, which are based on a fight where whoever cums and is exhausted first loses the fight, having skill trees and points to distribute

    and there is also a good variety of monster girls, but it lacks animated scenes.

    with a simple story (defeat the demon queen) but good enough to keep you interested.

    and the "female domination" theme prevails in the game, but I missed a romance or something deeper with a girl.

    but this is just my opinion from my personal experience with the game, I recommend it for those who like reading, not for those who want to fap, much less for those who are imagining that this is a different type of "Pokemon Hentai" since we didn't have any monster girl for us.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    It is one of the best games so far you can find for RenPy.

    Detailed story, many characters you can love and bond. Decent graphic.

    Only negative: More graphic is needed at this point. More unique scenes for normal monsters. More graphic for you skills and moves. Then this game will be the best.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Really entertaining, new additions fairly often, and a fun game overall with quick and to the point content, or you can take your time and get immersed in the dialogue and detail. If they at some point add animated or semi-animated scenes, its a 10/10
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great writing and simple but cute relationship stuff unlocked by interacting with characters you like. If you fall into "Gentle female domination / vanilla" categories and enjoy reading (a lot of it) I would recommend this game.

    Played on Easy and balance was okay, didn't have to grind for the RPG part. Way more content than I expected, but some characters you wouldn't even know are romanceable. without using the wiki. Support this dev
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply excellent. A game for lovers of monster girls and rpgs, bringing the Fuck battle genre at its finest. Overall beautiful visuals and fun gameplay. Also surprisingly high overall content, with high replayability. Though it still lacks in the deparment of variety of attacks. Just great overall
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly not much to say except its an amazing game 10 outta 10, well written dialogue, characters are interesting and it feels fun to just stumble upon the next enemy and being surprised by their design, what they say, how they act. Wish there were more games like this.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Another game with great running up potential but unfortunately only that of a neatly set up campfire before the rainstorm. I've been following this project for years and was really exited about it at first, however slowly but surely got just as sad and disappointed as I saw it get abandoned and turned into the exemplary patreon/ subscribestar milking machine that you see oh so many of nowadays.

    Monster Girl Dreams did many things right. It has a funny/ silly story that doesn't take itself seriously and manages to provide entertainment value with a combat system that at least has some basic depth. However which is not the advertised battle fuck that one would have in mind. Just because it has skill names and points in the passive tree that has sexual descriptions it won't make the combat "battle fuck". Besides that it does at least work and has at least some amount of balance which in itself is rare in these sorts of games. (Though this is often not the merit of the developers but rather can be credited to the community properly playtesting the product which is more likely the case here as well.)

    The thing which was for a long time the carrot on the stick is the art and the "kinetic novel" identity of the game. While you do have some art but forget animations, forget scenes, the only thing this game seemed to muster and even that barely are portraits for its characters. With that after many long years of development the game just hardly manages to fit into the kinetic novel genre based on the amount and variety of its art but would better fit into the text based category which in itself speaks volumes of the dedication of its developers.

    The game even managed to grow a small modding community around itself at one point but only for as long as the embers managed to stay alive around it.

    Unfortunately matters not how much I like the game itself the concept and the fetish I can't be anything but objective and call the game what it is:

    An average experience...
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Eleum Loyce

    I return to this game every few months and always enjoy what it has to offer. Really nicely balanced sex combat and unique characters that add a lot of flavor to the world. What little art is there is good, but the majority of it is text based and for the most part it doesn't disappoint. Mods give it even more potential. Absolutely recommended for monster girl fans and those who enjoy a deep combat system (thankfully with adjustable difficulty).
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Al Gore

    There are relatively few porn rpgs that deliver genuinely good gameplay and character progression that stand on their own, and this is one of them.

    The game isn't particularly difficult unless you play on hard mode, and most challenges can be overcome by grinding. The grind doesn't feel monotonous because every enemy has porn content. You can choose what encounters to experience when going through a dungeon after the first run. Character progression allows for divergent playstyles that cater towards certain sexual preferences, and has an impressive amount of depth.

    Having followed this game on and off for years, the dev has been pretty decent when it comes to supporting it, which is not a forgone conclusion when it comes to these types of games. 10/10 would recommend.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    After having sunk about 10 hours in, I think I can say that this is one of my favorite h-games I’ve played. There is some grinding, but it isn’t nearly as bad as some other battle-oriented rpg maker games I’ve played. Most of the repetitive options can be skipped by holding the control key. There is a lot of femdom content with some maledom gameplay, and it really is the best at what it does from my experience. Plus, it is the first game I’ve played that has used findom content in a really great way. Top 3 h-games for me. Recommended for people who like visual novels and femdom. Looking forward to seeing future versions of the game and more content. Although if you’re expecting it, there isn’t any level drain content unfortunately. More item and gameplay-based explicit stuff would be nice to have. Plus, this game has a very good modding community that can make the game better for a player if they want something extra to their tastes.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun game, requires a bit of grinding but you can just play it on easy mode if you're not tryna spend time grinding. Sadly the game doesn't really have any h-scenes or a gallery for the few h-scenes it has; most of the sexual stuff happens during battles, but the game's still pretty fun.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll make this quick
    Just started to play, but this game already deserves a 5 star
    The soundtrack in the menu was already worth downloading this game
    It's too rare to find something so passionately catches the vibe I so desire
    My deepest respect to the composer
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    My fav game here. Honestly great gameplay, text base choices, and challanges. Really really well hiden gem. Even though I dont like text base games and usually "skip to content" here I enjoyed every minute